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08-30-23, 02:24 AM   #1
A Theradrim Guardian
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 60
SecondsToTimeAbbrev fps drops


Can someone please explain me why this causes fps drops and/or how to prevent it?

Lua Code:
  1. local origSecondsToTimeAbbrev = _G.SecondsToTimeAbbrev
  2. local function SecondsToTimeAbbrevHook(seconds)
  3.     origSecondsToTimeAbbrev(seconds)
  5.     local tempTime
  6.     if (seconds >= 86400) then
  7.         tempTime = ceil(seconds / 86400)
  8.         return "|cffffffff%dd|r", tempTime
  9.     end
  11.     if (seconds >= 3600) then
  12.         tempTime = ceil(seconds / 3600)
  13.         return "|cffffffff%dh|r", tempTime
  14.     end
  16.     if (seconds >= 60) then
  17.         tempTime = ceil(seconds / 60)
  18.         return "|cffffffff%dm|r", tempTime
  19.     end
  21.     return "|cffffffff%d|r", seconds
  22. end
  23. SecondsToTimeAbbrev = SecondsToTimeAbbrevHook
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08-30-23, 03:02 AM   #2
I did that?
Fizzlemizz's Avatar
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Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 1,974
Is there some specific reason you:
Lua Code:
  1. local origSecondsToTimeAbbrev = _G.SecondsToTimeAbbrev
and then in your replacement function:
Lua Code:
  1. origSecondsToTimeAbbrev(seconds)

Seems like double handling for no reason other than wasting CPU cycles and creating load for something that's going to be called "lots".
Maintainer of Discord Unit Frames and Discord Art.
Author of FauxMazzle, FauxMazzleHUD and Move Pad Plus.
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08-30-23, 03:58 AM   #3
A Theradrim Guardian
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 60
It is not my code... its nBuff addon...

So i commented what you pointed out.. and still if i uncomment line 38 i get regular fps drops...

I mean.. if you or someone can see it in a glimpse i would be really happy with a solution...

I really do not expect more than that... its not that important.

Lua Code:
  1. local _, nBuff = ...
  2. local cfg = nBuff.Config
  4. local _G = _G
  5. local unpack = unpack
  7. --[[
  8. _G.DAY_ONELETTER_ABBR = '|cffffffff%dd|r'
  9. _G.HOUR_ONELETTER_ABBR = '|cffffffff%dh|r'
  10. _G.MINUTE_ONELETTER_ABBR = '|cffffffff%dm|r'
  11. _G.SECOND_ONELETTER_ABBR = '|cffffffff%d|r'
  13. -- _G.DEBUFF_MAX_DISPLAY = 32 -- show more debuffs
  14. -- _G.BUFF_MIN_ALPHA = 1
  15. --]]
  16. -- local origSecondsToTimeAbbrev = _G.SecondsToTimeAbbrev
  17. local function SecondsToTimeAbbrevHook(seconds)
  18.     -- origSecondsToTimeAbbrev(seconds)
  20.     local tempTime
  21.     if (seconds >= 86400) then
  22.         tempTime = ceil(seconds / 86400)
  23.         return "|cffffffff%dd|r", tempTime
  24.     end
  26.     if (seconds >= 3600) then
  27.         tempTime = ceil(seconds / 3600)
  28.         return "|cffffffff%dh|r", tempTime
  29.     end
  31.     if (seconds >= 60) then
  32.         tempTime = ceil(seconds / 60)
  33.         return "|cffffffff%dm|r", tempTime
  34.     end
  36.     return "|cffffffff%d|r", seconds
  37. end
  38. -- SecondsToTimeAbbrev = SecondsToTimeAbbrevHook
  40. -- BuffFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
  42. -- TemporaryEnchantFrame ...
  43. TempEnchant1:ClearAllPoints()
  44. TempEnchant1:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", Minimap, "TOPLEFT", -15, 0)
  45. -- TempEnchant1.SetPoint = function() end
  47. TempEnchant2:ClearAllPoints()
  48. TempEnchant2:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", TempEnchant1, "TOPLEFT", -cfg.paddingX, 0)
  50. local function UpdateFirstButton(self)
  51.     if (self and self:IsShown()) then
  52.         self:ClearAllPoints()
  54.         if (BuffFrame.numEnchants == 1) then
  55.             self:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", TempEnchant1, "TOPLEFT", -cfg.paddingX, 0)
  56.             return
  57.         elseif (BuffFrame.numEnchants == 2) then
  58.             self:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", TempEnchant2, "TOPLEFT", -cfg.paddingX, 0)
  59.             return
  60.         elseif (BuffFrame.numEnchants == 3) then
  61.             self:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", TempEnchant3, "TOPLEFT", -cfg.paddingX, 0)
  62.             return
  63.         else
  64.             self:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", TempEnchant1)
  65.             return
  66.         end
  67.     end
  68. end
  70. local function CheckFirstButton()
  71.     if (BuffButton1) then
  72.         UpdateFirstButton(BuffButton1)
  73.     end
  74. end
  76. hooksecurefunc(
  77.     "BuffFrame_UpdateAllBuffAnchors",
  78.     function()
  79.         local previousBuff, aboveBuff
  80.         local numBuffs = 0
  81.         local numTotal = BuffFrame.numEnchants
  83.         for i = 1, BUFF_ACTUAL_DISPLAY do
  84.             local buff = _G["BuffButton" .. i]
  86.             numBuffs = numBuffs + 1
  87.             numTotal = numTotal + 1
  89.             buff:ClearAllPoints()
  90.             if (numBuffs == 1) then
  91.                 UpdateFirstButton(buff)
  92.             elseif (numBuffs > 1 and mod(numTotal, cfg.buffPerRow) == 1) then
  93.                 if (numTotal == cfg.buffPerRow + 1) then
  94.                     buff:SetPoint("TOP", TempEnchant1, "BOTTOM", 0, -cfg.paddingY)
  95.                 else
  96.                     buff:SetPoint("TOP", aboveBuff, "BOTTOM", 0, -cfg.paddingY)
  97.                 end
  99.                 aboveBuff = buff
  100.             else
  101.                 buff:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", previousBuff, "TOPLEFT", -cfg.paddingX, 0)
  102.             end
  104.             previousBuff = buff
  105.         end
  106.     end
  107. )
  109. hooksecurefunc(
  110.     "DebuffButton_UpdateAnchors",
  111.     function(self, index)
  112.         local numBuffs = BUFF_ACTUAL_DISPLAY + BuffFrame.numEnchants
  114.         local debuffSpace = cfg.buffSize + cfg.paddingY
  115.         local numRows = ceil(numBuffs / cfg.buffPerRow)
  117.         local rowSpacing
  118.         if (numRows and numRows > 1) then
  119.             rowSpacing = -numRows * debuffSpace
  120.         else
  121.             rowSpacing = -debuffSpace
  122.         end
  124.         local buff = _G[self .. index]
  125.         buff:ClearAllPoints()
  126.         if (index == 1) then
  127.             buff:SetPoint("TOP", TempEnchant1, "BOTTOM", 0, rowSpacing)
  128.         elseif (index >= 2 and mod(index, cfg.buffPerRow) == 1) then
  129.             buff:SetPoint("TOP", _G[self .. (index - cfg.buffPerRow)], "BOTTOM", 0, -cfg.paddingY)
  130.         else
  131.             buff:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", _G[self .. (index - 1)], "TOPLEFT", -cfg.paddingX, 0)
  132.         end
  133.     end
  134. )
  136. for i = 1, NUM_TEMP_ENCHANT_FRAMES do
  137.     local button = _G["TempEnchant" .. i]
  138.     button:SetScale(cfg.buffScale)
  139.     button:SetSize(cfg.buffSize, cfg.buffSize)
  141.     button:SetScript(
  142.         "OnShow",
  143.         function()
  144.             CheckFirstButton()
  145.         end
  146.     )
  148.     button:SetScript(
  149.         "OnHide",
  150.         function()
  151.             CheckFirstButton()
  152.         end
  153.     )
  155.     local icon = _G["TempEnchant" .. i .. "Icon"]
  156.     icon:SetTexCoord(0.04, 0.96, 0.04, 0.96)
  158.     local duration = _G["TempEnchant" .. i .. "Duration"]
  159.     duration:ClearAllPoints()
  160.     duration:SetPoint("BOTTOM", button, "BOTTOM", 0, -2)
  161.     duration:SetFont(cfg.durationFont, cfg.buffFontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
  162.     duration:SetShadowOffset(0, 0)
  163.     duration:SetDrawLayer("OVERLAY")
  165.     local border = _G["TempEnchant" .. i .. "Border"]
  166.     border:ClearAllPoints()
  167.     border:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", button, 1, 1)
  168.     border:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", button, -1, -1)
  169.     border:SetTexture(cfg.borderDebuff)
  170.     border:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
  171.     border:SetVertexColor(0.9, 0.25, 0.9)
  173.     button.Shadow = button:CreateTexture("$parentBackground", "BACKGROUND")
  174.     button.Shadow:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", border, 3.35, 3.35)
  175.     button.Shadow:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", border, -3.35, -3.35)
  176.     button.Shadow:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\nBuff\\media\\textureShadow")
  177.     button.Shadow:SetVertexColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
  178. end
  180. hooksecurefunc(
  181.     "AuraButton_Update",
  182.     function(self, index)
  183.         local button = _G[self .. index]
  185.         if (button and not button.Shadow) then
  186.             if (button) then
  187.                 if (self:match("Debuff")) then
  188.                     button:SetSize(cfg.debuffSize, cfg.debuffSize)
  189.                     button:SetScale(cfg.debuffScale)
  190.                 else
  191.                     button:SetSize(cfg.buffSize, cfg.buffSize)
  192.                     button:SetScale(cfg.buffScale)
  193.                 end
  194.             end
  196.             local icon = _G[self .. index .. "Icon"]
  197.             if (icon) then
  198.                 icon:SetTexCoord(0.04, 0.96, 0.04, 0.96)
  199.             end
  201.             local duration = _G[self .. index .. "Duration"]
  202.             if (duration) then
  203.                 duration:ClearAllPoints()
  204.                 duration:SetPoint("BOTTOM", button, "BOTTOM", 0, -2)
  205.                 if (self:match("Debuff")) then
  206.                     duration:SetFont(cfg.durationFont, cfg.debuffFontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
  207.                 else
  208.                     duration:SetFont(cfg.durationFont, cfg.buffFontSize, "THINOUTLINE")
  209.                 end
  210.                 duration:SetShadowOffset(0, 0)
  211.                 duration:SetDrawLayer("OVERLAY")
  212.             end
  214.             local count = _G[self .. index .. "Count"]
  215.             if (count) then
  216.                 count:ClearAllPoints()
  217.                 count:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", button)
  218.                 if (self:match("Debuff")) then
  219.                     count:SetFont(cfg.countFont, cfg.debuffCountSize, "THINOUTLINE")
  220.                 else
  221.                     count:SetFont(cfg.countFont, cfg.buffCountSize, "THINOUTLINE")
  222.                 end
  223.                 count:SetShadowOffset(0, 0)
  224.                 count:SetDrawLayer("OVERLAY")
  225.             end
  227.             local border = _G[self .. index .. "Border"]
  228.             if (border) then
  229.                 border:SetTexture(cfg.borderDebuff)
  230.                 border:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", button, 1, 1)
  231.                 border:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", button, -1, -1)
  232.                 border:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
  233.             end
  235.             if (button and not border) then
  236.                 if (not button.texture) then
  237.                     button.texture = button:CreateTexture("$parentOverlay", "ARTWORK")
  238.                     button.texture:SetParent(button)
  239.                     button.texture:SetTexture(cfg.borderBuff)
  240.                     button.texture:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", button, 1, 1)
  241.                     button.texture:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", button, -1, -1)
  242.                     button.texture:SetVertexColor(unpack(cfg.buffBorderColor))
  243.                 end
  244.             end
  246.             if (button) then
  247.                 if (not button.Shadow) then
  248.                     button.Shadow = button:CreateTexture("$parentShadow", "BACKGROUND")
  249.                     button.Shadow:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\nBuff\\media\\textureShadow")
  250.                     button.Shadow:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", button.texture or border, 3.35, 3.35)
  251.                     button.Shadow:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", button.texture or border, -3.35, -3.35)
  252.                     button.Shadow:SetVertexColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
  253.                 end
  254.             end
  255.         end
  256.     end
  257. )
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