Results: 34Comments by: geeksugar
File: sStats10-03-09
im getting the white too, everytime...
Posted By: geeksugar
im getting the white too, everytime i log out and back in the background color has whited out, i have to unlock and lock and it goes back to transparent. besides that, terrific addon :D
File: _NPCScan.Overlay09-13-09
omg. i <3 you. :banana:
Posted By: geeksugar
omg. i <3 you. :banana:
File: Bagnon09-07-09
to get off to a good start...<3 bag...
Posted By: geeksugar
to get off to a good start...<3 bagnon! been using it for...well as long as i can remember :P. I was wondering if there was a way i could change the color of the special bags ( enchanting bag in my case ) , i know nothing about LUA (Sry about that lol). The dark-ish green is a bit hard for me to see. Thanks so much in advance:D:o:ban...
File: Stuf Unit Frames (and Raid)06-01-09
width & height
Posted By: geeksugar
wonderful addon btw :D , but one thing i was wondering is...if you had any plans in the future to let us change the width & height by lets say 1px at a time, instead of the slider jumping up by a few every time
File: oUF Aion UI04-27-09
i LOVE this , love love love it :D
Posted By: geeksugar
i LOVE this , love love love it :D
File: dMinimap 304-09-09
Posted By: geeksugar
im no good with lua or anything, but i was wondering how i would get the border for round5 to the color in the picture down there of it...thanks in advance :o
File: Fux03-10-09
Originally posted by zuximus - co...
Posted By: geeksugar
Originally posted by zuximus - core.lua - quest.prototype.lua You can find string '(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT, 16)'. Change it. ("Fonts\\xxx.ttf", 16), ("Interface\\AddOns\\xxx\\xxx.ttf", 16) thanks so much , fixed it right away :)
File: Fux03-10-09
first off, i love this addon <3 :D...
Posted By: geeksugar
first off, i love this addon <3 :D but i was wondering how i would go about changing the font (both type & size) really no good with LUA's , but if you could explain it im sure i could get it done , thanks in advance!
File: tekKompare06-29-08
hmm was wondering if theres a way i...
Posted By: geeksugar
hmm was wondering if theres a way i could change the font size in the tooltip? it seems to have made itself a bit smaller than the regular tooltips, and my font got all distorted, thanks!