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02-21-10, 08:02 AM   #1
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 3
Autoshot-retarget is killing me

A year or so ago I had problems with hunter autoshot and with my casters queuing spells. As of course you realize, if you're a mage and you hit the frostbolt button without a target, Blizzard will generously bestow one upon you and cast at it. Well, they do with me, anyway; if this isn't what happens to you, don't fuss at me thank you. If I'm on my hunter and I poke a shot button, Blizzard in all their wisdom have decided to both give me a target and turn on autoshot.

Similarly there is a related problem at the end of the mob's life. The mob gets toward the end of its health, I poke a shot that has to be queued, Blizzard queues up the shot, and as soon as it can, it fires. If the mob has died in the mean time, Blizzard will select a random mob for me, autoshot kicks in before I can even react, and I shoot it. Even if I can untarget it fast enough, either lag or shot queuing will nail it anyway.

It seems that for several months now I have had an addon that stopped this garbage. My mobs all had a glowing bead of light on their faces which my autoshots were aimed at, and when the mobs died the bead of light died with them and there was no foolish autoredirect. This also applied to my casters, as they stopped casting when the mob died with a spell queued up and weren't redirected to some random other mob. I had thought that Blizzard had fixed their horrible autoshot autotargeting and was delighted with them because of it but a week ago I got coerced into purging my unused addons, apparently tossed this one out because I didn't know what it did, and now I'm back in autoshot/autocast hell.

Does anyone have a clue what this addon was?
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02-21-10, 09:26 AM   #2
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
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No idea what that addon was, but there is an option called "Stop Auto Attack" under Combat in the Interface Options panel that may be of use to you.
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02-21-10, 01:52 PM   #3
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 3
Yes, I have that checked

Yes, I have that box checked, and it has NEVER had any effect on stopping autoattack.
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02-21-10, 03:24 PM   #4
A Black Drake
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have you actualy emptied your waste basket? if not you can probebly find it inside of your waste basket.
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02-21-10, 05:56 PM   #5
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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no idea what the addon woulda been, but for my hunter, that doesn't happen.... what does:

cast is in progress, i push arcane shot, mob is low health: (this will start a gcd on arcane shot)
if the old cast ended and the 1.5 sec gcd isn't up before the mob is dead, it'll shoot them.
if the 1.5 sec gcd is still counting down and the mob dies, i get 'your target is dead' displayed on my screen.
if the mob died in less time than my latency, i shoot a new mob and auto attack starts.

cast not in progress, i push arcane shot, mob is low health: (this will shoot arcane shot and start a gcd)
if the mob isn't dead in less time than my latency, the arcane shot will go off and hit the correct mob.
if the mob died in less time than my latency, i'll shoot a new mob and auto attack on that mob will start.

see how it works? the solution is simple and doesn't require an addon.... just dont waste mana on something that your next auto shot will kill anyway, because most likely (living in the future by [latency] seconds) the mob is actually already dead.

this whole thing reminds me of ppl that say 'get with the times, man.' but the time they would be refering to is the time that your button presses actually go through, which is current time + latency (approximately).

at least that's always worked for me...

if i'm misunderstanding the problem entirely and you just dont like shots starting auto attack (which i see no reason at all that it would be that), you could try a macro such as:
/cast arcane shot
but i'm not sure if the /stopattack will work due to the gcd being activated by the arcane shot... would have to check. however, the arcane shot should be the thing pulling a new mob, not the auto shot anyway.... so it wont help at all for not pulling extra crap, only for stopping auto attack after you do.

Last edited by Aerials : 02-21-10 at 05:58 PM.
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02-23-10, 06:00 AM   #6
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 3
It seems I found the problem. Yes, I had the "stop auto-attack" option checked. Thinking maybe it would like to be unchecked and rechecked, I did that and there was no change. So I tried again, thinking okay, I'll log, it'll get saved, log back in, check it, log out, save it, log back in... Well, it worked. None of that vile auto-redirect. But get this, somehow the button isn't checked now, I'm not too sure how it got that way but it finally isn't choosing my targets for me and it stops auto-attack--and yes, you heard correctly, the "stop auto-attack" option is not checked, contrary to what common sense would tell you.

Go figure.

If anyone cares to post an explanation of that one, I'm a very curious person and I'd love to understand this. And thank you for all the help.
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02-23-10, 11:57 AM   #7
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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bug would be my guess.... i'm kinda guessing the obviouse there though... there's another bug that's incredibly fun.... if you set keybinds for camera angles, it makes it so that the camera will never center behind your character again no matter what you have the camera set to do (center horizontally when moving is what i use)... luckily there's a addon out there to fix that bug but it's still annoying. also all characters i made after the chatacter that i tried setting camera angles to keybinds on have the same bug, but none of the characters i made before that toon do. blizz has known about that bug for a really really long time, and it's never been fixed.

anywhoo, glad u got it going.
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WoWInterface » AddOns, Compilations, Macros » AddOn Search/Requests » Autoshot-retarget is killing me

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