Results: 2Comments by: CeeeeS
File: Plater Nameplates03-15-19
Spell cast icon
Posted By: CeeeeS
I am loving this addon, but I cannot figure out one thing. Is there a setting where I can change the position of the spell icon during enemy spell cast? I looked under general and enemy NPC tab, but could not find an option to change the position of the icon (there are stuff like spell name, spell time, etc. but no option for icon)....
File: Altz UI02-21-18
Change friendly nameplate color?
Posted By: CeeeeS
First of all, I gotta say that I absolutely love this UI, and want to thank the authors. And here is my question: I disabled class coloring on friendly nameplates because it's too much chaos, and is there a way to change their colors from the default green to, say, blue?