Updated: 08-14-18 11:45 PM
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Battle for Azeroth (8.0.1)
Updated:08-14-18 11:45 PM

Fizzwidget FactionFriend  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 8.0.1
by: Gazmik [More]

It's amazing the lengths some will go to to win friends. Gaining the trust of furbolg tribes, mushroom men, frost giants, and other organizations of demi-goblinoid races can be a lot of work, and it can be easy sometimes to lose track of one's progress. That's where Fizzwidget Industries comes in! Our newest gadget not only helps you keep tabs on whose respect you're earning, but also how much more you could earn by turning in certain items you're carrying.


  • Automatically switches the Blizzard builtin reputation watch bar (i.e. the "Show as experience bar" option in the Reputation pane)...
    • When entering certain zones. (Ashen Verdict in Icecrown Citadel, Cenarion Expedition in Coilfang Reservoir instances, etc.)
    • When gaining reputation. (If gaining reputation with multiple factions at once, the bar will switch for only the first.)
    • When equipping a faction's tabard (i.e. tabards which apply reputation gains in dungeons to that faction).
    • Factions marked as "Inactive" in the reputation pane won't be automatically switched to.
  • Enhances the reputation watch bar with extra shading and a marker to show how much reputation you can readily gain by turning in and/or using items in your bags or bank.
    • Mousing over the reputation watch bar (or the aforementioned marker) will show a summary of the reputation points that can be earned through turning in or consuming items.
    • If your potential reputation gain from turnins is enough to reach a new standing (e.g. Friendly vs. Honored), the "empty" part of the bar will be shaded differently, and the tooltip will show your new standing (and how many points into it you'd be) after all turnins.
  • Adds an icon to the builtin UI's Reputation panel for factions you can readily increase -- mouse over it for details. Didn't know your bank was full of stuff you could gain reputation from? Now you do!
  • Right-clicking the reputation watch bar will open a menu allowing you to quickly switch which faction it shows. (TIP: For a shorter / less complex menu, mark factions as "Inactive" in the reputation window to hide them.)

Visit FactionFriend's page on GitHub to post bug reports, contribute improvements, or live on the bleeding edge.

v. 8.0.1 - 2018/08/14
- Oops. The version released as "8.0" didn't include the v8.0 TOC update and readme content. This one does.

v. 8.0 - 2018/08/13
- Updated for WoW Patch 8.0 and Battle for Azeroth.
- Fixed issue where "paragon" factions (those that allow additional gain past exalted for extra rewards) kept getting marked as inactive.
- Tracks fishing-related factions and turnins introduced in patch 7.2. (Thanks Hrazmadul!)
- Tracks "Lunker" fish turnins for Nat Pagle faction in the Draenor Garrison. (Thanks milotic!)

v. 7.2 - 2017/04/10
- Several changes for Legion factions that allow earning reputation past Exalted (and towards lucrative rewards!) in WoW patch 7.2:
- Chat messages for reputation gains no longer cause error messages (GitHub issue #22).
- Fixes and UI improvements for the reputation watch bar and its tooltip on such factions.
- The "Automatically mark Exalted factions as Inactive" setting no longer inactivates such factions. (If they're already inactive and you want to track them again, you'll need to reactivate them yourself.)
- Now tracks several more tokens/turnins:
- New Insignia for Legion factions introduced in WoW patch 7.2, including the Armies of Legionfall.
- Commendations for Mists of Pandaria factions introduced to Timewalking vendors in WoW patch 7.1.5, and corresponding Timewarped Badge -> Commendation -> reputation conversions.
- Various other Mists of Pandaria faction tokens that we didn't have before.
- Pungent Truffle for Sporeggar reputation. Just in time for the Glowcap Festival!

v. 7.0.3 - 2016/09/02
- Added Drowned Mana for Conjurer Margoss reputation.
- Fixed an issue where the "Show enhanced reputation messages in chat" option would hide reputation gain messages for Conjurer Margoss (and possibly others).

v. 7.0.2 - 2016/08/30
- Now tracks items that increase reputation with Legion factions on use (e.g. Wardens Insignia, Arcane Tablet of Falanaar).
- Removed AddonLoader support. (It was causing issues, and the trigger function for FF loading happens right on login anyhow.)
- Updated French localization. (Thanks Irv1e3!)
- Fixed typo in settings.

v. 7.0.1 - 2016/08/26
- Added option to disable auto-switching reputation watch bar when gaining reputation with bodyguards. This option is on by default. (Thanks Dragonwolf!)
- Now tracks faction Commendations purchaseable with Timewarped Badges (thanks Dragonwolf). Also tracks available badge -> commendation -> reputation conversions.
- Now tracks Medallion of the Legion if you're lucky enough to find one (or rich enough to buy a few at the AH).
- Now shows a blue "!" in FactionFriend's menu (right click the reputation watch bar) for factions where you have available reputation gains.
- Fixed issue where the blue "!" we show in the default Reputation window (indicating a faction with available reputation gains) wouldn't appear when it was supposed to.
- Fixed failure to load when AddonLoader is present. (Github issue #10)
- Fixed issue where choosing a recent faction from FactionFriend's reputation watch bar menu wouldn't work if that faction was marked Inactive.

v. 7.0 - 2016/08/18
- Updated for WoW Patch 7.0 and Legion. (Thanks Dragonwolf!)

v. 6.0 - 2014/10/14
- Updated for WoW Patch 6.0 and Warlords of Draenor.
- Added turnin info for the Steamwheedle Preservation Society.
- Removed info for reputation boosts purchasable with Justice Points, as Justice Points are no longer in the game.

v. 5.2.1 - 2013/03/08
- Fixed an error when mousing over the reputation bar for friendship factions in certain circumstances.

v. 5.2 - 2013/03/05
- Updated for WoW Patch 5.2.
- FactionFriend no longer needs to observe an increase in reputation to detect whether a faction has a Grand Commendation bonus.
- Added turnin information for Sunreaver Onslaught and Kirin Tor Offensive (Tattered Historical Documents -> faction-specific insignia)
- The Klaxxi turnin "Seeds of Fear" requires 5 Dread Amber Shards, not 20.
- The feature that recolors reputation bars and related UI (such that, e.g. Friendly through Exalted use distinct colors instead of the same green) is now optional and disabled by default. It was causing "taint" and "blocked action" errors for some users, but if it causes you no trouble you're welcome to enable it.

v. 5.1.1 - 2013/01/14
- More handling of "friendship" factions (Tillers/Anglers NPCs and the Brawler's Guild factions):
- Friendship ranks appear appropriately on the reputation watch bar and in its tooltip.
- Chat-window messages correctly reflect the amount of reputation until the next friendship rank.
- The indicator for additional reputation available from turnins is correctly placed.
- We now detect when you gain reputation with the bonus from a Grand Commendation; thereafter, estimates of reputation gain for that faction reflect the bonus.
- Fixed an error that could occur when showing a faction report tooltip including info on purchasable tokens (e.g. [Sons of Hodir Commendation Badge]) when info for said tokens is not yet available to the WoW client. The names of such items are now in FactionFriend's database (for English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian locales), and if we still don't have the name for an item we'll show its numeric ID instead of throwing an error.
- Fixed an issue where we'd fail to detect the "Mr. Popularity" guild perk (which increases reputation gain) as intended.
- Fixed an issue where we'd fail to recognize a reputation gain message for a faction to which a Grand Commendation bonus applies, and thus not do things we're supposed to, like automatically switching the reputation bar. (This issue didn't surface in English clients, but would on German and possibly other locales.)
- Better late than never: we now track Writs of Commendation purchasable at the Molten Front. (So if you're still sitting on some Marks of the World Tree, your Reputation window will tell you how much reputation you can gain with your faction's racial cities.)
- Some internal architecture improvements.

v. 5.1 - 2012/12/19
- Updated TOC to indicate compatibility with WoW Patch 5.1.
- Added Huojin and Tushui for automatically switching the rep bar when the appropriate tabard is equipped.
- Added turnin info for the following Mists of Pandaria factions:
- Onyx Eggs for Order of the Cloud Serpent
- Dread Amber Shards for The Klaxxi
- Relics of Guo-Lai and the Thunder King for Golden Lotus
- Favorite foods and gifts for each of the ten Tillers NPCs you can befriend
- Fixed an issue where "gibberish" (color codes) could appear before text.
- The reputation watch bar menu uses friendship-level names for friendship factions.

v. 5.0 - 2012/08/28
- Updated for WoW Patch 5.0 and Mists of Pandaria.
- Fixes errors which could appear when playing a Pandaren character who has not yet chosen a faction.
- Fixes error when attempting to apply a glyph.

v. 4.3.3 - 2012/08/03
- Fixed an error that could occur when gaining/losing guild reputation while not in a guild.

v. 4.3.2 - 2012/06/18
- When calculating potential reputation gain, we now ignore rep gain from items purchased with currency unless no other turnins are available.
- For example, if you are farming Relics of Ulduar for Sons of Hodir reputation, the reputation bar will show only the gains you can make by turning in those items, instead of obscuring that information by showing that you can gain lots of reputation by spending Justice Points on Commendation Badges. Once you run out of Relics, the bar will show how much further you can get using Justice Points.
- Better customization and reporting for this feature will come in a future update.

v. 4.3.1 - 2012/01/04
- Now supports the Brazilian Portuguese localization of the WoW client thanks to data from (Only the client-specific strings needed for full functionality under Portuguese are translated; if you'd like to help provide a translation for FactionFriend's own UI text, see the localization.lua file.)
- Removed the Coilfang Armaments turnin for Cenarion Expedition, as WoW Patch 4.3 removed the turnin quest. (The items still drop and are still white, so maybe this is a bug and the turnin will come back later?)
- Removed turnins from the old (before Patch 4.3) Darkmoon Faire as they are no longer available. You can get rid of your Evil Bat Eyes now.
- Fixed database entry for Oshu'gun Crystal Fragments so that those items are properly counted for potential reputation gains.
- Fixed an issue where certain kinds of turnins (including some from the old Darkmoon Faire) could be incorrectly counted as providing negative reputation.

v. 4.3 - 2011/11/29
- Updated TOC to indicate compatibility with WoW Patch 4.3.

v. 4.2.2 - 2011/07/06
- Fixed incorrect numbers shown on the reputation watch bar (bug introduced in 4.2.1).

v. 4.2.1 - 2011/07/03
- Fixed an error when using zone-based switching of the reputation watch bar.
- Fixed strange behaviors related to the quest log.
- The text on the reputation watch bar (when moused over, or shown by the default UI in various other circumstances) now displays your current standing (Hated, Neutral, Friendly, etc) with the watched faction.

v. 4.2 - 2011/06/28 - Big Update!

New Features & Bug Fixes:

- Updated TOC to indicate compatibility with WoW Patch 4.2.
- Now adds an icon to the builtin UI's Reputation panel for each faction you can readily increase -- mouse over it for details. Didn't know your bank was full of stuff you could gain reputation from? Now you do!
- Improved item info caching, so tooltips indicating which items can be used to gain reputation should always have the actual item name.
- Altered FactionFriend counts reputation gains which are available up through Exalted standing:
- If your current reputation is below Exalted, we indicate only the number of gains (turnins / item uses / etc) required to raise the reputation into Exalted.
- If your current reputation is Exalted, we indicate the number of gains required to max out at 999/1000.
- (Fixed issue where we'd say you could turn in / use more items than were needed to max out.)
- The tooltip detailing reputation gains (now visible both from the reputation panel and reputation watch bar) now always shows the amount of reputation you'll have after all applicable gains (instead of only showing such if you have enough to reach a new standing).
- Fixes an error which could appear when we try to draw the reputation watch bar menu.
- Options now default to being shared across all characters; see the Options Profile panel if you'd prefer per-character, per-server, or per-class settings. (This change may not take effect if you already have saved options; choose the Default options profile if you'd prefer this behavior)

Content Updates:

- Potential reputation gains are displayed for Baradin's Wardens / Hellscream's Reach Commendations purchasable with Tol Barad currency.
- Some overdue additions regarding Wrath of the Lich King content:
- Icecrown Citadel / Ashen Verdict is now included for zone-based switching of the reputation watch bar.
- Potential reputation gains are displayed for racial faction Commendation Badges and [Champion's Writ] from the Argent Tournament.
- Potential gains are also displayed for Northrend faction Commendation Badges purchasable via Justice Points.
- Further updates of turnin info to match post-Shattering changes to Classic quests:
- Thorium Brotherhood: removed Fiery Flux quests, changed availability of [Dark Iron Residue] turnin, increased reputation from various turnins
- Zandalar Tribe: no longer associated with Zul'Gurub for zone-based switching of the reputation watch bar.
- Argent Dawn: no longer associated with Plaguelands, Stratholme, or Scholomance for zone-based switching of the reputation watch bar.

Stuff For Localizers & Other Addon Authors:

- Redesigned internals for better locale support: most of FactionFriend's feature set is now available in all WoW locales. (Now, the only feature that requires explicit localization is zone-based switching of the reputation watch bar. If you'd like to help provide such support for languages other than English, Spanish, German, French, and Russian, see the LocaleSupport.lua file.)
- The API we provide (so that other reputation bar addons can make use of FactionFriend's features) has been expanded and better documented. See readme-API.txt for details.

See for older release notes.
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Unread 12-23-06, 01:42 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Wildhammer Clan

I really love this addon. However, when I mouse over the Wildhammer Clan bar it does not show potential rep for the Troll Tribal Necklaces I am holding. For ever 5 you turn in you get 25 rep. Could you please add this to the next upgrade.

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Unread 01-16-07, 05:59 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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Re: Wildhammer Clan

Originally posted by Morphea
I really love this addon. However, when I mouse over the Wildhammer Clan bar it does not show potential rep for the Troll Tribal Necklaces I am holding. For ever 5 you turn in you get 25 rep. Could you please add this to the next upgrade.

Blizzard removed the faction turn-ins in Hinterlands.
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Unread 03-25-07, 11:16 PM  
A Cyclonian
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Re: Re: Wildhammer Clan

Originally posted by RedLegg
Blizzard removed the faction turn-ins in Hinterlands.
they removed the whole Wildhammer Clan faction..
and i were nearly revered with them
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Unread 10-06-07, 01:54 AM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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New with Bartender3...when you gain faction this mod makes the rep bar move back to the Blizzard default position when you gain rep
Last edited by Jerricka : 10-06-07 at 01:54 AM.
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Unread 07-13-08, 02:20 PM  
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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Just thought id bump this in 2008, great addon thanks for the updates.
If science and religion are destroyed, science would re-emerge exactly the same;
but not religion.
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Unread 12-14-08, 03:16 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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This seems like a great mod, but I can't seem to get it working properly with my interface. Does this mod have any known incompatibilities with ag_Unitframes or other addons?
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Unread 12-14-08, 04:18 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Originally posted by antispimmer
This seems like a great mod, but I can't seem to get it working properly with my interface. Does this mod have any known incompatibilities with ag_Unitframes or other addons?
Let me guess... you can't clear your focus by right clicking it and then selecting Clear Focus? I have got the same problem without modified unit frames, and when I try the above a Blizzard window pops up: GFW_FactionFriend has tried to access a Blizzard only function, Disable or Ignore?
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Unread 12-14-08, 01:41 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I haven't had that problem yet. It simply doesn't look like the mod wants to do anything. I am using the ag_Unitframes experience bar to track rep, but FactionFriend isn't switching factions when I enter their respected zones, the tooltip is not showing anymore information than what is shown in Blizzard's default UI, and no information is being added to the tooltips of my turn-in items.

The mod is configured and showing up under my addons list, but it just doesn't seem to be working properly. I'm not receiving any lua errors though, so I'm at a loss.
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Unread 01-30-09, 01:21 AM  
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Nesingwary Lackey Ears

Do you plan to add the Nesingwary Lackey Ears turn-in to DHETA for Cenarion Expedition rep to this addon at some point?
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Unread 02-09-09, 09:10 PM  
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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Re: Nesingwary Lackey Ears

Originally posted by Ambrya
Do you plan to add the Nesingwary Lackey Ears turn-in to DHETA for Cenarion Expedition rep to this addon at some point?
Heh, never noticed the reputation reward on that quest. It's in now for the next release (soonish). Now excuse me while I send my lackeys off to BT for some ears...
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Unread 02-10-09, 06:06 PM  
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Re: Re: Nesingwary Lackey Ears

Originally posted by Gazmik
Heh, never noticed the reputation reward on that quest. It's in now for the next release (soonish). Now excuse me while I send my lackeys off to BT for some ears...
Excellent. Alas, it comes too late for my main, who maxxed out her rep farming ears a few days after I asked the question, but conceivably I might give it a run with another toon.
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Unread 02-10-09, 07:36 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Some changes:
- Runecloth (x20) gives +75 rep with Silvermoon City.
- Winterfall feathers (x5) or spirit beads (x5) give +300 rep with Timbermaw Hold now.
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Unread 02-13-09, 09:42 PM  
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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Originally posted by dracula
Some changes:
- Runecloth (x20) gives +75 rep with Silvermoon City.
- Winterfall feathers (x5) or spirit beads (x5) give +300 rep with Timbermaw Hold now.
The data that's in the current release has correct values for all the Timbermaw stuff. Are you sure you're using the current version (3.0.4)? If so, there's some more elusive bug at work...
Silvermoon and Exodar turnins are fixed for the next release (upload pending answer to the above).
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Unread 02-19-09, 05:41 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Hm, must have missed a version update then. It says 3.0 in .toc file and really had values 150 in the FFF_ItemInfo.lua listed for Timbermaw stuff.

Got any plans on adding this to curse as well? They got a fairly good updater these days. Only need to manually check a handful of addons like yours
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Unread 02-20-09, 08:04 PM  
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I'm using a UI add-on (Spartan UI) which takes control of the reputation bar, as such I can't see your tooltip. Is there any other way to bring up your tooltip besides mousing over the faction bar?

Originally posted by dracula
Got any plans on adding this to curse as well? They got a fairly good updater these days. Only need to manually check a handful of addons like yours
Wowmatrix dot com
Last edited by Ketua : 02-22-09 at 12:03 PM.
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