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11-27-06, 03:51 AM   #101
A Murloc Raider
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thx m8 i will try it asap (when i get back from work that is :P )
11-27-06, 03:53 AM   #102
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Posts: 15
Originally Posted by Agios
thx m8 i will try it asap (when i get back from work that is :P )

mazzle i have a question about the mount you said its auto suppose to go on 120 but my didn't how would i put it on that action bar
11-27-06, 04:01 AM   #103
A Murloc Raider
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Originally Posted by ShibbyShaman

mazzle i have a question about the mount you said its auto suppose to go on 120 but my didn't how would i put it on that action bar
O yes... about mount..well i have a pala 60 and i had some trouble to find where the mount were... there was no mount bottom so i had to "Drag" the mount icon to my bar.. Ofc i might be blind and there is a mount bottom around ^^
11-27-06, 04:29 AM   #104
A Rage Talon Dragon Guard
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Originally Posted by troubleduck
i guess its bugged then

edit- does anyone know a mod to get something like i posted in the above pic?
It's not a bug. You can have the tooltip follow your mouse as in the picture you posted. You just need to set it up that way. Mazzlefizz just keeps it to the left-hand side in order to reduce screen clutter. I think the command-line to fix it is /tinytip, then the interface comes up (similar to any FuBar interface, i.e. with slide-out menus, etc...) I think you should be able to solve your problem like this...
11-27-06, 04:34 AM   #105
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Posts: 15

First of all Mazzle grats for your work..its something that really wow team should consider to change their whole approach to the UI of the game.

I got 5 lvl 60 and tested your work on all of them now and i have some minor suggestion for your work (thats really awesome anyway):

1) for rogues ( i got 3 of them lvl 60) the UI is really clean and perfect for what they r supposed to be played.
just 2 notes: autobar not load cripp, instant and so on rogue potions...
when in stealth form it doesnt change main action bar

2) for my priest ( a T2 raidin 1) i found the UI someway a problem with my playinway:
i usually click heal on emergency monitor ( ctra 1 or squishy) as the most of priests.
i didnt find any on the addon and the raid frames at 1280 reso are too smal to be clicked.
Beside with him i use alot of macros, and i m not really very well xped stil to manage the discord bars and such.
3) for my war still didnt test it in a good way

some general notes:
1) id like to see the name of ppls in party colored by classes (like "X "paladin pink )
2)i added mount me in your addons (i didnt find any in your work)
3) added Ezdismount very useful mod...try it
4) Needy list .... bad...( guess you need find a better way to manage buffs and such)
5) the way you access to bags ,talent options and such is way to took me about 30 minuts to get first in there and anyway its too long process

I found you made the best work on fps...i usually play with about 25mb of addons at 75 - 60 fps...
with your ui arrived at about 45-50 fps usin 55 mb of sure you can do better and some addons like superispect , Aucion house ones and supertalent can be turned off having a huge perf increase.
The worst ( sure for me at least ) is on action bars i m really not able to manage them move them change the layout ...

Gratz again
And sorry for my bad english:P
11-27-06, 06:52 AM   #106
A Murloc Raider
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Originally Posted by lockness1
Still having the rearranging problem.. I really like this UI, but HATE that I have to re-mazzify each time I log in, die, or zone in/out of an instance. Is there any way to save my settings and remedy this issue? Has anyone else experienced this??

edit.. Might be because I've been on ONE of my chars not all of them!!! lemme try b4 I cry more.

Fixed. It was the Blizzard interface options to show extra action bars. I unchecked the boxes and all is well! Thanks for the great UI, Mazle!
11-27-06, 07:36 AM   #107
A Murloc Raider
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Mazzlefizz, this UI is everything i hoped it would be and more, and I see as to why the wait was neccessary. I do have a few issues, but all post those later, im at school now, they mainly have to do with NECB though.

Anyways thx for the Open Beta realease, and how do we submit discord Action Bar Layouts?

Oh and is the how do i hotkey the opening of the context menu to a mouse button?
link to what my sig used to be:
My Info
Class = warrior Res. = 1.33 (1600 x 1200) 64% UI scale
Good with DAB (but using serpent UI atm (waiting for Mazz))
Current UI
11-27-06, 08:04 AM   #108
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 16
Thanks Mazz for the great addon,

one thing i would like to have would be a better "raid-layout"-preview. If you know what i mean
11-27-06, 09:54 AM   #109
A Defias Bandit
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Posts: 3
Thanks for the UI Mazzle, I have been following this for forever, I appreciate the hard work you have done in order to get this out.

One thing that I find frustrating is the I just had an intense Mazzlegasm anytime I used your Mazzlefier (sp?), being yelled out. Can you maybe disable this, or have it where it doesn't spam the world? To me that is fine, but I look like a 12 year old that is overly excited with using anything that hints to orgasm.

I'm sure its funny to some, but for some of us who are working on trying to get it setup right, screw it up and need to reload, standing in org shouting that looks, well stupid.

Thanks again for your hardwork!
11-27-06, 10:05 AM   #110
A Fallenroot Satyr
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 21
big thx for this GREAT ui !!!
but i have the problem, i am hunter, i need more buttons i think xD
11-27-06, 10:12 AM   #111
A Murloc Raider
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Originally Posted by mfrnka

For the addon "Inspector (Gadget)" I'm showing a missing dependency: AddOnCore

Probably something I'm doing wrong, but an advise would help.
I reported this as a bug from the d/l page, and you already replied there too Mazz. Is that the big text box on the left that has data about all the loaded addons, etc? I will disable it tonight to see if it goes away because I can't see that as being on all the time.

Well, as expected, this UI was truly a work of art and well worth the wait. I didn't actually get to do much with my toons cause it was a busy weekend and honestly, I spent a good hour or two reading the FAQ and options for all the addons included. Great job on the documentation, and the setup was easy as pie! Just chose a setup type, clicked a couple buttons, and bam, done! I did manage to install the UI on my 60 Warlock and 30 Pally, and it installed flawlessly on both. Some comments/questions on both:

60 Warlock - At first, I also had the two circles in the center for dot timer and cd timer. I managed to move them and eventually figured out what they were, but that was the only real issue I had with this toon. I love that you included Necrosis as I use that all the time. I also like the context menu, and a quick mouse scroll to have a second page...brilliant! Oh, I enabled needy list but it showed up directly under the Necrosis sphere. It took some doing to unlock the sphere to move it away so I could move needy list up above it. Maybe put in a FAQ for configuring both of these addons at the same time and getting them set-up?

30 Pally - I love the Offensive / Healing switches for the button layout...that is simply awesome! I also noticed that on the left bars, there is a 1-2-3 switch thingy. On 1, it showed all the blessings that I have learned (only 5, so the 6-button bar wasn't full). On 2 and 3, it just hid that 6-button bar completely. This was confusing, and I assume that when I learn new blessings they will just be added to the bars (completing 1, then filling 2, etc.) and the switches will let me swap bars quickly. Is this what these 3 switches are for? Or can I add other skills (or items like E-Z throw dynamite?) to bars 2 & 3 manually?
Also, with my Pally I tend to weapon swap alot to keep my skills up and for different situations (ie. 2-handers for big damage, sword/board for tanking). The item rack is great for this and it was really easy to hide/show it with the hot-spot.

Overall - Love the clean look and the screen real estate for viewing the game world with so much functionality and info. The map is great, but I had a question about it... I used to use MetaMap and I had tons of notes of NPC's and other locations for quests and stuff. Is there anyway that those notes can be shown on this map? and if so, how would I copy/import them from my old UI folders? I didn't see an import option in the map options panel. I would also like to see a single bag window too, especially for the bank. Would it mess things up if I replaced it with Bagnon/Banknon or some other bag/bank addon?

Oh, the chat system - I had some questions about it, but I will wait on those till I try to resolve them myself. If I can't, I will repost.

Thanks again for all the hard work Mazz and Beta Testers. Hopefully most of this will still be functional after BC comes. If not, it will be like driving a Ferrari and then trading it in for a Ford Mustang....still nice, but not quite the same. Sorry about the long post...but believe me it could have been much worse, heh.
11-27-06, 11:00 AM   #112
An Onyxian Warder
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Originally Posted by Xfaktah
1) for rogues ( i got 3 of them lvl 60) the UI is really clean and perfect for what they r supposed to be played.
just 2 notes: autobar not load cripp, instant and so on rogue potions...
when in stealth form it doesnt change main action bar
The main bar doesn't change when stealthed, the smaller bar above and to the right does change to be your 'stealth' attacks (ambush, etc.)
Autobar is very configurable, if you'd like your potions in there, add 'em in. I don't regularly use Autobar for my poisons (my Rogue isn't 60 yet, so you may be using poisons more often then I do), but I have tried it, for me, there wasn't a huge benefit.

Originally Posted by Xfaktah
2) for my priest ( a T2 raidin 1) i found the UI someway a problem with my playinway:
i usually click heal on emergency monitor ( ctra 1 or squishy) as the most of priests.
Click healing as you're doing it now, goes away with the next patch. Just FYI.

Originally Posted by Xfaktah
some general notes:
1) id like to see the name of ppls in party colored by classes (like "X "paladin pink )
2)i added mount me in your addons (i didnt find any in your work)
3) added Ezdismount very useful mod...try it
4) Needy list .... bad...( guess you need find a better way to manage buffs and such)
5) the way you access to bags ,talent options and such is way to took me about 30 minuts to get first in there and anyway its too long process
1- Names where? in Chat? they are colored. Raids? They are colored. Are you talking about just the 5 man party view? If so, since it says thier class name, coloring would be redundant.
2- The Mazzifier should be dumping your mount into ButtonID 120, so that it is keybound for use.
4- I disagree. I find that needy list works very well for buff management on my Mage, priest, and druid. Sounds like its just a different buff management tool then you are used to.
5- Bags is keybound to B, it shouldn't have taken 30 minutes to review the keybindings to see what is bound to what. Talents, is N just like the default keybinding.

Originally Posted by Xfaktah
I found you made the best work on fps...i usually play with about 25mb of addons at 75 - 60 fps...
with your ui arrived at about 45-50 fps usin 55 mb of sure you can do better and some addons like superispect , Aucion house ones and supertalent can be turned off having a huge perf increase.
I have the full MazzleUi installed on all my characters (with the exception of banks, and any character below level 10 - those are using the 'minimal' installation option). I typically run about 50mb of UI usage, and depending on where I'm at and how many people are around (which has more impact on your FPS then your UI) I still run up to 70 FPS, with the low end on raids, AV, etc. of about 28-30.

KC_Items is the 'main' AH mod in the package (since it does the scanning/price tracking/etc.) and compared to the other 'popular' AH mod that does the same thing (auctioneer), it has a drastically lower memory usage (I tried loading up Auctioneer, my memory usage went from ~50mb to ~57mb). If you find the memory usage outside of what you consider acceptable, you have the option of re-mazzifying, and selecting one of the other options that loads fewer addons, or, of course, of un-loading any mods you aren't using.

Originally Posted by Xfaktah
The worst ( sure for me at least ) is on action bars i m really not able to manage them move them change the layout ..., Mazzlefizz is just using DAB, which while it does have a bit of a learning curve, is very robust, flexible, and easy to use (once you learn how).
11-27-06, 11:07 AM   #113
An Onyxian Warder
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Originally Posted by Congroge
Oh and is the how do i hotkey the opening of the context menu to a mouse button?

Default should be shift-mouse button 4. If you need to change this, its keybindings -> Discord Action Bars.
11-27-06, 11:12 AM   #114
An Onyxian Warder
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Originally Posted by goldentale
Thanks for the UI Mazzle, I have been following this for forever, I appreciate the hard work you have done in order to get this out.

One thing that I find frustrating is the I just had an intense Mazzlegasm anytime I used your Mazzlefier (sp?), being yelled out. Can you maybe disable this, or have it where it doesn't spam the world? To me that is fine, but I look like a 12 year old that is overly excited with using anything that hints to orgasm.

I'm sure its funny to some, but for some of us who are working on trying to get it setup right, screw it up and need to reload, standing in org shouting that looks, well stupid.

Thanks again for your hardwork!
There currently isn't a way to disable the Mazzlegasm. One of the other testers who didn't find it as humorous as some of us did found that if you Mazzify in-flight you don't yell.
11-27-06, 11:13 AM   #115
A Murloc Raider
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Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz
So, it should have put your horse in action slot 120 automatically in this version. What's the name of the mount you have?
I have the Red Skeletal Horse. I only have one character with a mount, so I'm afraid I can't test it on another just yet. If it would be helpful, I can uninstall the UI and reinstall it fresh...
11-27-06, 11:14 AM   #116
A Murloc Raider
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Just a questions and a suggestion or two..

Gatherer seems to not be working, buggy or something? Or it might be my interface.

Also for an experience bar I recommend adding in Fubar_FuXPFu, instead of the normal ExperienceFu. Fubar_RecapFu also is nice as an option if you are using recap. QuestFu is a good replacement for Monkeyquest, although font size options would be quite nice for it..

Keep up the good work, sweet UI you got going here!
11-27-06, 11:19 AM   #117
A Murloc Raider
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Vint, he meant the menu bar, as in, the bar that has all the icons, including bags, chacater window, Help context menu,so on and so forth.
11-27-06, 11:41 AM   #118
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Is there a reason an older version of Necrosis (A warlock mod) is being used and not the newest version? Or did you just not realize there was a new version out?
11-27-06, 11:42 AM   #119
An Aku'mai Servant
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Posts: 31
Great UI

So far I really REALLY like the UI. It is my first UI change to the game other than basic addons like CTmods and CTraid.

But i do have a few problmes, and its VERY possible I just dont know how to fix them.

I haev the UI set for a Mage.

I am on a 17" laptop with my graphic settings on 1440x900.
The first problem i had, the mini map just disappeard. I had to leave the zone and come back to get it to work. (i was in EPL, near naxx)

The next problem i had, which is harder to realize because you have to wait till your in a raid to figure it out, is I cant get the partys to line up where i want them to. They seem to be Right inteh middle of my screen at the top. I have tried differnt options, but it just overlaps teh partys, and i cant read them at all. And is there a way to show the Main and Off tanks?

Third. I am tryign to figure out an easier way to use arcane brilliance. I want to be able to select one person from teh needy list with out having to /target so-and-so then AB them. This is a slow process. I am sure that tehre is a way to do this, but i kinda lost.

There is also the known issue of the Cinnamon buns, not conjuring. Is there a button to have you sit and drink/eat at the same time? As opposed to clicking each one.

And at this moment, last but not least, I am blind. The UI is REALLy way to small for me. I knwo that smaller means more info, but there has to be SOME compromise in sizing? Please? I find mysefl squiting at everything. I saw this addressed inteh FAQ, but Its the one thing i ABSOLUTELY hate so far, and unfortunately may make me ultimately uninstall sucha a great peice of work. I have made all the chat boxes to Mr.Magoo size, but the mini map is so small i dont see the yellow dots for herbing hardly at all, And CANNOT read to fonts for the quest logs

Oh, one last thing!
A pretty vital spell cast is Portaling, who come there is no function for that?
I am just nwo reading thru all the forums so if any of this has been answered, i will edit my post as necessary.

Last edited by Aurora : 11-27-06 at 11:48 AM.
11-27-06, 12:14 PM   #120
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
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Posts: 50
I had already asked this a few pages back but it probably got missed..

With the patch with the UI changes is coming up in 2 weeks or so and will be breaking all current Discord mods is there a plan for the Mazzle UI to get around this? The wife like the UI but doesn't want to learn this and then have it break and be stuck with the default UI.

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