12-26-14 04:44 PM by: Tercioo
General Changes:
- Added Fast Dps/Hps Updates, enable in on Rows: Advanced -> Fast Updates.
- Added custom spell for Mirror Images Fireball and Frostbolt.
- Added new skin: 'ElvUI Style II'.
- Added Observer channel for Raid Tools, it only reports the cooldown/interrupt/death to you in your chat window.
- Added new plugin: Raid Check: it tracks raid members checking food, flask and pre-potions usage.
- Changed DPS display, now it shows onyl the player's Dps and the Dps difference between him and the top ranked.
- Changed Overheal display, now its percentage shows the player's overheal percent.
- Player Detail Window now shows the amount of multistrike on normal and critical hits.
- Removed skin: 'ElvUI Frame Style BW'.
- The tooltip for Scale option under options panel, now shows the real value for the scale.
- Fixed a problem where multistrike was counting towards critical strike amount.
- Fixed death display's report where it was't showing any death.
- Fixed Imperator Mar'gok's adds damage taken.
- Fixed a small issue with Encounter Details plugin where sometimes gets a error right after a boss encounter.
- Fixed bugs on sending messages to chat for Raid Tools.