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09-30-09, 05:00 AM   #1
A Defias Bandit
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I´ve been using nUI+ for a long time now on a 17" monitor @ 1280x1024 resolution and all was perfect...until a changed my monitor to a 22" 1920x1080, and nUI+ became "unusable".

I´ve tried following this tutorial ( but somehow i can´t manage to put nUI+ @ a right scale to be playable...all is to big...will it be possible, or will it a be easier on upcoming version 6.00 to manage nUI+ on bigger widescreen monitors? If so will gladly wait for the next version...if not...can someone, or even you Scott send me a nui.lua file optimized to 1920x1080? I´m using another UI @ the moment and it´s freaking me out...i´m so in need of nUI+´s the best!

Tnx in advance!
09-30-09, 05:37 AM   #2
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What do you mean by unusable?
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09-30-09, 07:50 AM   #3
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Scaling as far as I am aware is done based on resolution to make the buttons square. I too noticed that contrary to my thoughts the larger the screen size you use the larger area nUI took up.

My UK set up uses a 17in monitor on 1280x1024 and to me its a perfect proportion with nUI. My US set up uses a 22in monitor with a larger resolution that I can't remember and may well be widescreen to boot and to me it seemed like nUI filled half the screen.

Maybe its the way the scaling is working but I had always thought the larger the screen the larger the free space as the interface shouldn't need to be enlarged to fit.

EG. Using some example screen sets

800x600 - UI space 800x200 ( 3rd of the height )
1024x768 - UI Space 1024 x 256 ( 3rd of the height )
1280x1024 - UI Space 1280 x 342 ( 3rd of the height )

And to make the UI so it doesn't stretch out due to increased width ? Make the chat window and info panel screens longer. And if possible have them flexible so that people that like to have more chat can do so and those that want the bigger info panels can also do so and have the main center part of the interface a fixed size based on the smallest resolution people will be playing on. Most people will be on 1024x768 and you could get away with that as a minimal setting or at worst downgrade to 800x600 as the minimal setting.

Just an idea mind you but theoretically it will give people want they want more real estate for game play but the use of a great UI they really want to use but their screen set up is too big for it.

As to the action bar buttons on the bottom left and right. Perhaps add extra buttons to fill the spot ( if its possible to do that with the new action button setup I believe you were planning ).

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09-30-09, 08:48 AM   #4
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There is info on scaling here...

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09-30-09, 09:53 AM   #5
A Defias Bandit
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Tnx for the tips...gonna try and see what i can come up with
12-11-09, 05:06 PM   #6
A Murloc Raider
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Might be beating a dead horse here, since the last replay is 3 months old, but....

I have 2 questions:

32" monitor here. Its only 1080i, so the fonts kinda look broken up at times. I've forced it into 1080p, however, fonts were no clearer. nUI takes up ALOT of the screen space, which is both good and bad. I can actually see the font better that way. With a way to increase the fonts, easier than scaling, I've turned my attention to maybe scaling the UI for 1080. I had a thought, and I'm just running this by you, if I set my UI scale in the interface menu from the Blizzard ESC menu, to say, .5, and then log out of the game completely, install nUI, boot up, will the ui still not go from 1 side to another, etc? I hope that made sense. I'm just trying to avoid having to edit files, log in, log out, edit, rinse/repeat till its right.

Second question is off topic: How do I open up more hotbars? I like to have 2 bars on the right side of my hud with my combat stuff in it, but can't seem to fiind anywhere that allows me to open up more hotbars.

Thanx for the time.
12-11-09, 05:20 PM   #7
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Let me address the second question first... The Blizz UI only supports 120 action buttons without getting into custom button logic. So, nUI5 only supports the 10 action bars that Blizzard supports -- however, not all of those are available for your use as bars 7-10 are special purpose bars for shape shifting, stances, stealth, vehicles, possession, etc. That's why nUI is set up the way that it is.

You can, however, move the existing bars and you can change their shape and size. You can use '/nui movers' to reposition the bars. You can also edit [ Interface > AddOns > nUI > Layouts > Default > nUI_Layout_Default_Dashboard.lua ] and locate the action bar section... the "rows" and "cols" argument defines how many buttons across and how many buttons down for each bar (must always be a total of 12 buttons though). The "btn_size" option specifies how big the buttons should be.

You do not have to log out and log back in to the see the changes you make, either... you can edit the file while you're logged in to WoW... just save your changes and then enter the slash command '/nui rl' to reload the UI.

As for scaling your UI... have a look at these FAQs...

One other thing you can do with regard to your fonts is to play with the [ Interface > AddOns > nUI > Main > localization.lua ] file. You'll find there are a lot of fonts listed there that are commented out,. You can try each by commenting out the current one and uncommenting the new one, then save the change and do a '/nui rl' again. One of the other fonts may render better on your wide-screen.

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12-11-09, 05:22 PM   #8
A Murloc Raider
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Aye, I read all the info on scaling stuff Thanx for the prompt reply.
12-12-09, 08:48 AM   #9
Alpha Dog
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Not sure if this is something you can/should help with, lol but I'll ask anyway.

When I make the suggested changes I cant save the .lua file. My new monitor is 1680/1050 & I would like to reduce the height for more realestate.

I'm running Win7 & cannot change the file as it's marked read only. I changed permissions on the drive/WOW folder/Sub folders ect. & set each user for FULL priviliges, to no avail.

I have WOW installed on my G: drive NOT C:, all my folders are located there & not in the "normal" path win7 would use. My guess is that Blizzard is doing something to over ride my settings as their software is Proprietary & thats affecting the read/write settings for the .lua files in the WTF folder.

Any suggestions/help would be appriciated.

12-12-09, 10:57 AM   #10
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You probably have not set the installation path up to be publicly accessible. This is a problem with Windows 7 and Windows Vista -- you need to make sure the (a) WoW is running as administrator, or, (b) the path you installed all of this in is read/write for everyone.

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12-13-09, 08:43 AM   #11
Alpha Dog
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Thanks for the fast reply Scott;

When I reset the run as permissions on the drive & folders, I didn't reboot (my bad) So now I can change the files lol.

So I inserted the code on the very top of the file & now it looks like this =

nUI_Options = {
["scale"] = 1,
["hScale"] = {1680},
["vScale"] = {1050},
nUI_Options = {
["hud_healthrace"] = true,
["show_splash"] = false,
["tooltips"] = "fixed",
["movedWatchFrame"] = true,
["barCooldowns"] = true,
["barKeyBindings"] = true,
["clock"] = "server",
["hud_scale"] = 1,
["show_anim"] = true,
["hud_cdsound"] = true,
["onebag"] = false,
["show_hits"] = true,
["hud_hGap"] = 400,
["dimmingAlpha"] = 0.3,
["version"] = "5.06.04 (Lite)",
["feedback_poison"] = true,
["console"] = "on",
["unit_panel"] = "nUI_UnitPanel_Player",
["feedback_magic"] = true,
["minimap"] = true,
["hud_layout"] = "nUI_HUDLayout_PlayerTarget",
["hud_cdalert"] = true,
["map_coords"] = true,
["feedback_curse"] = true,
["hud_vOfs"] = 0,
["KeyBindings"] = {
["info_panel"] = "nUI_InfoPanel_Zygor",
["skin"] = "default",
["hud_alpha"] = {
["target"] = 0.75,
["combat"] = 1,
["idle"] = 0,
["regen"] = 0.35,
["barMouseover"] = false,
["auto_group"] = true,
["minCooldown"] = 2,
["barStackCounts"] = true,
["barDurations"] = true,
["hud_threatbar"] = true,
["bagbar"] = "on",
["raidSort"] = "group",
["barDimming"] = true,
["barMacroNames"] = true,
["package"] = "nUI Release",
["feedback_disease"] = true,
["bag_scale"] = 1,
["hud_cooldown"] = true,
nUI_Data = {
["MoverAnchors"] = {
["GameTooltip"] = {
["Point"] = {
["anchor"] = "TOPRIGHT",
["xOfs"] = -4.021994719777134,
["relative_pt"] = "TOPRIGHT",
["yOfs"] = -99.91005219563773,
}, -- [1]
["user_placed"] = true,
["WatchFrame"] = {
["Point"] = {
["anchor"] = "TOPLEFT",
["xOfs"] = 10.91420787062618,
["relative_pt"] = "TOPLEFT",
["yOfs"] = -12.62307417046583,
}, -- [1]
["user_placed"] = true,

When I log in I dont see any changes, & nUI is still using 1/3 of my screenestate.

Is this the correct way to add the code? (I'm a total n00b when it comes to coding)
Is nUI already correctly setting the display for my res, which would make this unnecessary?

Thanks again

12-13-09, 08:53 AM   #12
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As far as I recall nUI automatically adjusts its sections to fit a variety of screen sizes. It obviously has a preferred range of screen sizes that work the best, unless Scott has changed them from the 17" to 22" range I recall reading somewhere here.

Gwynedda - 70 - Demon Warlock
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12-13-09, 10:57 AM   #13
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You are misusing the hScale and vScale values... they are not supposed to be set to the size of your display, they are supposed to be set to a scaling value. They are typically a number less than 1.

If your horizontal display size is 1680 then your default horizontal scale would be 1680 / 2560 = 0.65625

The vertical scale is a little more complicated to calculate. It starts out the same way... 1050 / 1600 = 0.65625 but then has to be modified to make your screen elements square. A 1680x1050 display has an aspect ratio of 1.6 -- so your vScale is 0.65625 * 0.95 = 0.6234375

However, as was already pointed out, unless you're trying to change nUI's default layout, you don't have to mess with scaling at all as nUI does all of these calculations by default. It's only when you want to make the UI bigger or smaller than it is by default that you have to mess with this stuff. The complete details on how to do that are here:

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12-21-09, 04:04 PM   #14
A Murloc Raider
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you get used to the size... eventually

Last edited by Masoa : 12-21-09 at 04:06 PM.
12-21-09, 04:07 PM   #15
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For the record, you can post screen shots directly in the forums here. Just scroll down the message editor pages and there's a "manage attachments" button you can click to upload the image right into the message. Works very well and leaves out the advertising laden image hosting sites.

PS: Nice DPS! o.O

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My brush has two colors, 1 and 0, and my canvas is made of silicon.

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WoWInterface » Featured Projects » nUI, MozzFullWorldMap and PartySpotter » Customization » nUI: Customizing Layouts » 1920x1080

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