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11-11-08, 11:59 AM   #1
A Murloc Raider
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Turndown due to wowmatrix

Tried updated my UI today and got a reply back that they wouldn't update due to me having wowmatrix files. How do I get rid of them and anything else I need to do to get my UI updated.

P.S. I read the whole wowmatrix thread so I got rid of it, using WUU now (is this alright?)
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11-11-08, 12:11 PM   #2
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If you are on Windows, all you have to do is hit Ctrl-F from your UI folder, search for wowmatrix, delete all that pops up and re-zip. They show up as wowmatrix.dat
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11-18-08, 05:39 PM   #3
An Aku'mai Servant
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Could you explain, as I use WoWmatrix with no problem. What sort of UI problems? And who was it that didn't help if you had it? (Sort of confused on that lol).

And what is WUU? lol Searching for a great addon updater that works even better then WoWmatrix. Thanks

Okay I read this, that Cairenn added in the news:

If you submit a mod that has such files in them, we will send you a PM asking you to remove those files before we will approve it. This is not open for debate. We aren't getting into the whole "what's wrong with Wowmatrix, blah blah blah" stuff. It's been discussed plenty elsewhere and our stance remains the same.

I'm not an addon author, just a user, so wondering if there's something I should know about in re: to WoWmatrix? If you could even just point me to the threads I should read so I know what's going on, that'd be really helpful lol.

And again, to reiterate what I asked earlier lol, what's WUU?

Last edited by Jeania : 11-18-08 at 05:46 PM. Reason: (read Cairenn's post)
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11-18-08, 07:51 PM   #4
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Originally Posted by Jeania View Post
I'm not an addon author, just a user, so wondering if there's something I should know about in re: to WoWmatrix?
Start here or here
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11-19-08, 02:01 AM   #5
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Okay...go ahead and hate me beforehand so we can get that out of the way ^_~ I honestly am not trying to encourage more of this discussion, because it's gotten a bit out of hand...but at the same time I have some thoughts I'd like to share... I'd of replied to the WoWi topic that was linked, but it's locked (understands completely, so go ahead and yell at me lol). So because of these reasons, reread my very first sentence lol.

I've been a WoWMatrix user...unfortunately I never thought about or realized the issues that have been brought up. Not to sounds like an AA meeting, but I am going to try to stay off cross-site updaters... But let me qualify that.

First though, I must admit to being terribly disgusted, and horrified by some of the reactions written here in this thread. Not of the addon authors, but of the users themselves. I do understand both points of view, but come on guys, these people work hard to offer and tweak their addons...not for themselves, for whom the addons work just fine, but for US. They don't have to, and certainly don't deserve the disrespect and disregard shown here... And a lot of these replies are the authors of some of the most used, beloved, and "couldn't live without" addons out there! I really hope with all my WoW-heart that they don't take what is being said by the few, and decide to turn in the hat and call it a day. Shame on those who feel that they have a right to "take" whatever they want.

On copyright laws, IT IS THE LAW, whether there's been "good cases" of them in courtrooms. Seriously, anyone can look at some of the ridiculous cases won/lost anywhere on the web, sometimes judges/juries really aren't thinking, or seem to have a shoe implanted in their head that prevents thoughts from being sane. Maybe that's harsh, but it's true...It's funny to read them...but you gotta feel sorry for the recipient of some of these decisions.

Were you aware, that even this, as I posted, is covered by copyright laws? Unless I'm mistaken (please reply if I am lol), it IS. Just something to think about.

So, I really agree with the addon authors on their disgust, frustration, and probably even sadness on some.

As an addon user, I do present these thoughts though, to the authors, etc. I honestly do have way too many addons (you are all too freaking gifted lol), and I do tend to have to update at least a few every day. Unfortunately I began downloading before I started "bookmarking" those I have, so looking through my addons is tough, as I'm not sure which came from where, and which site has the most current, up to date and latest, release. I've downloaded the WoWi updater (and do have Curse's) but am having trouble using it for that reason...I know this is my own fault and I will go through my addons, trust me, specially after reading this. But a lot of people aren't going to do this, as it takes work and you know how many shudder at such a thought Kidding, partially. All a person has to do is read the WoW forums to see how many people really don't "care"... but at the same time, please realize that more do, than don't. Just a lot don't post all the time, because they aren't going to reiterate good things 3,000,000 times lol, or whatnot. But a lot do read.

I personally would like to see a collaboration between the download sites that offers a rather good updater, but I doubt this would happen lol. But if it did, here's a couple of thoughts as to how it could be presented:


"You have the following which can be updated"

Version/Addon Name/Author/.toc/Link To Update (verses the actual auto-updating).

This could prevent/solve the possible following (please correct me if you see a whole in the idea lol).

Bandwidth (actually could maybe (?) save bandwidth as it'd link to the actual addon page instead of clicking through...yes a poor save, but lol)

Addon Author Information etc....It'd not only say who it's by, the .toc, but actually force the person who wishes to update, to go to the site on which the update is on...and the "updater" could (preferably) go to the main page of the addon, verses the download link.

User Ease of Use: It'd let the user know what addons have been updated, so that those of us who number into the zillions of addons can avoid checking every single addon that we may have.

Current Version: Some use here, WoWace, some use, some use WoWui, and some use more than that amount. Which site has the most current? This could possibly (?) reduce the need to cross check the sites.


In addition, if there are addons that don't come from the "mass site" or addon authors do not wish to have added to this addon, there could be a section of:

Manual Check:

The following addons have no information or do not wish to be listed here. Please search or update the addons manually. Thank you!

Then the list...duh lol.

In conclusion (god I've written waaaay too much today, kick me in the shins please lol) I do see both sides, I will use the addon updaters provided by each site...but it would be nice to see what is mentioned above. In addition, as someone said in the thread that I am referencing from, Don't Bite The Hand That Feeds You (yes, I capitalized the words, for those who don't read so well )

Okay, please reply, comment, slap, cheer, whatever lol. I am very willing and actually desiring to hear points of views that I've not mentioned, or thoughts that should be considered, or where I'm wrong.

Signing off, my hands hurt! lol

Jeania/Litharra~ Dalaran

edit: Oh and for those who think bandwidth isn't something to think about, ask the Aussies! Some of my very good friends from "down under" actually have internet issues because the internet companies don't charge only by speed, but limit the amount of bandwidth you can use for upload/download, etc. We are very lucky! But people do pay for bandwidth, so please...think about that.

2nd edit: To those who do check all the sites (which I do, actually) and try to help with debugging, etc...How many do you think actually do the same? ^_~

Last edited by Jeania : 11-19-08 at 02:10 AM.
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11-19-08, 03:04 AM   #6
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*Walloftext crits you for OVER NINE THOUSAND.
*You die.

Any way, I didn't know about the whole WowMatrix situation either before I read that thread about a week ago, first thin I did was delete it and get the wowi updater, and update all addons I need through here.

Sure, there are a few addons that need to be updated manually (I refuse to install the Curse updater, which install random crap to go with it), but that's life.

I agree with a general database-ish thingy, that would be an awesome idea, even if it's just that, a database that notifies you on new updates, and you have to go manually fetch the files still, that would save a lot of work for the end user too, because you only need to go check on the pages that actually have an updated addon, so they get a normal real hit on the website as well.

And last but not least, here in Belgium we have capped bandwidth as well
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11-19-08, 06:56 AM   #7
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Not quite a "database" however a site that will tell you all the new/updated AddOns from Curse, WoWUI, and WoWInterface. You still have to manually download, however you can see if anything new or updated that you use pops up on the ol' radar.

If you use a News Reader (aka RSS aggregation) such Firefox's RSS feature (or one of the many RSS extensions), Google Reader, Feed Demon, etc, then Fin offers an RSS feed so you can plug it into your reader. I have in my Bookmarks as a Live Bookmark for an at a glance check of what's new and updated. It's quite handy.

Last edited by Zyonin : 11-19-08 at 07:00 AM.
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11-19-08, 10:01 AM   #8
A Scalebane Royal Guard
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Originally Posted by Lykofos View Post
Not quite a "database" however a site that will tell you all the new/updated AddOns from Curse, WoWUI, and WoWInterface. You still have to manually download, however you can see if anything new or updated that you use pops up on the ol' radar.

If you use a News Reader (aka RSS aggregation) such Firefox's RSS feature (or one of the many RSS extensions), Google Reader, Feed Demon, etc, then Fin offers an RSS feed so you can plug it into your reader. I have in my Bookmarks as a Live Bookmark for an at a glance check of what's new and updated. It's quite handy.
Thanks for that one! Gonna come in very handy
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11-19-08, 02:40 PM   #9
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Hi folks,

This forum exists for the discussion of site problems, etc. The discussion about WoWMatrix has been gone over time and time again and is unnecessary to repeat.

So let's please keep this discussion on topic, in particular, with regards to addressing the OP's issue instead of WoWMatrix in general.

-- Shirik

EDIT: I'm going to split out Jeania's questions into a separate topic as they address a completely different question.
It's my turn next.

Shakespeare liked regexes too!
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