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02-12-07, 04:05 PM   #61
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz
Then it gives me special pleasure to let you know that one of the things on my idea list is a little animated mazzlefizz gnome that will pop up to help you learn the UI and the various other add-ons.

"Hi Tempestas! It's me, Mazzlefizz. Sorry to interrupt you during a boss fight, but do you want to learn a little more about your buttons?"

Evil Gemminie, listening and nodding, says: Immmmmpressive! This would contribute significantly to the total amount of evil in the universe. I approve!

Good Gemminie, who apparently didn't hear Evil Gemminie, says: Ooo, more cute little animated Gnomes! Yayyyy!

See, they do agree on some things.
Author of GemSay, which is MazzleUI compatible!
02-12-07, 04:12 PM   #62
A Defias Bandit
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I have not had any problems with the mazzlegasm for any of my characters, the only messages i received were "LOL!!!" and other such things. MAZZLEGASMS FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!
02-12-07, 05:05 PM   #63
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I got someone asking if I could hand them a towel..... >.>
02-13-07, 08:16 AM   #64
A Murloc Raider
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Okay I'm getting annoyed by all the imateur complaining five year olds. Mazzle has spent hundreds if not thousands of hours on this UI, and has given it to us for free. If you dont like the yelling or dont like UI, DO NOT FREAKIN USE IT!

Mazzle great UI, cant wait until for future version. Please ignore the morons.

I do have a question, I use Metamap as my mapping add-on. It does conflict with cartagropher so I had to disable it. Is there a way to port over Metamap data to caragropher?
02-13-07, 10:32 AM   #65
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Mazzlgasm = dumb humour

I think MazzleUI is a really great addon, and I said this AAAAGES ago that the Mazzlegasm was WAK... Typically my comments were derided as being counterproductive, and recieved the usual Mazzle (Blizzard™ GM Help?) reply : "If you don't like it, don't use it..." and "Please use the appropriate forum for addressing such issues" So I took his/her advice, but only after I'd f*$%#@™ with the .lua to make it say something else, or better still nothing at all (for which the person who gave this advice to me was subsequently forced to delete their post on the topic). This is a nice tidy package to play with when you should be doing other things, but if you're not an addon nub, and you are annoyed by such things then I suggest you go make your own collection - it's rather rewarding! Better still, you could even have your own "gasm" in private over the fruits of your labour, without having to tell everyone in /yell about it!

Call me a stick in the mud, I don't care, Mazzlegasms are korny - end of story

Last edited by Skan : 02-13-07 at 11:11 AM.
02-13-07, 10:49 AM   #66
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally Posted by Arkaneus
Now, I cannot believe half of you imcompetent retards, doing nothing for a year, but begging for a release date, begging to be on the BT Group, and now that it is released, and you are able to use it, you have nothing to do then, to moan and groan about this and that. If you dont like it, dont use it. Stop screwing up something that so many other of us, have been following up on, and enjoy using, as well as appreciate, the hard work, and impressive thought put into this mod.

Im sure I speak for everyone here, when i saw, "literally" noone cares about you or your complaints that are being given to Mazzle. After the hard work, and the time, that Mazzle has put into the game, all you have to do is sit and complain about everything, that was done, to make you people happy. Its pathetic, that none of you have a life, other then this game. Grow up and find something to do other then complain.

I wish I was as genki as you. Better still, I wish I had a life like yours: full of fun, nothing to complain about, white teeth, perfect hair, good job, wife and two kids, picket fence, no mortgage, company car (with no fingerprints or smudges), free from the worries of life.

Do you ever stop and ponder what life would be like on the other side? You know, the side that has all those things and well, still likes to complain? Come on, cross over its easy! You'll love us for it, and not to mention the extreme satisfaction you get from spending hours and hours reading wow addon forums looking for some way in which to express your displeasure at something you don't really like in an anonymous way.

Just remember two things:

1) Who's watching the watchers;

and (this is my own one...)
2) Who's complaining about the complainers?

Would that make you a complainer too? Hey, you are one of us! Great to have you on board! I think I'll go make some tea now.... yawn..
02-13-07, 11:23 AM   #67
A Molten Giant
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I saw one of these threads a month or so ago, and thought the issue dead. Apparently not, lol. BTW, grats on Featured Artist Mazzle!

Since I commented once, I thought I would speak my thoughts on the subject:

I know that awhile ago, there was nothing in the FAQ or readme about the Mazzlegasm. During that time, I think some people had some valid complaints. Seeing as it's in the documentation now; it's the users choice whether to use MazzleUI or not.

Without documentation, Mazzle has an obligation to inform the end-users. I think "mazzlegasm" is rather funny, but I'd be adding people to ignore lists if they spouted it ten times in a row.

With documentation, users have an obligation to RTFM. So many problems could be avoided or solved this way. If some people took half the amount of time to read the docs, as they did to post a complaint, we wouldn't have half these issues.

Just my two copper.
Retired prior to 3.2, before all challenge was removed.

02-13-07, 12:08 PM   #68
A Murloc Raider
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Yeah.. all you whiners deserve to suffer. Instead of being noob and whining maybe you should read up on scripting in wow or maybe how to solve a problem as opposed to complaining.

Wow scripts are run interpretively which means that the procedures are not compiled and therefore cleartext. If you know what you are doing you can disassemble and reverse engineer any wow addon. You just have to be smart.

Anyway, thank Mazzle for making such a usefull UI, and remember that no one is forcing you to use this. I mean I hate the fact that coconuts are hairy.. but you don't see me complaining to a coconut tree.
02-14-07, 12:38 AM   #69
A Kobold Labourer
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Thumbs up Thanks

Thank you for the great UI. While personally I have no issue with the mazzlegasm experience after mazzifying the interface, I do know some people that have an issue with it. I'm not going to argue with those people regarding their preferences.

As I can use a text editor, and do a bit of research I investigated the possibility of modifying the mazzlegasm experience for my wife's installation - She would appreciate a more... "subtle" mazzlegasm experience (I'm more of an exhibitionist than her I suppose).

Unfortunately your copyright statement in the mazzifier.lua seems to suggest that I can't modify that file without your express permission. Is that permission also required to modify the localization.lua?

I would like to say that I appreciate all of the hard work you, and your team, have put into making this a remarkable compilation of functionality. I'm also a little bemused at the furore caused by such a miniscule part of your project and the partisan nature of some of your supporters. I'll be sure to tell my wow friends and guildies about Mazzleui. Keep up the good work!

Last edited by Elusive : 02-14-07 at 12:43 AM.
02-14-07, 02:55 AM   #70
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Yeah, I wish people on both sides of this ridiculous issue would just say their peace and not flame the people with opposing opinions. It only fuels the fire.
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02-14-07, 09:08 AM   #71
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I personally don't have a problem with it, but after I saw it for the first time I changed the moan to cheer and the shout to something else. If my wife saw that when my son (12) remazzled she would cut me off for a good long time.

Sorry Maz, my gettin' some is a bigger priority.
02-14-07, 10:51 PM   #72
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This is my own personal opinion, it does not reflect on anyone other than myself, nor am I singling any individuals out in this posting, it is simply my observations regarding the complaints that I see surrounding the "Mazzlegasm" emote setup that Mazzle included in the UI. I am an equal opportunity offender, and I really could care less if you don't like something that I have to say. As a soldier, I defend every American Citizen's rights, to the death if I have to. I respect everyone's rights, including my own, and will exercise my right of free speech and expression, whenever I feel like it.

Personally, as a parent of children ranging from 17 down to 5, I don't find anything about the Mazzlegasm offensive. It's funny, and less suggestive than so many other things in the game, that are put there by Blizzard.

Firstly, children aged 6 and older are going to hear much worse things on the schoolyard. If you don't believe me, either you are deluding yourself or you haven't been to the school that your children go to, or listened to what some children say when they don't think adult/authority figures are listening.

Secondly, it IS in the documentation that this will happen, and prior to installing ANY modification, add-on or enhancement, I strongly suggest not only reading the documentation, but also running a virus scan prior to unzipping it. While I am not offended by things like this, knowing full well that my children already know a lot worse than something like mazzlegasm or even orgasm, among other words, I can understand why some people might be offended. However, if you are offended by it, I am in full agreement with Mazzlefizz... You shouldn't be playing an MMO, or even be on the Internet for that matter. Or, if you cannot be without the internet, you should be subscribing to an ISP like Clean Web, at the very least.

In closing. If you don't like the fact that this UI comes as easy to assemble and organize as it is, along with coming with some cute and interesting "features", don't use it. Even better, why not come up with something of your own, take the time to learn the coding processes that go into it, create your own UI system and post it here to have to defend to people who seem to have absolutely nothing better to do than complain about 1 simple thing within the UI. If someone complains to you via a /whisper, simply apologize, and direct them to the forums here, and let them voice their own complaints.
Amethystrose (67 Hunter, Icecrown, World of Warcraft)
Loviotor Nox`Excrucio (58 Inquisitor, Najena, EverQuest II)
Krystoff BadLlama (73 Ranger, Xegony, EverQuest *Retired*)
Loviotor Nox`Excrucio (61 Cleric, Xegony, EverQuest *Retired*)
02-14-07, 10:56 PM   #73
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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What a well-written and reasonable post, Loviotor. Thank you for contributing it.
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02-15-07, 12:10 AM   #74
A Molten Giant
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Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz
What a well-written and reasonable post, Loviotor. Thank you for contributing it.
Agreed. Perfect closing to the MazzleGASM FAQ

Retired prior to 3.2, before all challenge was removed.

02-16-07, 07:15 AM   #75
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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You think so?

Now hold on a minute...

What exactly is the issue again? Are people actually offended by this? Or are they not? Or do some people merely find it in the category of annoying and want to turn it off? I would wager that it is the latter that is really the problem here, not that it is offensive... All these people saying that "Oh my granny saw it and had a heart attack" are kidding themselves.

The bottom line is that its korny and shameless self promotion. Imagine if everytime you went to the Auction House and you used Auctioneer it /yelled something to everyone in the city "Auctioneer just scored you another bargain" "/moan suggestively" . I would be very annoyed and delete/change it immediately.

edit: typo correction from overexcitement
02-16-07, 08:09 AM   #76
A Cyclonian
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I just wanted to reply to this to provide a link to a mod that was written to code out the Mazzlegasm.

Personally, I think it was irresponsible for that to have been coded into the mod in the first place. Undoubtedly, there will be people who will find it annoying, offensive, etc., and actually it's rather rude to subject the entire zone population to the Mazzlegasm yell.

And honestly, I'm rather turned off by Mazzle's continued "put me on a pedestal" attitude about the entire subject, and just goes to renew emphasis to me on why not to use her mod. When she starts taking some responsiblity and showing a little tact and maturity we'll all be better off.

I didn't write the mod, but it needs to be linked here.

Last edited by Mazzlefizz : 02-16-07 at 08:17 AM.
02-16-07, 08:20 AM   #77
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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No, that mod is redistribution of work that is not his and is a copyright violation and does not need to be linked. If people continue to not respect the basic rules of copyright, I will simply stop spending time developing for this community and not release any updates and make this a private project.
MazzleUI Home Page:
Info, FAQs, Forums, Download can be found at that link.
02-16-07, 08:29 AM   #78
A Murloc Raider
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What Mazzlefizz says above is untrue, and appears to stem from an incorrect understanding of copyright law.

(I'm pleased to note he/she hasn't deleted this post - thanks! It's good you're open to discussing this.).

The NoMoreMazzlegasms mod (which I wrote, but won't link to here) is a patching tool, which contains no redistributed code from MazzleUI. I've just looked through the binary to check that the above is true.

It is simply code which runs to modify a single text file in MazzleUI, just as you can do manually. This process doesn't breach copyright law any more than your opening the Mazzify.lua file in a text editor does.

Mazzlefizz, I understand that you don't like my mod, but please stop making faulty legal arguments about it. If you wish, I'd be happy to check my understanding with an attorney to make sure that I'm not infringing your copyright.

Last edited by the_nomad : 02-16-07 at 08:50 AM.
02-16-07, 08:35 AM   #79
An Aku'mai Servant
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Originally Posted by the_nomad
What Mazzlefizz says above is untrue, and appears to stem from an incorrect understanding of copyright law.

(I give it about 20 seconds before he deletes this post too).

The NoMoreMazzlegasms mod (which I wrote, but won't link to here) is a patching tool, which contains no redistributed code from MazzleUI. I've just looked through the binary to check that the above is true.

It is simply code which runs to modify a single text file in MazzleUI, just as you can do manually. This process doesn't breach copyright law any more than your opening the Mazzify.lua file in a text editor does.

Mazzlefizz, I understand that you don't like my mod, but please stop making faulty legal arguments about it. If you wish, I'd be happy to check my understanding with an attorney to make sure that I'm not infringing your copyright.
If your meaningless addon makes him stop updating, I'll find you.
02-16-07, 08:36 AM   #80
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I'm sorry, are you threatening me? That seems a bit uncalled-for...

And with the best will in the world, it's MazzleFizz's decision if he/she stops developing MazzleUI. Given that I understand a lot of people other than him/her have put time into developing it, I hope he won't do so out of pique. But working on a project like this is a lot of work, and no-one but him/her can tell him/her to do it - I'm sure he/she has more important things in his/her life too!

(Which gender are you, BTW, MazzleFizz? All this him/her stuff is getting awkward!)

Last edited by the_nomad : 02-16-07 at 08:45 AM.

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