10-04-14 06:08 PM by: Tercioo
General Changes:
- Added plugin descriptions on options panel.
- Added scale options.
- Added a Change Log button on Options Panel.
- Added option to use the same profile on all characters without asking.
- Added a shortcut color button on main panel on Options Panel.
- Added auto erase/ask to erase options.
- Bars now highlight when hover over.
- Fixed problem with drag the window when the toolbar is on the bottom side.

API Changes:
- New API: instance:GetRealSize() return the width and height scaled.
- New API: instance:GetPositionOnScreen() return the window x, y position on screen.
- New API: instance:SetWindowScale (scale) set the window scale.
- New API: instance:IsGroupedWith (instance) return if self is groupped with instance.
- New API: instance:GetInstanceGroup([,instance id]) return a table with instance in the group.
- New API: plugin:SetPluginDescription (desc) set a description for the plugin.
- New API: plugin:GetPluginDescription() get the description.