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Spellstone doesnt work
Bug #: 1821
File: ShardAce
Date: 08-08-06 04:26 AM
By: Golonator
Status: Fixed
Creating a Spellstone via the spellstone/firestone button works, but using it after creation is not possible. The button stays gray even with an equipped spellstone.

I use the german client. I am lvl 56 warlock trying to use the Greater Spellstone (german: Gro\195\159er Zauberstein)(the medium variant).

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By: Norque - 08-12-06 11:59 PM
fixed in 3.3, the button still stays grey if you have a stone equipped though
By: Golonator - 08-11-06 01:04 AM
If you have a spellstone in your offhand, whose cooldown of 30 seconds is gone, should the button then get blue or stay grey? If not, then everything is ok. Otherwise there is still a little bug. I can eat my spellstone now by clicking the button, but it would be nicer if it would change from grey to blue when the 30 seconds equip cooldown is gone.
By: Golonator - 08-10-06 01:08 AM
Ah sorry ok i found it (I was in my old backup version folder.

Ok it works now: Spellstone can be used. The only lasting problem is that the spellstone button stays grey even after the 30 secs cooldown is gone.
By: Golonator - 08-10-06 01:05 AM
1. There is no File ShardAce.lua, only NewSA.lua

2. There is no function ShardAce

Are we talking about the same Addon?
By: Norque - 08-09-06 05:13 PM
hrmm... ok, try this. Open up ShardAce.lua and replace the function ShardAce:StoneClick(button) with this:

function ShardAce:StoneClick(button)
if (button == "LeftButton" and ShardAceEngine.Spells.Spellstone) then
if ShardAceEngine.Items.Spellstone then
self.SpSEquip = true
elseif self.SpSEquip then
if GetInventoryItemCooldown("player", GetInventorySlotInfo("SecondaryHandSlot")) == 0 then
self.SpSEquip = nil
elseif ShardAceEngine.Items.Offhand then
self.SpSEquip = nil
elseif (button == "RightButton" and ShardAceEngine.Spells.Firestone) then
if ShardAceEngine.Items.Firestone then
elseif ShardAceEngine.Items.Offhand then

and see if it works any better
By: Golonator - 08-09-06 08:21 AM
Yes, I tried that. Then it says "You already have one copy of that item". So it really doesnt recognize the item in my offhand and tries to create a new one.
By: Norque - 08-08-06 05:51 PM
ok, so what's happening is:
Press the button -> spellstone created -> button gets coloured
press again -> spellstone equiped -> button goes grey

did you happen to try pressing the button again? dispite the fact that its grey.
By: Golonator - 08-08-06 04:56 AM
For Firestone the same occurs. So its really a translation problem for the offhand. I tried to rename all occurrences of "offhand" to "Schildhand" in the lua file, but it didnt help.
By: Golonator - 08-08-06 04:43 AM
When the spellstone is in inventory, then the button is colored and pressing it the spellstone is taken into offhand. But when the Spellstone is in offhand, the button gets grey.

Maybe you have to translate Offhand to german "Schildhand".