Updated: 12-18-14 04:48 PM
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Warlords of Draenor (6.0.3)
Updated:12-18-14 04:48 PM
Created:03-11-10 12:01 PM
Categories:Bags, Bank, Inventory, Character Advancement

TopFit  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 6.0v4
by: Mirroar, ckaotik

What is TopFit?

TopFit is a gear management addon designed to select the best gear for you when you just can't be bothered to compare items yourself.
To make intelligent gear choices for you, you will first have to create item scales, telling the Addon which stats are the most important to you. After that, just put all interesting items into you inventory and start the calculation. Voilą, you have a fine new equipment set, which you can update with a single click from now on.
TopFit will check an item's stats, gems, enchantments, whether you can dualwield or have Titan's Grip, and more.
Any caps you're trying to reach can also be set (hit rating cap for damage dealers, defense rating cap for (non-bear-)tanks, etc).


  • Create equipment sets based on stat weights, or use a predefined set for your class
  • Force certain items that you want in your set regardless of score (trinkets, totems, ...)
  • Item choices are made automagically and intelligently based on these weights
  • Save sets using Blizzard's equipment manager
  • Import and export Pawn Strings
  • Sets will take your character's ability to dual-wield into account
  • Support for multiple caps (hard caps like hit, soft caps like defense)
  • Have a leveling set that gets updated whenever you get a new piece of equipment
  • Support for set bonusses (if you want to keep you 2-piece t9 bonus, or at least have its value added to the calculation)
  • Item-Comparison tooltip: How much of an improvement is a new item?
  • "Binds on Equip" items will not be used in calculations
  • Add "virtual" items to the calculation, to see how your stats would change if you bought a certain item
  • Works with any client language, currently localized in English
  • Aware of unique items and gems

Planned Features
  • Suggest gems and enchantments for your sets
  • Add stats to items to account for procs and on-use effects

6.0v2 - 2014/12/18
  • fixed dual-wield detection
  • fixed problems with TopFit trying to equip two Solium Rings
  • fixed auto-update not triggering when a new item was put in the player's backpack instead of any of the other bags
  • fixed multistrike not being recognized correctly on gems and enchantments
  • fixed shadow resistance not being recognized correctly on gems
  • fixed detection and handling of unique or unique-equipped items
  • fixed addon options only showing correctly after using slash command or options button twice
  • import now supports importing weights from askmrrobot
  • the option to add sets from a preset will now also be shown on left-clicking the "+"-button, instead of only when right-clicking
  • added new options plugin for sets to config frame containing options formerly available from within the weights plugin
  • sets can now be assigned a specialization - this affects auto-update and auto-equip and will later be used to limit calculation to gear appropriate for the selected spec
  • auto-update and auto-equip are now configured in a set's options instead of TopFit's global options
  • updated trinket logic to better detect and parse trinket proc effects
  • TopFit will no longer create a "Default Set" with no weights for new characters
  • instead, the new setup plugin will be shown, assisting the player in creating initial sets
  • added a tutorial overlay, triggered by clicking the "i"-button in the top-left corner of the options frame
  • updated presets with new values from askmrrobot
  • sets created from a preset will have an appropriate icon and associated spec assigned

6.0v2 - 2014/11/22
  • fixed an error that was preventing the fix to dungeon loot in 6.0v2 from working
  • moved import / export plugin into set dropdown and weights plugin to free some space
  • updated import / export compatibility with Pawn
  • show comparison tooltip be default for new users
  • added simple LibDataBroker launcher, which will also show up as a minimap button

6.0v2 - 2014/11/22
  • updated gem and enchant data from wowhead
  • added some enchant data manually
  • updated presets from askmrrobot
  • internally scaling dungeon loot should now be correctly considered by TopFit (and the Paperdoll item flyout)
  • added Bonus Armor as a stat in the defense category
  • fixed errors when the user had no sets defined or deleted their last set

6.0v1 - 2014/10/24
  • updated for patch 6.0.2
  • wipe saved sets to account for numerous stat changes
  • removed reforging
  • added new stats
  • updated enchant and gem data to account for item squish
  • updated presets to current scales
  • missing enchants and gems no longer generate a chat message and are instead shown in the config frame
  • no longer show set comparison values for bags
  • no longer use LibItemUpgradeInfo since API now provides correct stats

5.3v1 - 2013/07/03
  • fixed +80 Stats enchant
  • removed Ace and other Libraries we were hardly using
  • rewrote set handling and calculation to use classes for a cleaner API
  • new configuration UI accessed through a button in the character panel
  • updated gem data
  • added handling for upgraded items
  • forced items are now managed in the character frame by holding down the Alt-key while hovering an equipment slot and using the checkboxes in the resulting flyout-box
  • when switching talent specializations, the respective auto-update set is no longer calculated, just equipped (which is usually what you want and much faster)
  • added Lib-Unfit-1.0 to limit showing tooltips and auto-updating to items you can actually wear

5.1v1 - 2012/11/28
  • updated toc for 5.1
  • added MoP Enchants (including Inscription, Leatherworking and Tailoring)

5.0v2 - 2012/11/04
  • fixed an error with the set dropdown on classes that have no weight presets
  • added rudimentary weight presets for monk class (based on druid weights)
  • fixed trying to dual wield ranged weapons
  • fixed monk dual wielding
  • when auto-update is enabled and a new equipment item is put into the player's bags, TopFit will only do a full calculation if that item is actually relevant for the auto-update-set
  • added MoP Cogwheel gems
  • TopFit is now finally aware of unique-equipped items and unique gems (like jeweler's and cogwheels) and will not try to equip more than possible

5.0v1 - 2012/09/04
  • If an auto-update-set is set for your current spec, it will now automatically be selected in the ui on login
  • added new epic gems
  • fixed an error that occured when creating a new set
  • fixed an error when trying to delete a set
  • Compatible with WoW Patch 5.0.4
  • Updated gems for WoW 5.0.4
  • moved Set Dropdown and Calculate button in Character Frame to not collide with default UI elements
  • When calculating a set, slots that have forced items in them are shown with a red outline on their virtual item buttons

4.3v1 - 2011/12/04
  • you can now calculate all your sets at once by shift-clicking the calculate button
  • added an option to calculate auto-update sets on switching talent specs

4.2v2 - 2011/09/24
  • removed old files
  • fixed small bug caused by calling an old function
  • fixed forced items that are no longer in your inventory not showing in force item flyout
  • fixed 2h-weapons still being equipped when an offhand is forced
  • fixed dual-wielding for hunters only from level 20
  • updated presets to match cataclysm specs (see, 2011/09/24)
  • added stats for melee/ranged weapon speeds as well as melee/ranged dps
  • added level 85 PvP enchants and some missing armor kits as well as "Flintlocke's Woodchucker" (whee!) to enchant data

4.2v1 - 2011/07/10
  • added API function to check if an item is interesting to the player
  • fixed a bug in the hit-for-spirit calculation where hit rating would not be granted to the raw item value
  • items and score cache is now cleared on talent change
  • this should also fix items sometimes not being granted hit-for-spirit values directly after login
  • you can now specify a second automatic update set which will be equipped when your second talent specialization is active
  • reworked set management interface to integrate nicely with the character frame
  • added option to force you classes specialization armor type
  • added some scanning of Trinket on-use and on-proc effects (thanks ckaotik!)
  • updated gem list with theoretically all missing Cata gems for 4.1 (thanks ckaotik!)
  • added a small number of enchants (notably leg armor), might still be missing some
  • fixed warnings about missing enchant data being printed even though the data was there
  • You can now force multiple items per inventory slot - TopFit will consider any forced items for a slot if set

4.0v2 - 2010/12/09
  • updated toc version
  • dual wield and titan's grip should be detected correctly again - if for some class it isn't, tell me, please
  • spririt-to-hit talents for priests, shamans, druids and paladins will internally add hit rating to an item's score as a hotfix for calculating correct hit rating caps - again, if it doesn't work for a class, I will need a notice from you

4.0v1 - 2010/12/04
  • compatible with WoW 4.0.3
  • reforged stats should be recognized correctly
  • mastery rating added to stats
  • armor penetration, attack power, defense rating and block value removed from stats
  • localization support, though only english locale exists for now (thanks to ckaotik)
  • module tabs have been made prettier (thanks to ckaotik)
  • a module for importing and exporting pawn strings has been added (thanks to ckaotik) it also shows gearscore of the selected set
  • gem stats have been updated (thanks to ckaotik, once again!)
  • enchant stats have been updated
  • some cataclysm enchants and gems have been included (those that were on WoWHead already)
  • updated presets to use the current values from wowhead (though they are not very good, especially concerning the changes to spirit for all casters - they just added mastery rating at 10 value, and kept all other stats the same from WoW 3.3)
  • presets currently have no caps assigned, since I don't know the current values
  • added arms warrior preset
  • removed blood DPS and frost tank presets for death knights
  • when creating or renaming sets, TopFit will now make sure set names are always unique

3.3v6 - 2010/08/21
  • fixed items with the same itemID showing up multiple times in the force item menu
  • fixed forced slots not being correctly updated when adding or deleting a set in the options frame
  • fixed bug when trying to calculate blood tank preset. Again, if you get an error with it from before this version, click the defense cap value, and overwrite it with <Enter>
  • Deathknights can now Dualwield. D'oh
  • Added first parts of plugin API. Documentation can be found at
  • Stats / Caps editor and virtual items UI use the new plugin functions.
  • Virtual items can now be included in set calculation, to see what would happen if you had a certain item. Items are not sanitized (you can calculate with a level 80 item or a plate item as a level 70 priest) and any calculation including virtual items will result in the set not being equipped.
  • Shamans and Warriors can now choose to simulate dual wielding or Titan's Grip for a set, indifferent of their current spec.

3.3v5 - 2010/07/17
  • fixed a bug with the preset protection paladin set - if you stil get an error calculating that set, update the defense cap value and it should work
  • fixed a bug where you could not select item sets as values to add
  • added a tooltip to TopFit's button in the character frame
  • automatic set update will now also happen on level up (to equip items you previosly could not because of level)
  • plate heirlooms should now correctly be chosen to equip for warriors, paladins and deathknights below level 40, same for mail heirlooms and hunters / shamans
  • items will no longer be tried to be equipped while you are dead
  • fixed scrollbars in options frame... again
  • the options frame will now move to the top level of the UI when you click it
  • you can now exclude individual sets from item tooltips (useful if you have multiple sets for different hitcaps, for example)

3.3v5 beta - 2010/06/24
  • items will no longer be equipped while you are in combat
  • item information is now properly cached, resulting in a performance increase
  • looking at the tooltip for an item that is not yet in the client's itemCache should no longer cause an error
  • comparing with items from your sets that are not in the client's itemCache should no longer cause an error
  • comparison tooltips for weapons expanded - comparison of two-handed weapons with one-hand + off-hand combinations should be greatly improved

3.3v4b - 2010/05/26
  • fixed a bug that caused unusable items to be included in set calculation

3.3v4 - 2010/05/24
  • added set values to ItemRefTooltip and ShoppingTooltips
  • added comparison value to toolip that shows how much of an improvement over currently equipped items another item is
  • when selecting an existing set in the calculations frame, the shown score will now correctly take enchantments and gems into account
  • fixed a couple of small bugs
  • fixed incompatibility with Skinner and similar addons

3.3v3b - 2010/04/16
  • fixed errors on login when an automatic update set had been set

3.3v3 - 2010/04/15
  • fixed bug where a new item would not be equipped if you already had an item with the same item-ID equipped e.g. [xxx of the Whale] and [xxx of the Bandit]
  • fixed bug with detecting BoE-items and accidentally trying to equip them if you had no other options for that slot
  • fixed a bug where fishing poles were considered One-Handed for Titan's Grip
  • rewrote calculation function for easier maintenance. This should also fix the swap-bug and any problems with invalid main- / offhand combinations
  • major options overhaul - set weights, forced items, etc. are now set in the calculations frame (expand the options by clicking the button labeled ">>")
  • added a button to the character frame which lets you open the calculations frame
  • added a button to the calculations frame which opens the addon's options
  • the calculations frame will now show wether caps have been reached or not
  • support for set pieces
  • added slash commands (/tf show, /tf options)
  • removed profiles from options (there should be no real need for those)
  • switched to tekKonfig for options (the few that remain)

3.3v2 - 2010/03/13
  • calculations frame can now be closed by pressing the ESC key
  • Binds-on-Equip-Items will no longer be included in set calculations - bind the item first if you intend to use it
  • added predefined sets from WoWHead (with very slight scores for armor and dps, so you can even use it starting at level 1)
  • added option to choose a set that will be updated whenever you get new equipment (will not show calculation frame or any output, designed for carefree questing)
  • fixed bug where statlist in progress frame would not show correctly if you had no item with a chosen stat
  • fixed bug when determining wether a weapon can be used for Titan's Grip

3.3v1 - 2010/03/11
  • initial release version
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Unread 07-18-15, 04:32 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Why in blazes does Topfit insist on replacing shooting weapons with two-handed weapons on hunters? I nearly died a couple of times before I realized what Topfit was doing.
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Unread 02-28-15, 10:48 AM  
A Chromatic Dragonspawn

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Strechy Purple Pants

Got on my paladin (Holy) who was dual boxing with my Feral Guardian Druid. Topfit removed his Plate pants to replace it with these. It was an upgrade stat wise but droped his armor and spell levels.
Last edited by Thrumbar : 02-28-15 at 10:49 AM.
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Unread 01-03-15, 06:18 AM  
A Defias Bandit
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Hi DaemonSambe,

I meant to reply earlier, but most of what I can say is: I'm working on it
You noticed correctly that I'm normalizing AMR's stat weights. As for main- vs off hand DPS and soft caps, those are not supported by the AddOn (yet) but I'm getting closer to implement those. Once the feature is in, I will update the presets accordingly.
Last edited by Mirroar : 01-03-15 at 06:18 AM.
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Unread 12-23-14, 02:01 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Need support for Prismatic Sockets, as it represents another +30/50 to the secondary stat.
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Unread 12-20-14, 03:02 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Auto update

I love it for the auto update settings while leveling and even beyond. It works so very well. However, can you remove the calculations message and the total score please? I don't really see the value in either, other than debugging.
What i would like to see though, is the replacements. Item Upgrade replaced Item Old, for an %% upgrade. Just to know it did a thing, and it was worthwhile.
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Unread 12-18-14, 09:32 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Few questions...

I noticed you're loading stat weights from Ask Mr Robot, but they seem to be very off. Particularly the DPS stats are way off of the current weights on the site. The TANK stats are almost correct, although they're scaled x10. --- Ooops. I realized later after seeing the same numbers often enough, that you simply normalized the AMR weights.


1. How does one differentiate main had / off hand dps?
2. How does one add weights that change after soft cap?
3. Why do i have such a hard time changing the NAMES of the sets? They simply will not be altered after being set. And when i import a weight scale, from AMR for instance, it uses the first value, as the name of the scale.
4. Is it possible to use the Equip Sets that i already had on my system, assign them to a weight, and have TopFit modify them as gear is added?
5. It complains about unknown enhancement Enchant ID 3368 - Rune of the Fallen Crusader ( DK only )
6. Also complains about unknown enhancement Enchant ID 5275 - Oglethorpe's Missile Splitter ( Ranged scope )
Last edited by DaemonSambe : 12-19-14 at 04:22 AM.
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Unread 12-02-14, 08:51 AM  
A Defias Bandit
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Hi Sekrin,

I'm aware of that problem. Unfortunately Blizzard's API doesn't correctly tell TopFit that you can only wear one of the solium bands. They are marked as Unique-Equipped, but all have different names and itemIDs, essentially counting as completely different items.
I'm working on a fix for this, but for now, you can force TopFit to only consider one of the rings by hovering the ring slots in your character window, holdign down alt, and checking the checkbox to the bottom left of each ring that you want to be available for TopFit to choose from.
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Unread 11-26-14, 03:57 PM  
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
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Post Solium Bands Confuse TopFit

Topfit's been having an issue with my Solium Band of Endurance and Solium Band of Might - you can only equip one at a time but Topfit wants to equip them both and eventually has to give up:

TopFit: Finished calculation after 0.02 seconds at 500 operations per frame
TopFit: Total Score: 5413
TopFit: Oh. I am sorry, but I must have made a mistake. I cannot equip all the items I chose:
TopFit: [Solium Band of Might] into Slot 12 (Finger1Slot)
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Unread 12-02-12, 05:35 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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When importing the string from Pawn, several of the values were dropped.

Attack Power
Ranged DPS
Ranged Speed

Here is the string if you want to test it.

( Pawn: v1: "Beast No Hit": IsOffHand=-1000000, RangedDps=90, Is2HMace=-1000000, IsMace=-1000000, CritRating=31, IsStaff=-1000000, Agility=100, HasteRating=37, IsDagger=-1000000, Speed=74, MetaSocketEffect=16000, IsPolearm=-1000000, IsFrill=-1000000, Is2HAxe=-1000000, IsWand=-1000000, IsShield=-1000000, IsSword=-1000000, IsFist=-1000000, Stamina=0.1, ExpertiseRating=64, Is2HSword=-1000000, IsPlate=-1000000, IsAxe=-1000000, Ap=38 )
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Unread 11-04-12, 06:41 AM  
A Defias Bandit
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Originally Posted by Ghouled
Doesn't seem to be working with Monks. Any plans to add support?

Great addon on, by the way.
Uploading a new version with support for Monks and some other stuff right now! Thanks for your patience!
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Unread 10-17-12, 12:36 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Doesn't seem to be working with Monks. Any plans to add support?

Great addon on, by the way.
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Unread 10-01-11, 11:32 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally posted by hevreka
These ids are the Effect That can be found under the spell on Wowhead.
i used Google "(****)" where **** is id and used "site:wowh**d.c*m"

4063 = Enchant Chest - Mighty Stats
4065 = Enchant Bracer - Speed
4121 = Heavy Savage Armor Kit
4190 = Draconic Embossment - Agility
4256 = Enchant Bracer - Major Strength
4257 = Enchant Bracer - Mighty Intellect
4258 = Enchant Bracer - Agility

what he said!
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Unread 09-30-11, 07:45 AM  
A Defias Bandit

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Originally posted by Baine
getting some warnings related to enchants
ids are:
  • 4063 ---
  • 4065 ---
  • 4190 ---
  • 4256 ---
  • 4257 ---
  • 4258 ---

gonna add more as i come across them =)
These ids are the Effect That can be found under the spell on Wowhead.
i used Google "(****)" where **** is id and used "site:wowh**d.c*m"

4063 = Enchant Chest - Mighty Stats
4065 = Enchant Bracer - Speed
4121 = Heavy Savage Armor Kit
4190 = Draconic Embossment - Agility
4256 = Enchant Bracer - Major Strength
4257 = Enchant Bracer - Mighty Intellect
4258 = Enchant Bracer - Agility

Last edited by hevreka : 09-30-11 at 08:02 AM.
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Unread 09-26-11, 01:11 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Originally posted by Baine
getting some warnings related to enchants...
It would be great if you could give me the names of the enchants as well, since I can't really search for the IDs very well.
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Unread 09-25-11, 02:57 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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getting some warnings related to enchants
ids are:
  • 4063
  • 4065
  • 4190
  • 4256
  • 4257
  • 4258

gonna add more as i come across them =)
Last edited by Baine : 09-25-11 at 03:49 AM.
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