09-09-14 10:01 AM by: Tercioo
General Changes:
- Added buttons to edit the total and percentage code for custom displays.
- Fixed a problem while report custom displays.
- Added Acitivity Time for Damage + Healing, tooltip show the activity separately.
- Major changes on Encounter Details Plugin making more easy to use.
- Removed Spell Details Plugin.
- Added new plugin: Dps Tuning.

API Changes:
- New API: actor:GetActorSpells() return table with spellid, spelltable.
- New API: actor:GetSpell (spellid) return the table for the spellid.
- New API: combat:GetCombatNumber() return a unique ID number identifying the combat.
- New API: framework:CreateButton (parent, func, w, h, text, param1, param2, texture, member, name, short_method)
- New API: framework:CreateDropDown (parent, func, default, w, h, member, name)
- New API: framework:CreateLabel (parent, text, size, color, font, member, name, layer)
- New API: framework:CreateBar (parent, texture, w, h, value, member, name)
- New API: framework:CreateChartPanel (parent, w, h, name)