Results: 49Comments by: raysmith
File: Improved Nameplates09-08-24
Workaround for 11.0.2, I think
Posted By: raysmith
YMMV ImprovedNameplates.lua: Line 127: Change to Settings.RegisterAddOnCategory(Settings.RegisterCanvasLayoutCategory(INP_Options,, Line 489: Change to --frame.healthBar.border:SetVertexColor(1, 0, 0, 1) Line 494: Change to --frame.healthBar.border:SetVertexColor(1, 0.5, 0, 1) Line 4...
File: Improved Nameplates10-29-22
Fix for 10.0.0... I think
Posted By: raysmith
Couple of things - the previous workaround for the GetPoint error turned out to be necessary, although there may be a workaround available to actually enable the offset. From the 8.2 notes: SetPoint() and GetPoint() no longer apply to certain restricted frames, such as the GameTooltip or player nameplates, and anything anchored t...
File: Neuron11-25-20
Unsure if this is a bug, a config i...
Posted By: raysmith
Unsure if this is a bug, a config issue or just something weird on my end but as of SL, the Neuron bars have all grown in proportion to everything else in my UI. Everything else stayed the same but the Neuron elements are taking up more space than they used to so they're overlapping things like chat windows and dps meters that they...
File: Neuron11-25-20
similar problem as Deathknight goin...
Posted By: raysmith
similar problem as Deathknight goinig into Lichborne for the hole duration and my Rouge after using Vanish for about 2 seconds. The Bar is blank or showing a complete different one Another problem is, when i "unshow" the grid its pretty hard to insert skills item etc, cause the squares show up for a sec and then gone again so i can'...
File: Improved Nameplates07-24-19
* Note * I was only gettiing LUA er...
Posted By: raysmith
* Note * I was only gettiing LUA errors about lines 28 and 44 so while my workaround seems to be working for me in very limited testing, others may need to do more since they may be using elements of the addon that I'm not. MoveAnything is encountering the same error and hasn't been updated yet but there was a bit of info in comme...
File: Neuron05-28-19
Is anyone else experiencing an issu...
Posted By: raysmith
Is anyone else experiencing an issue where action buttons on CD (greyed out) sometimes light up for a second before going dark again on some toons? Trying to figure out if it just started after I downgraded from 1.1.6a to 1.1.5 or if it was doing it before and I just wasn't noticing. 1.1.5 had the issue 1.1.6 had the fix Well....
File: Neuron05-28-19
Re: GUI Window Sneak Peak
Posted By: raysmith Thoughts Looks okay although I'm not sure why you swapped the bar list from the left to the right, might make more sense to leave it on the left side whee we're used to having it. In terms of things you're probably already aware of, the selected bar indication could be more apparen...
File: Neuron05-26-19
Is anyone else experiencing an issu...
Posted By: raysmith
Is anyone else experiencing an issue where action buttons on CD (greyed out) sometimes light up for a second before going dark again on some toons? Trying to figure out if it just started after I downgraded from 1.1.6a to 1.1.5 or if it was doing it before and I just wasn't noticing.
File: Neuron03-28-19
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Override / Possess / Vehicle Bar not working
Posted By: raysmith
I'll try to explain it better: I want it show be shown when in override/possess/vehicle state, and disappear when not in any of them. I'll post two pictures with my usual setups so you get a better grasp at what I'm trying to redo: Regular action bar shown when not in O/P/V Action bar hides and O/...
File: Neuron02-05-19
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Main Action Bar Disappearing
Posted By: raysmith
Perhaps try backing up your WTF folder and then testing if refreshing your profile solves this. This will at least let us know if it's the way you have it configured, or aome sort of glitch. I can confirm that my druid stance bars work just as they should for myself and my girlfriend. I just checked again to make sure I'm not crazy...
File: Neuron02-05-19
New release out with some fixes for...
Posted By: raysmith
New release out with some fixes for the extra and zone action bars. I noticed some weirdness doing a Tol Dagor that the extra button wasn't working when you picked up the fire barrels, so I was just stuck holding the barrel while it exploded... Good news is that while I looked like a dumbass, I was able to fix it easily enough lol...
File: Neuron01-14-19
In terms of duration/cooldown/aura,...
Posted By: raysmith
In terms of duration/cooldown/aura, I do have separate tracking via TMW but I use that info on the bars a lot as well. I've definitely noticed the absence of the durations on buttons, especially since I don't have every single duration tracked in TMW (I don't track poison durations on my rogue, for instance, I only track missing poi...
File: Neuron01-02-19
Re: Re: Re: I just rewrote the cooldown system
Posted By: raysmith
Ya that's the same for me, but I had a couple of people on Reddit tell me that Neuron made their FPS drop from 60fps to 4fps. That got me real freaked out Only way that makes sense is if they're using it in a way that I/we aren't or if Neuron was/is conflicting with other add-ons they use that I/we don't. Either way, reducing the...
File: Neuron01-01-19
Re: I just rewrote the cooldown system
Posted By: raysmith
So all in all, in the last month I've reduced the CPU usage by ~95%, and I still have a number of further refinements up my sleeve. Have you guys noticed any benefit at all? Honestly, I've never had a performance issue that would get me pointing to Neuron or the earlier derivations as being a cause. The only performance differenc...
File: Neuron10-29-18
Newest version erased my buttons an...
Posted By: raysmith
Newest version erased my buttons and i cant even add 1 button to bar.(nuber of buttons on bars is 0) Dont forget to save your WTF folder before trying this version.I was lucky i saved mine 2 days ago. That may have happened to me as well (I logged into a level 1 toon, don't recall if he actually had any spells on his bar yet) b...
File: Neuron09-01-18
Pet bar button
Posted By: raysmith
I accidentally dragged the Passive button off the pet bar for one of my hunter pets, is there a way to fix that or am I stuck getting rid of that pet and getting a new one?
File: Neuron07-25-18
My hunter has generally been fine (...
Posted By: raysmith
My hunter has generally been fine (same as before pre-patch, at least), aside from one issue where I didn't log out before a maintenance shut-down happened so my toon was forceably removed from the game, when I logged back in afterwards the XP/Rep/Menu bars had all reset... I just reverted to defaulted and added everything back in....
File: Neuron07-25-18
My hunter has generally been fine (...
Posted By: raysmith
My hunter has generally been fine (same as before pre-patch, at least), aside from one issue where I didn't log out before a maintenance shut-down happened so my toon was forceably removed from the game, when I logged back in afterwards the XP/Rep/Menu bars had all reset... I just reverted to defaulted and added everything back in....
File: Neuron07-23-18
Alright so I'm getting a few errors...
Posted By: raysmith
Alright so I'm getting a few errors. Firstly I play an Alliance Pandaren Marksmanship Hunter. After updating, and logging in I get 2 errors to start, along with several bars having buttons removed and being reset the center of the screen(more on that later). I'm having the same problem with my Marksmanship Hunter; bars have but...
File: Neuron07-17-18
Full disclosure, I have a lot of ad...
Posted By: raysmith
Full disclosure, I have a lot of add-ons and most haven't been updated yet. The worst offenders have been disabled but I have more to do. Here's one LUA error that references Neuron but I can't tell if that's the source of the error or if it's Altaholic (which hasn't been updated yet... or maybe ever, there's some indication that...
File: Neuron06-17-18
Yeah, the pet bar grid is really ha...
Posted By: raysmith
Yeah, the pet bar grid is really hard apparently, hence why it was disabled up until now (and still is, I reverted my changes do to the side-effects). Again, this is a blizzard API issue that I can't seem to get around. There's 4 main events that we're watching ACTIONBAR_SHOWGRID, ACTIONBAR_HIDEGRID, PET_BAR_SHOWGRID, and PET_BAR_HID...
File: Neuron06-16-18
Some good, some bad, some may not b...
Posted By: raysmith
Some good, some bad, some may not be new. Let me know what you want submitted as bugs: * Pet bar grid now doesn't always show * Moving abilities on the pet bar hides the pet grid afterward; however, all other grids remain visible * I have my buttons locked (shift unlock) but if I attempt to drag one without using shift the grid...
File: Neuron06-16-18
The grid changes are on the master...
Posted By: raysmith
The grid changes are on the master branch on GitHub, not a release yet. I substantially changed a lot of code, and rewrote much of the extra-bar code, so I was wanting to test more before I release it. You can grab it though and test for me I'd you want :-) Some good, some bad, some may not be new. Let me know what you want submi...
File: Neuron06-15-18
Cool, over the weekend I did some w...
Posted By: raysmith
Cool, over the weekend I did some work with the Show Grid/ Hide Grid functionality, so it should be a lot more stable at will apply to pet bars as well. I also did a ton of work with the zone ability bar and the extra bar to try to being those up to the 21st century. Right now we're sitting in good shape. The latest changes wit...
File: Neuron06-05-18
Just a random error that I saw in B...
Posted By: raysmith
Just a random error that I saw in BugSack, I normally hide LUA errors. Not sure what caused this or if it'll be of any use: AddOn 'Neuron' tried to call the protected function 'ActionButton4:Hide()'. !BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:573: in function : in function `Hide' FrameXML\ActionButton.lua:379...