08-20-14 03:09 PM by: Tercioo
General Changes:
- Left button on a enemy bar now show enemy damage taken, middle button open player detail window for that enemy.
- Added new profile: Minimalistic v2.
- Minimalistic v2 is now the default skin.
- Graphical changes on icon packs with transparency.
- Removed slash command '/d', added '/de' instead.
- Added custom spells for Atonement Critical, Power Word: Solace Critical, Lifebloom (the blood effect).
- Revision done on Welcome Screen, many things removed, other added.

API Changes:
- New API: instance:GetNumRows() return how many bars fit within the instance height.
- New API: instance:GetRow (number) return the bar object.
- New API: actorcontainer:ListActors() return a ipairs list of characters objects inside the container.
- New API: _detalhes:CreateTestBars() create 10 bars of random characters for damage and heal.
- New API: _detalhes:StartTestBarUpdate() begin to add and subtract value from created test actors.
- New API: _detalhes:StopTestBarUpdate() stop the bar update test.

- New Event: DETAILS_INSTANCE_NEWROW triggers when a new row is created. Signature: [1] instance [2] bar object.