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05-26-06, 03:27 PM   #61
A Kobold Labourer
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PvP BG event...

I know I want to use the ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA trigger.. i'd like it to swap into my pvp set as soon as I pop into a BG (warsong, arathi, or alterac).. and when I leave, to switch to last-equipped set .. I've tried, but I can't seem to get it working.. I just keep popping up errors.. or it doesn't switch.

Any help? .. Also, an event like this would be helpful to have as part of the default sets, I know a lot of people who are looking for one like it.
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06-07-06, 04:09 AM   #62
A Defias Bandit
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Hi! Can you pls help to write a very useful (imo) event (if this possible ofc)

Wipe money saving!

if MyHealth < 5% then
use outfit("Without Weapons") else
if MyHealth >5% then
use outfit("Equip Weapons Again")

---------[end of example]-----------

this will save a tons of repaitcosts
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06-15-06, 02:25 PM   #63
A Molten Giant
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Reposting for posterity:

On the obsidian chunks, unfortunately there is no mining equivalent of UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT.

One option worth exploring is the UI_ERROR_MESSAGE that would swap in mining gloves when you attempt to mine something above your skill, and then swaps them out on LOOT_CLOSED.

It would look something like this (but I can't test it since I don't have a miner):

name: Mining Begin
delay: 0
if string.find(arg1 or "","You need %d+ skill") and not IR_MINING then EquipSet() IR_MINING=1 end

name: Mining End
delay: 0
if IR_MINING then LoadSet() IR_MINING=nil end

Associate the same mining gloves to both sets. (the Mining End will unequip to what you wore previously)

The bit in bold may need changed, substituting a number for the %d bit. Let me know if any succeed!


On the BG sets, queues are hideously long on my server so it's not something I can readily test/debug. But I need to gather some HKs this weekend so I'll try to keep it in mind.

On the health < 5% bit, you can go by the Low Mana event, substituting UnitHealth for UnitMana. Associate a set of no weapons and it should (in theory swap them out and in) in near-death situations. I think 5% may be a bit too low however. The server needs time to do the swap and it's possible to die in that time. But then it'd be annoying to be disarmed in a close fight too lol. Something to play around with it's a cool idea.
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06-28-06, 03:34 PM   #64
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 2
Thanks for your wonderful addon.

A question:

I'd like to trigger a change when I sit or stand, but can't find the appropriate event to use... any suggestions?
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06-28-06, 05:46 PM   #65
A Molten Giant
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I don't think it's possible

We can only detect if someone is sitting or standing by attempted actions that throw an error. There's no way to passively detect if someone is sitting or standing without trying one of those, or by a massive construction of hooks and events to determine if someone toggled their state and then watching for every conceivable event that would make someone stand.
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06-29-06, 03:06 PM   #66
A Defias Bandit
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Boss fights

Hey there Gello,
your mod is completly amazing, as a hunter it saves me hundreds of gold every week, FD + Naked, my LOLEVAC macro is ftw... thanks for this great mod.

Now I've been trying to figure this out:
I need an event that switches my Ammo to Thorium Headed Arrors when the target is a Boss or a Player... and back to the cheap Jagged Arrows when the target is anything else.

Is this possible at all?
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06-29-06, 05:01 PM   #67
A Molten Giant
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Eww ammo slot gives me ulcers. But this may work:

name: Ammo
delay: 0.5
if UnitExists("target") and (UnitIsPlayer("target") or UnitClassification("target")=="worldboss") then EquipSet("Good Ammo") else EquipSet("Normal Ammo") end
--[[Equips 'Good Ammo' on players and bosses, 'Normal Ammo' on rest.]]

Make one set named 'Good Ammo' with thorium arrows.
Make another set named 'Normal Ammo' with jagged arrows.

You may get by with an EquipSet and LoadSet, but ammo is frustratingly "special" to the UI. So I'd play it safe and make two sets. Can associate either set with the event. Since EquipSet has a set specifically requested, it won't care which set is associated.

edit: Just tested. Seems to work targeting players and the king in IF vs non-elite mobs. But not 100% certain on the UnitClassification thing. I'll know for certain in tonight's raid if I think of testing it.

Last edited by Gello : 06-29-06 at 05:15 PM.
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06-29-06, 06:00 PM   #68
A Defias Bandit
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Mr. Gello,
That works perfectly, you are a genious ^_^
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06-30-06, 01:59 PM   #69
A Defias Bandit
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I wanted the sit/stand event trigger because I want to equip my high spirit weapons when mana-resting between fights.

In case it's useful to anyone else, I ended up doing 3 IR events:

name: In Combat
delay: 0
--[[equip combat weapons]]

name: Out of Combat
delay: 0
if (UnitMana("player")*100/UnitManaMax("player")) < 80 then EquipSet(); end
--[[equip spirit weapons if mana < 80%]]

name: Full Mana
trigger: UNIT_MANA
delay: 0
if (UnitMana("player")==UnitManaMax("player")) then EquipSet(); end
--[[equip combat weapons when mana is maxxed]]

IC set of combat weapons
OOC set of high spirit resting weapons

I needed the "Full Mana" event to let my high intel combat weapons top off my intel when possible. Inelegantly, this generates a redundant weapon change when mana maxes "again"--any way to not bother equipping a set that's already equipped?

Last edited by grefos : 06-30-06 at 05:23 PM.
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07-15-06, 02:16 PM   #70
A Kobold Labourer
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Posts: 1
Crusader nerf workaround

Changing weapons mid fight allows you to have a chance to have a crusader proc for that weapon up. What I want is similar to what the proc addon does, but I would like it to call an Itemrack event if that is possible. In plain english:

Use set 1 if crusader procs while item set 1 use item set 2 (from this weapon if it's possible to set, because the number of procs up could be plenty using this script)
Use set 2 if crusader procs while item set 2 use item set 3
Use set 3 if crusader procs while item set 3 use item set 1
Wash, rinse, repeat for as many or as few weapons as desired.

I don't want it to change back as soon as the crusader proc expires, but I do want it to swap weapons back once a new proc occurs. Also, is it possible to have it trigger a given set depending on the number of crusader procs active? Thanks, I am really excited about this new ability because the increase in power could be staggering if this works as intended. Manually switching, I had 3 crusader procs up at one time last night. The script so far looks like this, but of course it doesn't do exactly what I'm thinking of:

local f; for i=1,24 do
f = (UnitBuff("player",i) == "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_BlessingOfStrength") or f
i = f and 25 or i
if not IR_HolyStrength and f then
elseif IR_HolyStrength and not f then
IR_HolyStrength = f
--[[Equips a set while under Holy Strength.]]

Also, can it check what stance I am in first so I can have 2 events, one for defense one for beserk, one for battle stance? That way I can dual wield in berserk and have a dual wield set to swap to, and swap only the main hand in defense stance without resetting the active events by checking and unchecking depending on the type of fighting needed.

Last edited by cturcott : 07-15-06 at 02:23 PM.
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07-17-06, 10:21 AM   #71
A Murloc Raider
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Posts: 4
I downloaded and tried to use ItemRack Buff Event Maker. Binded the capture to z key and hit Z. The window pops up with the buff icons but no name or description shows up - unlike the screenshot. I then hit create and it gives me an error message about line #55 involving gsub being nil.

Anyways - I was hoping to accomplish several things:
Out of combat and at full mana or more than 99% to swap to a specific set
In combat and at a certain % or less to swap to a specific set
At anytime if innervate is received SaveSet(), EquipSet(), then when it expires LoadSet()

I've tried googling it, looking here, and even found an innervate script on's ItemRack page in the comments - but it does not work for me and I've spent 2 hours tweaking it trying to get it working to no avail.

Any chance I can copy and paste scripts for the above or have a working ItemRack Buff Event Maker?

The above is for healers(priests in particular) who use 3 different sets - a maximum int weapon set to start the fight out with, once the extra mana from the int weapon set is used up a swap to the actual healing gear such as the +healing weapon set is used for the duration of the fight. If an innervate is received a priest will want to maximize the mana return innervate gives by swapping to a +spirit weapon set.

As for the combat - I'd like to retain the existing +healing weapon set at any time I'm in combat since going from a +Int to a +Healing set does not change mana total - and only swap back to +Int if at max mana and out of combat since going from +Healing to +Int not only increases the max mana but also causes a small amount of mana to be lost.

This set would help healers maximize their weapon sets automatically for them to allow for maximum mana efficiency.

Thank you!
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07-19-06, 12:20 PM   #72
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Stupid question that shows my complete lack of knowledge of this stuff, but is there a command i can use to toggle events on and off so i can setup a button for it rather than using the keybinding?

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08-05-06, 05:52 AM   #73
A Kobold Labourer
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Hi Gello !

I want to swap my weapon before an "Arcane Shot" on my Hunter. It's pretty similar at your "Evocation" events so i tried to copy and made litte changes but at the moment, that don't put my initial weapon back.

1. Macro to cast "Arcane Shot"
/script ARCA=1 SaveSet("Mago") EquipSet("Mago")
/cast Arcane Shot(Rank 8)

2. Events
Event: Hunter:Arcane Shot
Delay: 0.5
if ARCA then ARCA=nil LoadSet() end

3. Associate the set "Mago" to the event.

I think there is a problem in the Script but i don't know what. So if you can help me, that will be wonderfull.

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08-06-06, 04:56 PM   #74
A Kobold Labourer
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hi gello,

i have a question...

i play a dual wield warrior but i want to use overpower with a 2h weapon. in itemrack there are two events for overpower: begin and end.

well, i equipped overpower: begin with my 2h weapon and overpower: end with my standard 2 1h weapons. i also enabled these events. and now my question: does overpower: begin automatically switch when the enemy dodges or do i have to create a macro or bind to a key?
if it switches automatically then it doesn't work with me, it doesn't switch

edit: well, it switches, but only if i am in battle stance and the enemy dogdes, then itemrack switches from 2 1h weapons to 1 2h weapon. i thought it would also the stance, i.e., normally i fight in berserker stance and when the enemy dodges i switch to battle stance and use overpower with 2 1h weapon. but now i want to use a 2h weapon with overpower. but i would like to switch from berserker to battle and from 2 1h to 1 2h. is that possible in any way?

Last edited by bullraw : 08-08-06 at 04:27 PM.
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08-09-06, 02:52 AM   #75
A Murloc Raider
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Hi Gello - thanks for the awesome mod!

In the Plaguelands event swapping there is a slight bug in the event coding which will un-equip the AD trinket when going from Western->Eastern Plaguelands (on the Horde flight path) and/or into Stat / Scholo. The fix is to remove the following code from the first IF statement:

 and IR_Plague == 0
So that the Plaguelands set is always equiped in those zones regardless, or an alternative fix would be to add a zone check to the 'elseif' before it unequips. If you do that it always ensures the AD is equiped when in the Plaguelands, Stratholme and Scholomance - which is what you want I think.

Is it possible to update the default event as it seems to reset this event every time I upgrade ItemRack?

Thanks again for the awesome mod!

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08-20-06, 09:28 AM   #76
A Kobold Labourer
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I have the Primal Blessing item set from ZG (the fist weapons that turn you into Tony the Tiger), and I want to amke an event that my char will say or yell something each time this happens, I captured the buff and made an even but now I have no idea what to do, what I got so far is:
local f; for i=1,24 do
  f = (UnitBuff("player",i) == "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Hunter_Harass") or f
  i = f and 25 or i
if not IR_PrimalBlessing and f then
elseif IR_PrimalBlessing and not f then
IR_PrimalBlessing = f
--[[Equips a set while under Primal Blessing.]]
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08-28-06, 07:47 PM   #77
A Murloc Raider
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Basically I am trying to make a script with Feign Death and Itemrack (FD, equips a set, then when FD ends, equip a different set).

However Feign Death is weird because it's technically not a channeled spell since it uses the Fatigue bar, so what event signals the removal of the Feign Death bar? It doesnt fall under SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_STOP, SPELLCAST_STOP, or even PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED as far as I can tell anyway. Anyone have an idea or what I am doing wrong?

If anyone is familiar with ItemRack and events/macros maybe you could help me out?
/cast Feign Death
/script FD=1 SaveSet("PvE") EquipSet("Naked")

Name: Hunter:Feign Death
Delay: .5 sec
Script: if FD then FD=nil LoadSet() end

Last edited by vhx : 08-28-06 at 09:20 PM.
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08-29-06, 03:00 PM   #78
A Defias Bandit
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Posts: 2
Switching Weapon based on equipped set

Hey Gello,

So here is my dilemma: I am a 60 Druid and have recently acquired [Fist of Stone] (a fast weapon with a mana +50 mana proc). I farmed for it SPECIFICALLY to use it to regen mana on mobs that have wisdom judged on them (since I cannot use a wand). What I would like to do is make a set that equips this weapon (done) and then manually switch to this set when I want to regen in this way (done).

Here is the kicker: when I get back to 100% mana AND when I have my Fist of Stone equipped, I want the event to trigger and switch to my Staff of Dominance (which I have bound to a set in preparation for this event).

I tried starting with the Low Mana code since mana checking is part of the deal but I don't know how to evaluate my current set in the If statement.

The Staff of Dominance set is called SoD and the Fist of Stone set is called FoS.


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08-30-06, 03:43 PM   #79
A Defias Bandit
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In response to myself

When I realized how busy Gello was (judging by the date of his last post) I took it upon myself to dig thru his code and find the answer my own lazy self.

Here it is: Switching the weapon that you use to gain mana from a judgement of wisdom out when you hit 100% mana (Useful for mana classes without wands):

~Create a set with your wisdom weapon and a set with your regular weapon first.

Name: Whatever you want
Trigger: UNIT_MANA
Delay: 0.5

local mana = UnitMana("player") / UnitManaMax("player")
if mana == 1 and IsSetEquipped("insertnameofwisdomsethere") and not IR_MANAUP then
elseif mana ~= 1 then
  IR_MANAUP = nil
--[[Switches back to (nameofusualweapon) after a successful mana regen session with (nameofwisdomweapon).]]
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09-20-06, 08:37 PM   #80
A Kobold Labourer
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Posts: 1
Overpower again...

I see alot of posts about overpower begin/end events equipping a 2h the re-equipping 2 1hs but i have no idea where to even start do u think u could post a general begin and end overpower event code? I really like this mod because of the set switching but this would also be very useful! ty
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