Finally, an AddOn dedicated solely to farming Ephemeral Crystals for your
Long-Forgotten Hippogryph!
No more making do with macro or waypoint or notes AddOns. These are unable, for example, to distinguish between caves, the Oceanus Cove or outdoor areas and thus coordinates for all three sub-zone types get muddled together on the World Map.
This AddOn, when outdoors, pinpoints all verified locations plus almost 40 cave entrances on both the World Map and your Minimap. Once inside a cave or the Oceanus Cove, you will only see pinpoints on your Minimap which are relevant to that cave or to the Cove. As the Cove has its own special World Map, so too do you only see the three possible Cove pinpoints. No more muddled maps!
Naturally you can choose from a useful list for your crystal and cave icons and you can resize them too!
So many of my other AddOns have had updates, some quite major. Rather than list them all I simply refer you to my author page at
My AddOns for your browsing convenience.