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12-03-06, 05:35 PM   #101
A Murloc Raider
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Thanks a lot, that fixed it The working script:

Delay: 1

local minimapzone = GetMinimapZoneText()
if string.find(minimapzone,"Nefar") then EquipSet() 
EDIT: I made an even better Event:

Delay: 1

local zone = GetSubZoneText(),0 
if UnitName("mouseover") == "Ebonroc" or UnitName("mouseover") == "Firemaw" or UnitName("mouseover") == "Flamegor"
or string.find(zone,"Nefar") 
then EquipSet() 
This equips the Cloak when you either mouseover one of the three Dragons, or you mouseover anyone while beeing in nefarians lair
I don't like repeating the UnitName-Check, but i couldn't find a way to connect the names with an "or" in one Check :-/
If there is a way, please let me know

Last edited by Butch82 : 12-03-06 at 05:44 PM.
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12-03-06, 06:08 PM   #102
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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Originally Posted by Gello
I just tested live on my rogue alt and it seems to work ok. Can you do me a favor and associate a different set with stealth to test if it's not the set? Oh and let me know if it's on beta/PTR too.
Im on live... and I think my problem is I dont know how to "associate" a set with an event.

Reallyadude: OMG Blizz nerfed crashing
Iriel: Tem will find a workaround. I have faith.
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12-03-06, 06:20 PM   #103
A Murloc Raider
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Originally Posted by Random
Im on live... and I think my problem is I dont know how to "associate" a set with an event.
Click the "?" in front of the event and select the set you want to equip ... but itf you didn't know that already, i think we just found your problem
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12-03-06, 06:56 PM   #104
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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Thanks Butch that helps but when I get out of stealth it switches my MH back to my sword but leaves my OH, where my dagger should go, blank.

Reallyadude: OMG Blizz nerfed crashing
Iriel: Tem will find a workaround. I have faith.
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12-03-06, 07:11 PM   #105
A Murloc Raider
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Originally Posted by Random
Thanks Butch that helps but when I get out of stealth it switches my MH back to my sword but leaves my OH, where my dagger should go, blank.
Well, when you leave stealth, you equip the weapons you had equipped before you entered stealth ... at least it should, as far as i know.
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12-03-06, 07:14 PM   #106
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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That's what I had figured the LoadEquip() meant but for some reason it ignores my OH =/

Reallyadude: OMG Blizz nerfed crashing
Iriel: Tem will find a workaround. I have faith.
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12-03-06, 08:02 PM   #107
A Molten Giant
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Can you describe the weapons involved?
Did you change an enchant on any of weapons since you equipped it?
Does the set have both MH and OH selected?

There's a bug in 1.9x ItemRack with changing enchants and unequipping sets. This is a pretty complicated issue that's fixed in the next major version, so I've been suggesting just re-saving sets when you change an enchant.
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12-03-06, 09:09 PM   #108
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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Originally Posted by Gello
Can you describe the weapons involved?
Did you change an enchant on any of weapons since you equipped it?
Does the set have both MH and OH selected?

There's a bug in 1.9x ItemRack with changing enchants and unequipping sets. This is a pretty complicated issue that's fixed in the next major version, so I've been suggesting just re-saving sets when you change an enchant.
Im using ItemRack 1.975, I have an enchant on my Wingblade (MH sword) and no enchant on my Swinetusk Shank (OH dagger that I switch to MH while stealthed) My Stealth set only saves the MH and OH slots, no others. The enchant was applied before I even had ItemRack installed. I've tried re-saving the set quite a few times.

Im not sure what the problem is but thanks for helping.

Reallyadude: OMG Blizz nerfed crashing
Iriel: Tem will find a workaround. I have faith.
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12-13-06, 07:14 AM   #109
A Kobold Labourer
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Events not working


It seems like I have a hard time to get certain events working, namely ITEMRACK_NOTIFY and ITEMRACK_ITEMUSED. Sometimes they work, most of the time not. I don't really change anything, but just click around here and there, enabling, disabling, enabling, disabling, enabling and suddenly they work again. At least ITEMRACK_NOTIFY I can revive that way sometimes, but ITEMRACK_ITEMUSED seems to be totally dead and I have no clue why.

The events are copies of the Insignia events, with just the name of the item changed (ZHC and ToEP), so I'm pretty sure I made no typo.

English client, Itemrack 1.99 on EU Live.

Any insight would be appreciated.
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12-13-06, 07:00 PM   #110
A Kobold Labourer
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changing zone event

I need some help creating an event that triggers when i enter AV so it equips my trinket. Can anyone give me the code for that? I looked at the default plaugelands one but it didnt work
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12-23-06, 04:10 AM   #111
A Murloc Raider
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Hi, I'm having a little trouble creating an event for equipping the PvP blue boots for Shamans (+15% to speed on Ghost Wolf). I've tried a range of triggers to try to pick up the form change (and back), but no joy. Would anybody be able to offer a suggestion?

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01-13-07, 12:13 AM   #112
A Kobold Labourer
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ok i didn't see this question asked anywhere so..

I am trying to set an event to where i can automaticly switch my gear if i turn pvp. such as just attacking someone out in world. or if i enter a bg. anyone know how i'd go about doing this. thanks

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02-14-07, 07:57 AM   #113
A Kobold Labourer
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Smile There's nothing after I change my instance

Hi, first of all, Thanx a lot for Gello made this UI. It makes me to play this game easier!

I'm a berserker warrior
I've set a set named "duel", and set it to event "Berserker"
but there's nothing after I change to berserker( or others) instance...
It won't change my item to "duel" set...

Is the event setting correct?

trigger = "SPELLS_CHANGED",
delay = 0,
script =
local _,_,isActive = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(3)
if isActive and IR_FORM~="Berserker" then
EquipSet("duel") IR_FORM="Berserker" end
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02-16-07, 03:15 AM   #114
A Kobold Labourer
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Spirit Tap

Hi guys,

Great job, this addon is fantastic !

Edit : I had a problem but it's resolved now

Last edited by Jyhem : 02-20-07 at 01:15 AM.
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03-02-07, 02:29 PM   #115
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally Posted by plebsy
Hi, I'm having a little trouble creating an event for equipping the PvP blue boots for Shamans (+15% to speed on Ghost Wolf). I've tried a range of triggers to try to pick up the form change (and back), but no joy. Would anybody be able to offer a suggestion?

I'd also be very interested in an event script for this. My knowledge of WoW scripting is virtually nonexistent, and my attempts to change the priest shadow form and druid bear / travel form scripts to work with ghost wolf were unsuccessful, to say the least

Fantastic addon btw, absolutely couldn't live without ItemRack.
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04-05-07, 06:24 PM   #116
A Kobold Labourer
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I tried out this script and it seems to work OK substituting various trinkets for those listed. However, I have questions on how i can change this a little.

Originally Posted by halwa
Posted on ItemRack file comments as well.


--- post copy ----
I saw a post on the Itemrack - Events this AM which described a script to prioritize trinkets and switch to them based on ITEMRACK_NOTIFY and ITEMRACK_ITEMUSED events (Thanks Ansum, sorry if I got the nick wrong).

The caveat with that script was that the notify portion would work only if the cooldown was complete, i.e. if ITEMRACK_NOTIFY triggered 30 sec ahead of the cooldown ending it wouldnt get equipped. A little bit of tinkering got the NOTIFY portion working.

People trying to get a priority queue going heres how to do it. Make two events, copying the "Insignia" and "Insignia Used" events from default ItemRack configuration. Now in both these new events, remove the code from the text box below the "Delay" column in the ItemRack UI. Add the following LUA script.

local trinketslot, _ = GetInventorySlotInfo("Trinket1Slot");
local trinkets = {
"Insignia of the Horde",
"Barov Peasant Caller",
"Defiler's Talisman",
"Blackhand's Breadth"
for _, t in ipairs(trinkets) do
local inv,bag,slot = Rack.FindItem(nil, t);
local s, d, e, c;
local ignore=false;
if inv == trinketslot then
s, d, e = GetInventoryItemCooldown("player", inv);
elseif bag and slot then
s, d, e = GetContainerItemCooldown(bag,slot);
c = GetTime();
if ( not ignore and (s + d - c <= 30 )) then
if not inv and bag and slot then
if UnitAffectingCombat("player") or Rack.IsPlayerReallyDead() then
local _,itemID = Rack.GetItemInfo(bag, slot)
Rack.AddToCombatQueue(trinketslot ,itemID)

The script walks a list of items, calculates the cooldown associated with them and equips the first one that doesnt have a cooldown or whose cooldown is at most 30 sec. I am not LUA programmer so there might be errors in the script (I havent taken care of negative values during substraction for one, though it doesnt seem to matter in my testing). I havent yet tested this script in combat.

In the meanwhile I would like to map whatever my current trinket slot 1 holds to a single icon on my toolbar (and hence a single keypress). The idea being to use the same keypress to trigger my trinket based cooldowns. It would be great if the LUA experts on the board can help me with this.

First, when I use a trinket and the next priority trinket is also available, item rack immediately switches trinkets without incorporating the delay for the actual buff the trinket provides. I.E. I use "Xi'ri's Gift" and am granted 150 spell damage for 15 seconds. Instead of waiting for the effect to expire, the trinket is immediately swapped and the effect is removed when the trinket is.
Second, is it possible to delay the swapping of trinkets if you are casting at the time it would swap? What script change could possibly allow for that?
Third, what would i have to change in the script for it to only swap trinkets in and out of my first trinket slot in order to keep a specific trinket always in the second slot?
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04-20-07, 12:25 AM   #117
A Defias Bandit
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Smile ItemRack Event Help

First, let me apologize if this was the wrong forum to place this question. Second, I am having a really bad time getting ItemRack to do what i would like. To explain what I am trying to achieve - I have my Dreadsteed bound to the tilde key (~) so that I can mount instantly. I am using Itemrack 1.9 and have created two sets that swap two trinkets out with another set of trinkets. What the problem is, is that I can't seem to get the event to work properly so that when I mount using the tilde key that the correct set is called when I am on my steed and then when I dismount the opposite set is put on. Also, I need to stop the trinkets from 'firing' when they are placed back on my character.

Any help would be greatly appreciated
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04-20-07, 09:19 AM   #118
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Do you have the set you want when mounted set to the Mount event? And did you check the box to enable events? I use a keybind to mount as well, and it works perfectly for me.

As for trinkets "firing"..... I'm assuming you mean that there's a cooldown placed on your trinkets when they are re-equipped? If your trinket has an "on use" ability, equipping it triggers a 30 second cooldown before you can use that trinket.
"You'd be surprised how many people violate this simple principle every day of their lives and try to fit square pegs into round holes, ignoring the clear reality that Things Are As They Are." -Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

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04-21-07, 04:38 PM   #119
A Defias Bandit
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Okay I've been trying real hard but i guess the ones ive previously tried to use have not been working, since im a lil nubish at this whole thing. Most people ive talked to havent been able to help so i thought id try here.

I have the Scarab of Infinite Cycle and Ribbon of Sacrifice

I want the Scarab of Infinite Cycle on most of the time. When the Ribbon of Sacrifice notifies me its close to ready i want it to switch in (OR Queue up if in combat) and when the duration of the Ribbon of Sacrifice effect expires then i want it to switch back (or queue it up).

Thanks Tetz
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04-21-07, 04:56 PM   #120
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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Originally Posted by tetz
Okay I've been trying real hard but i guess the ones ive previously tried to use have not been working, since im a lil nubish at this whole thing. Most people ive talked to havent been able to help so i thought id try here.

I have the Scarab of Infinite Cycle and Ribbon of Sacrifice

I want the Scarab of Infinite Cycle on most of the time. When the Ribbon of Sacrifice notifies me its close to ready i want it to switch in (OR Queue up if in combat) and when the duration of the Ribbon of Sacrifice effect expires then i want it to switch back (or queue it up).

Thanks Tetz
Doesn't ClosetGnome alert of cooldowns?
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