Results: 17Comments by: Bikther
File: XInfo : Alt ILevel08-17-24
Hey ya, Thanks so much for keep...
Posted By: Bikther
Hey ya, Thanks so much for keeping up with this addon. I still use it to this day.
File: XInfo : Alt ILevel03-25-13
Re: v5.0.5.16035.01 Uploaded
Posted By: Bikther
Thanks for the update, been using this since you created it for me with no problems at all.
File: XInfo : Alt ILevel07-05-12
So I was playing around a bit and I...
Posted By: Bikther
So I was playing around a bit and I was wondering (yes I'm getting demanding and needy now :P ) is there a way to code it so that the list show up in order from highest at the top the lowest at the bottom?
File: XInfo : Alt ILevel06-28-12
Re: Re: Re: Version 1.03.00 Changes
Posted By: Bikther
Awesome I'll log em all on/off and let you know how it looks. Ok checked it out...beautiful it's perfect. I'd buy you a beer if you were in my town :D
File: XInfo : Alt ILevel06-28-12
Re: Version 1.03.00 Changes
Posted By: Bikther
Just downloaded the new version. It's like 99% perfect now. Tooltip on mouseover just like I wanted. Only thing, very minor, but want to let you know so you can make this perfect. The tooptip shows all alts as a yellow/gold color, kinda half way between druid and rogue class colour All my toons are on 1 realm if that...
File: XInfo : Alt ILevel06-27-12
Tested the new version. Didn't s...
Posted By: Bikther
Tested the new version. Didn't see any different functionality, have to click on it then move the mouse over the realm section for alts. Also while I'm being picky and demanding :p Every time I have a loading screen I get a line of : XLDB_AltIlevel: Initialising Data Anyway to hide this or only have it show when first ente...
File: Cat's Eye01-04-11
Claw isn't an ability any Kitty wil...
Posted By: Bikther
Claw isn't an ability any Kitty will be using once you get mangle. It's a basic attack for non kitty druids to use when not spec'ed Feral. So it's understandable it is not included.
File: Dominos10-13-10
Same issue here, but i noticed, if...
Posted By: Bikther
Same issue here, but i noticed, if you move the bar up youll find the icons just kind of floating 4 inches below the bar.
File: Proc Borders03-09-09
I am also having issue with it not...
Posted By: Bikther
I am also having issue with it not saving between sessions. any chance of a fix?
File: Lukewarm MageTimers03-02-07
Just got back to playing my mage af...
Posted By: Bikther
Just got back to playing my mage after a lil break...things look good on the mod but there is still an issue with Ice Floes 20% reduction in cooldown on Ice Barrier, Ice Block, Cone of Cold and Cold Snap.
File: Lukewarm MageTimers01-25-07
A different colored bar for the wat...
Posted By: Bikther
A different colored bar for the water elemental would be great that way it stands out from the other cooldowns, maybe yellow?
File: Lukewarm MageTimers01-21-07
Haven't had a chance to look at all...
Posted By: Bikther
Haven't had a chance to look at all the changes...too busy leveling hehe. Going to check them all out now and let ya know how they look. Edit ok SCT stuff works great Still timing issues with having Ice Floes to reduce cool down.
File: Lukewarm MageTimers01-16-07
When I get home tommorow from work...
Posted By: Bikther
When I get home tommorow from work I'll give it a try and let you know how its working. So far though I'm happy with how it looks and works...saves me staring at my buttons looking for the cooldowns. One thought I had that might be cool to work in if possible; have your timers work with SCT so that they can pop up a message o...
File: Lukewarm MageTimers01-15-07
Great lil addon. I did find a sm...
Posted By: Bikther
Great lil addon. I did find a small bug. When you use Cold Snap your frost spells still remain in the window with timers instead of being cleared off of it. Edit The timer doesn't take into account having the Ice Floes talent that reduces cool down on some frost spells.
File: FuBar - ReagentFu10-08-06
Error with newest version
Posted By: Bikther
I just downloaded and installed the newest version this morning and I'm getting the following error and I don't know how to fix it. Interface\AddOns\FuBar_ReagentFu\ReagentFu.lua:6: Cannont find a library instance of Crayon-2.0.
File: Perl Classic Unit Frames11-22-05
One request Include and option t...
Posted By: Bikther
One request Include and option to disable the pet bar in the group window. I use Group buttons and when the pet lines show up it off sets the windows so that my group buttons unusable.
File: Fizzwidget AdSpace07-28-05
Could you post where to download th...
Posted By: Bikther
Could you post where to download the dependancy from please.