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07-19-16, 07:02 AM   #1
A Pyroguard Emberseer
Ketho's Avatar
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Join Date: Mar 2010
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Interface Options changes

There are CVar diffs and interface options comparisons

But this is an (incomplete?) list of the removed options from Warlords of Draenor, for reference
  • wod_default: the default value in WoD
  • removed_legion: whether the related CVar got removed (or renamed/streamlined)
  • name and tooltip description
Lua Code:
  1. local t = {
  2.     ActionButtonUseKeyDown = {
  3.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  4.         ACTION_BUTTON_USE_KEY_DOWN = "Cast action keybinds on key down",
  5.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_ACTION_BUTTON_USE_KEY_DOWN = "Action button keybinds will respond on key down, rather than on key up.",
  6.     },
  7.     alternateResourceText = {
  8.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = true,
  9.         ALTERNATE_RESOURCE_TEXT = "Alternate Resource",
  10.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_ALTERNATE_RESOURCE = "Always display the text on alternate resource bars.",
  11.     },
  12.     assistAttack = {
  13.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  14.         ASSIST_ATTACK = "Attack on Assist",
  15.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_ASSIST_ATTACK = "Automatically attack a target when you acquire it by using \"/assist\".",
  16.     },
  17.     autoOpenLootHistory = {
  18.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  19.         AUTO_OPEN_LOOT_HISTORY_TEXT = "Auto Open Loot Rolls Window",
  20.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_AUTO_OPEN_LOOT_HISTORY = "When checked, the Loot Rolls window will automatically open to show you your group members' rolls when Bind on Pickup items drop.",
  21.     },
  22.     autoQuestWatch = {
  23.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  24.         AUTO_QUEST_WATCH_TEXT = "Automatic Quest Tracking",
  25.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_AUTO_QUEST_WATCH = "Automatically track quests as soon as you obtain them and after achieving an objective.",
  26.     },
  27.     bnWhisperMode = {
  28.         wod_default = "inline", removed_legion = true,
  29.         OPTION_BN_WHISPER_MODE_INLINE = "Real ID and BattleTag Whispers will be displayed in your regular chat tabs. They may be moved to a new window by right-clicking on the player's name in chat.",
  30.         OPTION_BN_WHISPER_MODE_POPOUT = "New Real ID and BattleTag Whispers will be displayed in a new tab.",
  31.         OPTION_BN_WHISPER_MODE_POPOUT_AND_INLINE = "New Real ID and BattleTag Whispers will be displayed in a new tab and in your regular chat tabs.",
  32.     },
  33.     cameraBobbing = {
  34.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  35.         HEAD_BOB = "Head Bob",
  36.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_HEAD_BOB = "Simulate head bobbing when in first-person perspective.",
  37.     },
  38.     cameraPivot = {
  39.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  40.         SMART_PIVOT = "Smart Pivot",
  41.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SMART_PIVOT = "Lets you free look when the camera is on the ground.",
  42.     },
  43.     cameraTerrainTilt = {
  44.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  45.         FOLLOW_TERRAIN = "Follow Terrain",
  46.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_FOLLOW_TERRAIN = "Automatically change the camera angle based on the terrain. If your character climbs a slope, the camera will rotate upwards; if you descend, it will rotate downwards.",
  47.     },
  48.     chatMouseScroll = {
  49.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  50.         CHAT_MOUSE_WHEEL_SCROLL = "Enable Mouse Wheel Scrolling",
  51.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_CHAT_MOUSE_WHEEL_SCROLL = "Check to make the mouse wheel scroll through chat when the cursor is over a chat window.",
  52.     },
  53.     CombatDamage = {
  54.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = true,
  55.         SHOW_DAMAGE_TEXT = "Damage",
  56.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_DAMAGE = "Display damage numbers over hostile creatures when damaged.",
  57.     },
  58.     CombatDamageStyle = {
  59.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = true,
  60.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_COMBAT_TARGET_MODE = "Change your target's damage display mode.",
  61.         COMBAT_TARGET_MODE_NEW = "Base Mode",
  62.         COMBAT_TARGET_MODE_OLD = "Traditional Mode",
  63.     },
  64.     CombatHealing = {
  65.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = true,
  66.         SHOW_COMBAT_HEALING = "Healing",
  67.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_COMBAT_HEALING = "Display amount of healing you did to the target.",
  68.     },
  69.     CombatHealingAbsorbSelf = {
  70.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = true,
  71.         SHOW_COMBAT_HEALING_ABSORB_SELF = "Shields",
  72.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_COMBAT_HEALING_ABSORB_SELF = "Shows a message when you gain a shield.",
  73.     },
  74.     CombatHealingAbsorbTarget = {
  75.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = true,
  76.         SHOW_COMBAT_HEALING_ABSORB_TARGET = "Shields",
  77.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_COMBAT_HEALING_ABSORB_TARGET = "Display amount of shield you added to the target.",
  78.     },
  79.     CombatLogPeriodicSpells = {
  80.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = true,
  81.         LOG_PERIODIC_EFFECTS = "Periodic Damage",
  82.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_LOG_PERIODIC_EFFECTS = "Display damage caused by periodic effects such as Rend and Shadow Word: Pain.",
  83.     },
  84.     combatTextFloatMode = {
  85.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = true,
  86.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_COMBAT_TEXT_MODE = "Sets the direction that combat text scrolls.",
  87.     },
  88.     consolidateBuffs = {
  89.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = true,
  90.         CONSOLIDATE_BUFFS_TEXT = "Consolidate Buffs",
  91.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_CONSOLIDATE_BUFFS = "Filters certain buffs into a buff consolidation box. Short term buffs are displayed in the box. Very long term buffs are displayed in the box until they are about to expire.",
  92.     },
  93.     displayFreeBagSlots = {
  94.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  95.         DISPLAY_FREE_BAG_SLOTS = "Show Free Bag Space",
  96.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_FREE_BAG_SLOTS = "Displays remaining inventory space on the backpack icon.",
  97.     },
  98.     displaySpellActivationOverlays = {
  99.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  100.         DISPLAY_SPELL_ALERTS = "Show Spell Alerts",
  101.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_SPELL_ALERTS = "Show alerts in the center of your screen when certain important events occur.",
  102.     },
  103.     enableCombatText = {
  104.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = true,
  105.         SHOW_COMBAT_TEXT_TEXT = "Enable",
  106.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_COMBAT_TEXT = "Checking this will enable additional combat messages to appear in the playfield.",
  107.     },
  108.     enablePetBattleCombatText = {
  109.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = true,
  110.         SHOW_PETBATTLE_COMBAT_TEXT = "Enable",
  111.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_PETBATTLE_COMBAT = "Checking this will enable additional combat messages to appear in pet battles.",
  112.     },
  113.     enableWoWMouse = {
  114.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  115.         WOW_MOUSE = "Detect World of Warcraft Gaming Mouse",
  116.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_WOW_MOUSE = "Enable this option if you have a World of Warcraft Gaming Mouse and you wish to bind keys to the extra buttons.",
  117.     },
  118.     fctAuras = {
  119.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = true,
  120.         COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_AURAS_TEXT = "Auras Gained/Lost",
  121.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_AURAS = "Shows a message when the player gains or loses an aura.",
  122.     },
  123.     fctCombatState = {
  124.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = true,
  125.         COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_COMBAT_STATE_TEXT = "Enter/Leave Combat",
  126.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_COMBAT_STATE = "Shows a message when you enter or leave combat. ",
  127.     },
  128.     fctComboPoints = {
  129.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = true,
  130.         COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_COMBO_POINTS_TEXT = "Combo Points",
  131.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_COMBO_POINTS = "Shows the number of combo points you have each time you acquire a new one.",
  132.     },
  133.     fctDamageReduction = {
  134.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = true,
  135.         COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_RESISTANCES_TEXT = "Damage Reduction",
  136.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_RESISTANCES = "Shows when you resist taking damage from attacks or spells.",
  137.     },
  138.     fctDodgeParryMiss = {
  139.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = true,
  140.         COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_DODGE_PARRY_MISS_TEXT = "Dodge/Parry/Miss",
  141.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_DODGE_PARRY_MISS = "Shows attacks against you that dodge, parry, or miss.",
  142.     },
  143.     fctEnergyGains = {
  144.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = true,
  145.         COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_ENERGIZE_TEXT = "Energy Gains",
  146.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_ENERGIZE = "Shows all instant gains of mana, rage, energy, and chi.",
  147.     },
  148.     fctFriendlyHealers = {
  149.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = true,
  150.         COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_FRIENDLY_NAMES_TEXT = "Friendly Healer Names",
  151.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_FRIENDLY_NAMES = "Shows the name of a friendly caster when they cast a heal spell on you.",
  152.     },
  153.     fctHonorGains = {
  154.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = true,
  155.         COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_HONOR_GAINED_TEXT = "Honorable Kills",
  156.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_HONOR_GAINED = "Shows the honor you gain from killing other players.",
  157.     },
  158.     fctLowManaHealth = {
  159.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = true,
  160.         COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_LOW_HEALTH_MANA_TEXT = "Low Mana & Health",
  161.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_LOW_HEALTH_MANA = "Shows a message when you fall below 20% mana or health.",
  162.     },
  163.     fctPeriodicEnergyGains = {
  164.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = true,
  165.         COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_PERIODIC_ENERGIZE_TEXT = "Periodic Energy Gains",
  166.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_PERIODIC_ENERGIZE = "Shows all periodic gains of mana, rage, and energy.",
  167.     },
  168.     fctReactives = {
  169.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = true,
  170.         COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_REACTIVES_TEXT = "Spell Alerts",
  171.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_REACTIVES = "Show alerts when certain important events occur.",
  172.     },
  173.     fctRepChanges = {
  174.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = true,
  175.         COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_REPUTATION_TEXT = "Reputation Changes",
  176.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_REPUTATION = "Shows a message when the player gains or loses reputation with a faction.",
  177.     },
  178.     fctSpellMechanics = {
  179.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = true,
  180.         SHOW_TARGET_EFFECTS = "Effects",
  181.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_TARGET_EFFECTS = "Display effects such as Silence and Snare on your target.",
  182.     },
  183.     fctSpellMechanicsOther = {
  184.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = true,
  185.         SHOW_OTHER_TARGET_EFFECTS = "Show for other players' targets",
  186.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_OTHER_TARGET_EFFECTS = "Display effects such as Silence and Snare on other players' targets.",
  187.     },
  188.     fullSizeFocusFrame = {
  189.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  190.         FULL_SIZE_FOCUS_FRAME_TEXT = "Larger Focus Frame",
  191.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_FULL_SIZE_FOCUS_FRAME = "Increases the size of the Focus Frame to that of the Target Frame.",
  192.     },
  193.     InsertItemsLeftToRight = {
  194.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  195.         REVERSE_NEW_LOOT_TEXT = "Loot to Leftmost Bag",
  196.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_REVERSE_NEW_LOOT = "If checked, new items will appear in your leftmost bag.",
  197.         get = GetInsertItemsLeftToRight,
  198.         set = SetInsertItemsLeftToRight,
  199.     },
  200.     lossOfControl = {
  201.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  202.         LOSS_OF_CONTROL = "Loss of Control Alerts",
  203.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_LOSS_OF_CONTROL = "Shows an alert in the middle of the screen when you lose control of your character.",
  204.     },
  205.     lossOfControlDisarm = {
  206.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  207.         LOC_TYPE_DISARM = "Disarm",
  208.         OPTION_LOSS_OF_CONTROL_DISARM = "When you have been disarmed. Abilities that require a weapon will be disabled.",
  209.     },
  210.     lossOfControlFull = {
  211.         wod_default = 2, removed_legion = false,
  212.         LOC_TYPE_FULL = "Full",
  213.         OPTION_LOSS_OF_CONTROL_FULL = "When you lose full control of your character from Banish, Charm, Stun, Disorient, Polymorph, Fear, Horror, Incapacitate, Sap, Sleep, Cyclone, and Shackle Undead.",
  214.     },
  215.     lossOfControlInterrupt = {
  216.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  217.         LOC_TYPE_INTERRUPT = "Interrupt",
  218.         OPTION_LOSS_OF_CONTROL_INTERRUPT = "When you have been interrupted. This also shows when you have been locked out of a specific spell school.",
  219.     },
  220.     lossOfControlRoot = {
  221.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  222.         LOC_TYPE_ROOT = "Root",
  223.         OPTION_LOSS_OF_CONTROL_ROOT = "When you have been rooted. You cannot move but can still cast spells and do melee attacks.",
  224.     },
  225.     lossOfControlSilence = {
  226.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  227.         LOC_TYPE_SILENCE = "Silence",
  228.         OPTION_LOSS_OF_CONTROL_SILENCE = "When you have been silenced or pacified. You cannot cast some of your spells.",
  229.     },
  230.     mapFade = {
  231.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  232.         MAP_FADE_TEXT = "Fade Map When Moving",
  233.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_MAP_FADE = "Fade out the map when you start moving.",
  234.     },
  235.     MaxSpellStartRecoveryOffset = {
  236.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  237.         LAG_TOLERANCE = "Lag Tolerance",
  238.     },
  239.     nameplateShowEnemies = {
  240.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  241.         UNIT_NAMEPLATES_SHOW_ENEMIES = "Enemy Units",
  242.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_UNIT_NAMEPLATES_SHOW_ENEMIES = "Turn this on to display Unit Nameplates for enemies.",
  243.     },
  244.     nameplateShowEnemyGuardians = {
  245.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  246.         UNIT_NAMEPLATES_SHOW_ENEMY_GUARDIANS = "Guardians",
  247.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_UNIT_NAMEPLATES_SHOW_ENEMY_GUARDIANS = "Turn this on to display Unit Nameplates for enemy guardians.",
  248.     },
  249.     nameplateShowEnemyPets = {
  250.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  251.         UNIT_NAMEPLATES_SHOW_ENEMY_PETS = "Pets",
  252.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_UNIT_NAMEPLATES_SHOW_ENEMY_PETS = "Turn this on to display Unit Nameplates for enemy pets.",
  253.     },
  254.     nameplateShowEnemyTotems = {
  255.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  256.         UNIT_NAMEPLATES_SHOW_ENEMY_TOTEMS = "Totems",
  257.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_UNIT_NAMEPLATES_SHOW_ENEMY_TOTEMS = "Turn this on to display Unit Nameplates for enemy totems.",
  258.     },
  259.     nameplateShowFriendlyGuardians = {
  260.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  262.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_UNIT_NAMEPLATES_SHOW_FRIENDLY_GUARDIANS = "Turn this on to display Unit Nameplates for friendly guardians.",
  263.     },
  264.     nameplateShowFriendlyPets = {
  265.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  267.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_UNIT_NAMEPLATES_SHOW_FRIENDLY_PETS = "Turn this on to display Unit Nameplates for friendly pets.",
  268.     },
  269.     nameplateShowFriendlyTotems = {
  270.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  272.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_UNIT_NAMEPLATES_SHOW_FRIENDLY_TOTEMS = "Turn this on to display Unit Nameplates for friendly totems.",
  273.     },
  274.     nameplateShowFriends = {
  275.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  276.         UNIT_NAMEPLATES_SHOW_FRIENDS = "Friendly Units",
  277.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_UNIT_NAMEPLATES_SHOW_FRIENDS = "Turn this on to display Unit Nameplates for friendly units.",
  278.     },
  279.     partyStatusText = {
  280.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = true,
  281.         STATUS_TEXT_PARTY = "Party",
  282.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_STATUS_TEXT_PARTY = "Always display the text on your party's health, mana, rage, or energy bars.",
  283.     },
  284.     PetMeleeDamage = {
  285.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = true,
  286.         SHOW_PET_MELEE_DAMAGE = "Pet Damage",
  287.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_PET_MELEE_DAMAGE = "Show damage caused by your pet.",
  288.     },
  289.     petStatusText = {
  290.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = true,
  291.         STATUS_TEXT_PET = "Pet",
  292.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_STATUS_TEXT_PET = "Always display the text on your pet's health, mana, or focus bars.",
  293.     },
  294.     playerStatusText = {
  295.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = true,
  296.         STATUS_TEXT_PLAYER = "Player",
  297.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_STATUS_TEXT_PLAYER = "Always display the text on your character's health, mana, rage, or energy bars.",
  298.     },
  299.     reducedLagTolerance = {
  300.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  301.         REDUCED_LAG_TOLERANCE = "Custom Lag Tolerance (%d ms)",
  302.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_REDUCED_LAG_TOLERANCE = "Allows you to reduce the time before a Global Cooldown has finished during which you may queue up a spell. You may want to set this to approximate your latency.",
  303.     },
  304.     removeChatDelay = {
  305.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  306.         REMOVE_CHAT_DELAY_TEXT = "Remove Chat Hover Delay",
  307.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_REMOVE_CHAT_DELAY = "Check to show chat windows immediately upon mouseover.",
  308.     },
  309.     scriptErrors = {
  310.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  311.         SHOW_LUA_ERRORS = "Display Lua Errors",
  312.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_LUA_ERRORS = "Shows error messages related to UI functionality.",
  313.     },
  314.     secureAbilityToggle = {
  315.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  316.         SECURE_ABILITY_TOGGLE = "Secure Ability Toggle",
  317.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SECURE_ABILITY_TOGGLE = "When selected you will be protected from toggling your abilities off if accidently hitting the button more than once in a short period of time.",
  318.     },
  319.     showAllEnemyDebuffs = {
  320.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = true,
  321.         SHOW_ALL_ENEMY_DEBUFFS_TEXT = "Show All Enemy Debuffs",
  322.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_ALL_ENEMY_DEBUFFS = "Show all debuffs on enemy targets instead of just those deemed relevant to you.",
  323.     },
  324.     showArenaEnemyCastbar = {
  325.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  326.         SHOW_ARENA_ENEMY_CASTBAR_TEXT = "Cast Bars",
  327.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_ARENA_ENEMY_CASTBAR = "Show the spells that players on the enemy arena team are casting.",
  328.     },
  329.     showArenaEnemyFrames = {
  330.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  331.         SHOW_ARENA_ENEMY_FRAMES_TEXT = "Arena Enemy Frames",
  332.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_ARENA_ENEMY_FRAMES = "Show enemy unit frames in arenas.",
  333.     },
  334.     showArenaEnemyPets = {
  335.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  336.         SHOW_ARENA_ENEMY_PETS_TEXT = "Pets",
  337.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_ARENA_ENEMY_PETS = "Show the portraits of the pets belonging to the enemy arena team.",
  338.     },
  339.     showCastableBuffs = {
  340.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  341.         SHOW_CASTABLE_BUFFS_TEXT = "Show Only Castable Buffs",
  342.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_CASTABLE_BUFFS = "Show only buffs you can cast on friendly targets.",
  343.     },
  344.     ShowClassColorInNameplate = {
  345.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  346.         SHOW_CLASS_COLOR_IN_V_KEY = "Class Colors in Nameplates",
  347.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_CLASS_COLOR_IN_V_KEY = "Toggles class colors in the background of Nameplate health bar for enemy players.",
  348.     },
  349.     showDispelDebuffs = {
  350.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  351.         SHOW_DISPELLABLE_DEBUFFS_TEXT = "Show Only Dispellable Debuffs",
  352.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_DISPELLABLE_DEBUFFS = "Show only debuffs you can dispel on friendly targets.",
  353.     },
  354.     showPartyPets = {
  355.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  356.         SHOW_PARTY_PETS_TEXT = "Party Members' Pets",
  357.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_PARTY_PETS = "Show the portraits of your party members' pets.",
  358.     },
  359.     showTargetCastbar = {
  360.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  361.         SHOW_TARGET_CASTBAR = "On Targets",
  362.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_TARGET_CASTBAR = "Show the spell that your current target is casting.",
  363.     },
  364.     showVKeyCastbar = {
  365.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  366.         SHOW_TARGET_CASTBAR_IN_V_KEY = "On Nameplates",
  367.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_TARGET_CASTBAR_IN_V_KEY = "If the Name Plate is displayed for your current target, show the enemy cast bar with the target's health bar in the game field.",
  368.     },
  369.     showVKeyCastbarOnlyOnTarget = {
  370.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  371.         SHOW_TARGET_CASTBAR_IN_V_KEY_ONLY_ON_TARGET = "Only Current Target",
  372.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_TARGET_CASTBAR_IN_V_KEY_ONLY_ON_TARGET = "Only show the enemy cast bar on your current target's nameplate.",
  373.     },
  374.     showVKeyCastbarSpellName = {
  375.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  376.         SHOW_TARGET_CASTBAR_IN_V_KEY_SPELL_NAME = "Show Spell Name",
  377.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_TARGET_CASTBAR_IN_V_KEY_SPELL_NAME = "Show the name of the spell on the cast bar on nameplates.",
  378.     },
  379.     SortBagsRightToLeft = {
  380.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  381.         REVERSE_CLEAN_UP_BAGS_TEXT = "Reverse Clean Up Bags",
  382.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_REVERSE_CLEAN_UP_BAGS = "If checked, Clean Up Bags will move items to your rightmost bags.",
  383.         get = GetSortBagsRightToLeft,
  384.         set = SetSortBagsRightToLeft,
  385.     },
  386.     SpellTooltip_DisplayAvgValues = {
  387.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  388.         SHOW_POINTS_AS_AVG = "Display Points as Average",
  389.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_POINTS_AS_AVG = "Toggles the display of points in spell tooltips (damage, healing, etc) between an average and min/max values.",
  390.     },
  391.     stopAutoAttackOnTargetChange = {
  392.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  393.         STOP_AUTO_ATTACK = "Stop Auto Attack",
  394.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_STOP_AUTO_ATTACK = "Stop auto attacking when you switch targets.",
  395.     },
  396.     targetStatusText = {
  397.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = true,
  398.         STATUS_TEXT_TARGET = "Target",
  399.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_STATUS_TEXT_TARGET = "Always display the text on your target's health, mana, rage, energy, or focus bars.",
  400.     },
  401.     threatPlaySounds = {
  402.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  403.         PLAY_AGGRO_SOUNDS = "Play Aggro Sounds",
  404.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_PLAY_AGGRO_SOUNDS = "Enable the playing of alert sounds when aggro advances to a higher level.",
  405.     },
  406.     threatShowNumeric = {
  407.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  408.         SHOW_NUMERIC_THREAT = "Show Aggro Percentages",
  409.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_SHOW_NUMERIC_THREAT = "Check this to show threat on targets as a percentage.",
  410.     },
  411.     toastDuration = {
  412.         wod_default = 4, removed_legion = false,
  413.         TOAST_DURATION_TEXT = "Toast Duration",
  414.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_TOAST_DURATION = "Adjust the duration of the toast window.",
  415.     },
  416.     trackQuestSorting = {
  417.         wod_default = "top", removed_legion = false,
  418.         TRACK_QUEST_PROXIMITY_SORTING = "Proximity",
  419.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_TRACK_QUEST_PROXIMITY = "Newly tracked quests will be sorted by proximity in the objective tracker.",
  420.         TRACK_QUEST_TOP_SORTING = "Top",
  421.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_TRACK_QUEST_TOP = "Newly tracked quests will be sorted to the top of the objective tracker.",
  422.     },
  423.     UberTooltips = {
  424.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  425.         USE_UBERTOOLTIPS = "Enhanced Tooltips",
  426.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_USE_UBERTOOLTIPS = "Enable detailed tooltips in the lower right hand corner of the screen.",
  427.     },
  428.     UnitNameEnemyGuardianName = {
  429.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  430.         UNIT_NAME_ENEMY_GUARDIANS = "Guardians",
  431.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_UNIT_NAME_ENEMY_GUARDIANS = "Show enemy guardian names in the game world.",
  432.     },
  433.     UnitNameEnemyPetName = {
  434.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  435.         UNIT_NAME_ENEMY_PETS = "Pets",
  436.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_UNIT_NAME_ENEMY_PETS = "Show enemy pet names in the game world.",
  437.     },
  438.     UnitNameEnemyTotemName = {
  439.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  440.         UNIT_NAME_ENEMY_TOTEMS = "Totems",
  441.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_UNIT_NAME_ENEMY_TOTEMS = "Show enemy totem names in the game world.",
  442.     },
  443.     UnitNameForceHideMinus = {
  444.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  445.         UNIT_NAME_HIDE_MINUS = "Hide Minor NPC Names",
  446.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_UNIT_NAME_HIDE_MINUS = "Hide the names of smaller, weaker creatures.",
  447.     },
  448.     UnitNameFriendlyGuardianName = {
  449.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  450.         UNIT_NAME_FRIENDLY_GUARDIANS = "Guardians",
  451.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_UNIT_NAME_FRIENDLY_GUARDIANS = "Show friendly guardian names in the game world.",
  452.     },
  453.     UnitNameFriendlyPetName = {
  454.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  455.         UNIT_NAME_FRIENDLY_PETS = "Pets",
  456.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_UNIT_NAME_FRIENDLY_PETS = "Show friendly pet names in the game world.",
  457.     },
  458.     UnitNameFriendlyTotemName = {
  459.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  460.         UNIT_NAME_FRIENDLY_TOTEMS = "Totems",
  461.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_UNIT_NAME_FRIENDLY_TOTEMS = "Show friendly totem names in the game world.",
  462.     },
  463.     UnitNameGuildTitle = {
  464.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  465.         UNIT_NAME_GUILD_TITLE = "Guild Titles",
  466.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_UNIT_NAME_GUILD_TITLE = "Show players' guild titles in the game world.",
  467.     },
  468.     UnitNamePlayerGuild = {
  469.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  470.         UNIT_NAME_GUILD = "Guild Names",
  471.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_UNIT_NAME_GUILD = "Show players' guild names in the game world.",
  472.     },
  473.     UnitNamePlayerPVPTitle = {
  474.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  475.         UNIT_NAME_PLAYER_TITLE = "Titles",
  476.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_UNIT_NAME_PLAYER_TITLE = "Show player titles in the game world.",
  477.     },
  478.     wholeChatWindowClickable = {
  479.         wod_default = 1, removed_legion = false,
  480.         CHAT_WHOLE_WINDOW_CLICKABLE = "Click to Focus",
  481.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_CHAT_WHOLE_WINDOW_CLICKABLE = "Clicking anywhere in a Chat Frame will cause it to receive focus.",
  482.     },
  483.     xpBarText = {
  484.         wod_default = 0, removed_legion = false,
  485.         XP_BAR_TEXT = "Experience Bar Text",
  486.         OPTION_TOOLTIP_XP_BAR = "Always display the text on your XP bar.",
  487.     },
  488. }

I don't have a similar list for the new options in Legion though, it could be incomplete
Did not include cvars like floatingCombatTextFloatMode (renamed) and findYourselfInRaidOnlyInCombat since they are not in the default options
Lua Code:
  1. default, cvar <- oldcvars
  2. 0 doNotFlashLowHealthWarning
  3. 0 enableFloatingCombatText <- enableCombatText
  4. 0 findYourselfMode (-1=Off, 0=Circle, 1=Circle & Outline)
  5. 0 hideAdventureJournalAlerts
  6. 0 nameplateResourceOnTarget
  7. 0 nameplateShowAll
  8. 0 nameplateShowEnemyMinions
  9. 0 nameplateShowFriendlyMinions
  10. 1 nameplateShowSelf
  11. 1 ShowNamePlateLoseAggroFlash
  12. "1.0" NamePlateHorizontalScale
  13. "1.0" NamePlateVerticalScale
  14. 0 statusText <- playerStatusText, petStatusText, targetStatusText, partyStatusText
  15. 1 UnitNameEnemyMinionName <- UnitNameEnemyGuardianName, UnitNameEnemyPetName, UnitNameEnemyTotemName
  16. 1 UnitNameFriendlyMinionName <- UnitNameFriendlyGuardianName, UnitNameFriendlyPetName, UnitNameFriendlyTotemName

Default CVar value changes
Lua Code:
  1. wod -> legion
  2. 1 -> 2 lossOfControlDisarm (0=Off, 1=Only Alert, 2=Show Full Duration)
  3. 1 -> 2 lossOfControlInterrupt
  4. 1 -> 2 lossOfControlRoot
  5. 1 -> 2 lossOfControlSilence
  6. 0 -> 1 nameplateShowEnemies
  7. 1 -> 0 nameplateShowEnemyGuardians
  8. 1 -> 0 nameplateShowEnemyPets
  9. 1 -> 0 nameplateShowEnemyTotems
  10. 1 -> 0 nameplateShowFriendlyGuardians
  11. 1 -> 0 nameplateShowFriendlyPets
  12. 1 -> 0 nameplateShowFriendlyTotems
  13. 0 -> 1 scriptErrors
  14. 0 -> 1 ShowClassColorInNameplate
  15. 0 -> 1 showDispelDebuffs
  16. 1 -> 0 showPartyPets
  17. 0 -> 1 UnitNameEnemyGuardianName
  18. 0 -> 1 UnitNameEnemyTotemName
  19. 0 -> 1 UnitNameFriendlyGuardianName
  20. 0 -> 1 UnitNameFriendlyTotemName

Last edited by Ketho : 07-25-16 at 02:30 PM.

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