Just to give you a heads up, that I will be stopping addon work within the next year or two, between now and then I will bug fix to the best of my abilities and if/when there is another expansion and/or another Classic release I will endeavour to do one last round of updates to my addons including nUI, hopefully giving people another 2 years to find alternatives or someone to take over the addons in question.
If anyone wants to take over any of my addons ( not including wow ) you are welcome to do so. Send me a note and a link to your version of the addon and I will add a link to your page pointing people to the next version.
For nUI, I will need to contact Scott and see what he wants to do as he is still owner on Curseforge. So, I will make another post regarding that. But we should have time before that will be needed.
Where am I going ?
I am a part of the discord community waiting for the MMO Palia to come out in the next few years, and in the mean time there is New World which my Wow buddies are planning to play. How long I will play that for I don't know but at least by the time Palia is released I don't want to be tied down with addon management for a game I don't play anymore.