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12-15-18, 10:04 AM   #1
A Rage Talon Dragon Guard
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Sorting Tooltip for money by Faction

currently i have a mouseover tooltip in mt datatext that shows me my currents relms charators total gold.

			local totalGold = 0				
			GameTooltip:AddLine("Character's: ")			
			local thisRealmList = BasicDB.Currency[myPlayerRealm];
			for k,v in pairs(thisRealmList) do
				GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(k, formatMoney(v), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
Which Gives me this return:

I have both Horde and Alliance I would like to see how much gold i have on each faction beings you cannot send gold to other factions.

Any help would be great.

P.S. If you need more code my whole addon is on GitHub Here. And this is in the Datatext.lua file under bags.

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12-21-18, 07:19 AM   #2
A Rage Talon Dragon Guard
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So noone knows anyway to get this info?

im trying to do it this way:
			local myPlayerName  = UnitName("player")
			local myPlayerFaction = UnitFactionGroup("player");
			if not BasicDB.Currency then BasicDB.Currency = {} end
			if not BasicDB.Currency[myPlayerRealm] then BasicDB.Currency[myPlayerRealm]={} end
			BasicDB.Currency[myPlayerRealm][myPlayerFaction][myPlayerName] = GetMoney()
but it keeps thowing up and error:
34x BasicUI\Modules\Datapanel.lua:558: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
BasicUI\Modules\Datapanel.lua:558: in function <BasicUI\Modules\Datapanel.lua:510>

self = <unnamed> {
 0 = <userdata>
totalSlots = 120
freeSlots = 68
itemLink = "|cffffffff|Hitem:160452::::::::114:581::::::|h[]|h|r"
subtype = nil
isBag = true
NewMoney = 122614145
Change = 0
myPlayerName = "Øsmosis"
myPlayerFaction = "Alliance"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 122614145
(*temporary) = 122614145
(*temporary) = "Alliance"
(*temporary) = "Alliance"
(*temporary) = <userdata>
(*temporary) = "/"
(*temporary) = "120"
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)"
Text = <unnamed> {
 0 = <userdata>
OldMoney = 122614145
Spent = 0
Profit = 0
myPlayerRealm = "Fenris"
But im not on Osmosis im ona different toon
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12-21-18, 08:22 AM   #3
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Check which value throws the error in 558 and make sure it has a value before you use it.
You're not clear if you want to only see the same faction listed or list and sum up both.
My code of zz_Money shows only the same faction. So perhaps you can check it for what you want to do.
The cataclysm broke the world ... and the pandas could not fix it!
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12-22-18, 11:21 AM   #4
A Rage Talon Dragon Guard
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Originally Posted by Rilgamon View Post
Check which value throws the error in 558 and make sure it has a value before you use it.
You're not clear if you want to only see the same faction listed or list and sum up both.
My code of zz_Money shows only the same faction. So perhaps you can check it for what you want to do.
Thanks This Helped some.

So here is the current plugin code for the Bags/Money:
	if db.bags then
		local bagsPlugin = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, Datapanel)

		local Text = bagsPlugin:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
		Text:SetFont(db.font, db.fontSize,'THINOUTLINE')
		PlacePlugin(db.bags, Text)

		local Profit	= 0
		local Spent		= 0
		local OldMoney	= 0
		local myPlayerName  = UnitName('player');
		local myPlayerRealm = GetRealmName();
		local myPlayerFaction = UnitFactionGroup('player')
		local function formatMoney(c)
			local str = ""
			if not c or c < 0 then 
				return str 
			if c >= 10000 then
				local g = math.floor(c/10000)
				c = c - g*10000
				str = str..BreakUpLargeNumbers(g).."|cFFFFD800g|r "
			if c >= 100 then
				local s = math.floor(c/100)
				c = c - s*100
				str = str..s.."|cFFC7C7C7s|r "
			if c >= 0 then
				str = str..c.."|cFFEEA55Fc|r"
			return str
		local function OnEvent(self, event)
			local totalSlots, freeSlots = 0, 0
			local itemLink, subtype, isBag
			for i = 0,NUM_BAG_SLOTS do
				isBag = true
				if i > 0 then
					itemLink = GetInventoryItemLink('player', ContainerIDToInventoryID(i))
					if itemLink then
						subtype = select(7, GetItemInfo(itemLink))
						if (subtype == 'Mining Bag') or (subtype == 'Gem Bag') or (subtype == 'Engineering Bag') or (subtype == 'Enchanting Bag') or (subtype == 'Herb Bag') or (subtype == 'Inscription Bag') or (subtype == 'Leatherworking Bag') or (subtype == 'Fishing Bag')then
							isBag = false
				if isBag then
					totalSlots = totalSlots + GetContainerNumSlots(i)
					freeSlots = freeSlots + GetContainerNumFreeSlots(i)
				Text:SetText(hexa.."Bags: "..hexb.. freeSlots.. '/' ..totalSlots)
					if freeSlots < 6 then
					elseif freeSlots < 10 then
					elseif freeSlots > 10 then
			--if event == "PLAYER_LOGIN" then
				--OldMoney = GetMoney()
			local NewMoney = GetMoney()

			db['Currency'] = db['Currency'] or {}
			db['Currency'][myPlayerRealm] = db['Currency'][myPlayerRealm] or {}
			db['Currency'][myPlayerRealm][myPlayerFaction] = db['Currency'][myPlayerRealm][myPlayerFaction] or {}
			db['Currency'][myPlayerRealm][myPlayerFaction][myPlayerName] = db['Currency'][myPlayerRealm][myPlayerFaction][myPlayerName] or NewMoney

			OldMoney = db['Currency'][myPlayerRealm][myPlayerFaction][myPlayerName] or NewMoney

			local Change = NewMoney - OldMoney

			if (OldMoney > NewMoney) then
				Spent = Spent - Change
				Profit = Profit + Change
			db['Currency'][myPlayerRealm][myPlayerFaction][myPlayerName] = NewMoney

				if db.bag ~= true then
		bagsPlugin:SetScript('OnEvent', OnEvent)	
		bagsPlugin:SetScript("OnEnter", function(self)
			local anchor, panel, xoff, yoff = DataTextTooltipAnchor(Text)
			GameTooltip:SetOwner(panel, anchor, xoff, yoff)
			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(hexa..PLAYER_NAME.."'s"..hexb.."|cffffd700 Currency|r", formatMoney(OldMoney), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
			GameTooltip:AddLine' '			
			GameTooltip:AddLine("This Session: ")				
			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Earned:", formatMoney(Profit), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Spent:", formatMoney(Spent), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
			if Profit < Spent then
				GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Deficit:", formatMoney(Profit-Spent), 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1)
			elseif (Profit-Spent)>0 then
				GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Profit:", formatMoney(Profit-Spent), 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
			GameTooltip:AddLine' '
			local totalGold = 0				
			GameTooltip:AddLine("Character's: ")
			local thisRealmList = db['Currency'][myPlayerRealm];
			if db['Currency'][myPlayerRealm][myPlayerFaction] == ('Alliance') then
				for k,v in pairs(thisRealmList) do
					GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(k, formatMoney(v), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
					totalGold = totalGold + v;
			elseif db['Currency'][myPlayerRealm][myPlayerFaction] == ('Horde') then
				for k,v in pairs(thisRealmList) do
					GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(k, formatMoney(v), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
					totalGold = totalGold + v;
			elseif db['Currency'][myPlayerRealm][myPlayerFaction] == ('Neutral') then
				for k,v in pairs(thisRealmList) do
					GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(k, formatMoney(v), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
					totalGold = totalGold + v;

			GameTooltip:AddLine' '
			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Total: ", formatMoney(totalGold), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)

			for i = 1, GetNumWatchedTokens() do
				local name, count, extraCurrencyType, icon, itemID = GetBackpackCurrencyInfo(i)
				if name and i == 1 then
					GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
				local r, g, b = 1,1,1
				if itemID then r, g, b = GetItemQualityColor(select(3, GetItemInfo(itemID))) end
				if name and count then GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(name, count, r, g, b, 1, 1, 1) end
			GameTooltip:AddLine' '
			GameTooltip:AddLine("|cffeda55fClick|r to Open Bags")			
		bagsPlugin:SetScript("OnLeave", function() GameTooltip:Hide() end)			

and this code creates the first post image:
	if db.bags then
		local bagsPlugin = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, Datapanel)

		local Text = bagsPlugin:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
		Text:SetFont(db.font, db.fontSize,'THINOUTLINE')
		PlacePlugin(db.bags, Text)

		local Profit	= 0
		local Spent		= 0
		local OldMoney	= 0
		local myPlayerRealm = GetRealmName();
		local function formatMoney(c)
			local str = ""
			if not c or c < 0 then 
				return str 
			if c >= 10000 then
				local g = math.floor(c/10000)
				c = c - g*10000
				str = str..BreakUpLargeNumbers(g).."|cFFFFD800g|r "
			if c >= 100 then
				local s = math.floor(c/100)
				c = c - s*100
				str = str..s.."|cFFC7C7C7s|r "
			if c >= 0 then
				str = str..c.."|cFFEEA55Fc|r"
			return str
		local function OnEvent(self, event)
			local totalSlots, freeSlots = 0, 0
			local itemLink, subtype, isBag
			for i = 0,NUM_BAG_SLOTS do
				isBag = true
				if i > 0 then
					itemLink = GetInventoryItemLink('player', ContainerIDToInventoryID(i))
					if itemLink then
						subtype = select(7, GetItemInfo(itemLink))
						if (subtype == 'Mining Bag') or (subtype == 'Gem Bag') or (subtype == 'Engineering Bag') or (subtype == 'Enchanting Bag') or (subtype == 'Herb Bag') or (subtype == 'Inscription Bag') or (subtype == 'Leatherworking Bag') or (subtype == 'Fishing Bag')then
							isBag = false
				if isBag then
					totalSlots = totalSlots + GetContainerNumSlots(i)
					freeSlots = freeSlots + GetContainerNumFreeSlots(i)
				Text:SetText(hexa.."Bags: "..hexb.. freeSlots.. '/' ..totalSlots)
					if freeSlots < 6 then
					elseif freeSlots < 10 then
					elseif freeSlots > 10 then
			if event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" then
				OldMoney = GetMoney()
			local NewMoney	= GetMoney()
			local Change = NewMoney-OldMoney -- Positive if we gain money
			if OldMoney>NewMoney then		-- Lost Money
				Spent = Spent - Change
			else							-- Gained Money
				Profit = Profit + Change

			local myPlayerName  = UnitName("player")
			local myPlayerFaction = UnitFactionGroup("player");
			if not BasicDB.Currency then BasicDB.Currency = {} end
			if not BasicDB.Currency[myPlayerRealm] then BasicDB.Currency[myPlayerRealm]={} end
			BasicDB.Currency[myPlayerRealm][myPlayerName] = GetMoney()	
			OldMoney = NewMoney	

				if db.bag ~= true then
		bagsPlugin:SetScript('OnEvent', OnEvent)	
		bagsPlugin:SetScript("OnEnter", function(self)
			local anchor, panel, xoff, yoff = DataTextTooltipAnchor(Text)
			GameTooltip:SetOwner(panel, anchor, xoff, yoff)
			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(hexa..PLAYER_NAME.."'s"..hexb.."|cffffd700 Gold|r", formatMoney(OldMoney), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
			GameTooltip:AddLine' '			
			GameTooltip:AddLine("This Session: ")				
			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Earned:", formatMoney(Profit), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Spent:", formatMoney(Spent), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
			if Profit < Spent then
				GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Deficit:", formatMoney(Profit-Spent), 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1)
			elseif (Profit-Spent)>0 then
				GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Profit:", formatMoney(Profit-Spent), 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
			--GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Total:", formatMoney(OldMoney), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
			GameTooltip:AddLine' '
			local totalGold = 0				
			GameTooltip:AddLine("Character's: ")
			local myPlayerFaction, _ = UnitFactionGroup("player");
			local thisRealmList = BasicDB.Currency[myPlayerRealm];
			for k,v in pairs(thisRealmList) do
				GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(k, formatMoney(v), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)

			GameTooltip:AddLine' '
			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Total: ", formatMoney(totalGold), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)

			for i = 1, GetNumWatchedTokens() do
				local name, count, extraCurrencyType, icon, itemID = GetBackpackCurrencyInfo(i)
				if name and i == 1 then
					GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")
				local r, g, b = 1,1,1
				if itemID then r, g, b = GetItemQualityColor(select(3, GetItemInfo(itemID))) end
				if name and count then GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(name, count, r, g, b, 1, 1, 1) end
			GameTooltip:AddLine' '
			GameTooltip:AddLine("|cffeda55fClick|r to Open Bags")
			GameTooltip:AddLine("|cffeda55fType|r /resetcurrency to Reset Currency Totals")			
		bagsPlugin:SetScript("OnLeave", function() GameTooltip:Hide() end)			
		-- reset gold data
		local function RESETCURRENCY()
			local myPlayerRealm = GetRealmName();
			local myPlayerFaction = select(1, UnitFactionGroup("player"));
			local myPlayerName  = UnitName("player");
			BasicDB.Currency = {}
			BasicDB.Currency[myPlayerRealm][myPlayerFaction][myPlayerName] = GetMoney();
		SLASH_RESETCURRENCY1 = "/resetcurrency"

Here is the SavedVariables it creates:
BasicDB = {
	["namespaces"] = {
		["Nameplate"] = {
		["Misc"] = {
		["Buff"] = {
		["Powerbar"] = {
		["Tooltip"] = {
		["Chat"] = {
		["Unitframe"] = {
		["Actionbar"] = {
		["Datapanel"] = {
			["profiles"] = {
				["Default"] = {
					["Currency"] = {
						["Fenris"] = {
							["Horde"] = {
								["Unknøwn"] = 17661878,
								["ßullwinkle"] = 95560850,
							["Alliance"] = {
								["Silhøuette"] = 867196155,
								["Cokeman"] = 434537262,
	["profileKeys"] = {
		["ßullwinkle - Fenris"] = "Default",
		["Silhøuette - Fenris"] = "Default",
		["Unknøwn - Fenris"] = "Default",
		["Cokeman - Fenris"] = "Default",
	["profiles"] = {
		["Default"] = {
and yet nothings shows in the toolitp here is a screenshot:

As you can see nothing loads.

I think it might be useless to get this to do what i want.

Below is what im looking for in text format:

<Players Name>'s Currency          100g 00s 02c

This Session:
Earned:         100g0s0c
Spent:          20g0s0c

<Players Name>          10,000g50s35c

<Players Name>         1,000g0s0c

<Players Name>          100g0s0c

Total         11,100g50s35c

Nethershard         29

Click to Open Bags
If this is not possible please let me know so i can stop trying.


Last edited by cokedrivers : 12-22-18 at 11:25 AM. Reason: Added First code
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12-22-18, 02:29 PM   #5
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You have the data. So its totally possible to display it.

Lua Code:
  1. if db['Currency'][myPlayerRealm][myPlayerFaction] == ('Alliance') then

In situations like this print out the variables so you can quickly see if the values are what you expect.
Here it seems you mixed up the content and the meaning of the key.
'myPlayerFaction' represents the value you try to compare.
db['Currency'][myPlayerRealm][myPlayerFaction] represents the list of your current faction.
From your described result to list all factions this means you have (at least) two faults here.
It should not be an if-elseif-clause if you want it all printed.

Lua Code:
  1. GameTooltip:AddLine('Alliance:') -- dont put the header in your loop
  2. for name,money in pairs(db['Currency'][myPlayerRealm]['Alliance']) do
  3.   GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(name, formatMoney(money), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
  4. end
The cataclysm broke the world ... and the pandas could not fix it!
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12-24-18, 08:57 AM   #6
A Rage Talon Dragon Guard
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Originally Posted by Rilgamon View Post
You have the data. So its totally possible to display it.

Lua Code:
  1. if db['Currency'][myPlayerRealm][myPlayerFaction] == ('Alliance') then

In situations like this print out the variables so you can quickly see if the values are what you expect.
Here it seems you mixed up the content and the meaning of the key.
'myPlayerFaction' represents the value you try to compare.
db['Currency'][myPlayerRealm][myPlayerFaction] represents the list of your current faction.
From your described result to list all factions this means you have (at least) two faults here.
It should not be an if-elseif-clause if you want it all printed.

Lua Code:
  1. GameTooltip:AddLine('Alliance:') -- dont put the header in your loop
  2. for name,money in pairs(db['Currency'][myPlayerRealm]['Alliance']) do
  3.   GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(name, formatMoney(money), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
  4. end
Thank You Rilgamon for the help i finally got it figured out and the code you last posted helped dramatically.

Here is a screen shot of the new Tooltip:

Again thank you for the help.

Happy Gaming and Coding to All.
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12-27-18, 08:39 AM   #7
A Rage Talon Dragon Guard
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So I've been playing around with the code and i think I finally have it where I like it here are some Screen Shots...

Alliance Only - Horde Only - Neutral Only -

Alliance and Neutral - And Finally All 3 Factions -

The spacing for missing factions sucks but i had to do a IF for nil so i used GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(" ", " ") for nil then the tooltip for the Faction if its available. another reason for the bigs gaps are because of the space between factions if all 3 of them are shown.

Well let me know if they look decent or if they are just to cluttered.

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12-27-18, 11:32 AM   #8
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Just curious, are you neutral characters Pandaren that have not picked a faction?
Author of JWExpBar and JWRepBar.
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12-27-18, 11:45 AM   #9
A Rage Talon Dragon Guard
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Originally Posted by JDoubleU00 View Post
Just curious, are you neutral characters Pandaren that have not picked a faction?
Yes and i believe that Demon Hunters are the same.
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12-28-18, 12:45 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by cokedrivers View Post
The spacing for missing factions sucks but i had to do a IF for nil so i used GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(" ", " ") for nil then the tooltip for the Faction if its available. another reason for the bigs gaps are because of the space between factions if all 3 of them are shown.
You should be able to fix all that.
"You'd be surprised how many people violate this simple principle every day of their lives and try to fit square pegs into round holes, ignoring the clear reality that Things Are As They Are." -Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

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12-29-18, 11:23 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Seerah View Post
You should be able to fix all that.
Would it be like a if nil then return? I tried that and it killed the whole plugin. I'm not anywears near a coder i just try to limp threw it.

I'll try to research more on being able to hide code without taking up space

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12-29-18, 11:31 AM   #12
A Rage Talon Dragon Guard
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so this is the code I use that hides or shows the Factions gold:
			local totalGold = 0;	
			local totalAlianceGold = 0;
			local totalHordeGold = 0;
			local totalNeutralGold = 0;
			if db['Gold'][myPlayerRealm]['Alliance'] == nil then
				GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(" ", " ")
				GameTooltip:AddLine("Alliance Character's:")
				for k,v in pairs(db['Gold'][myPlayerRealm]['Alliance']) do
					GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(iconAlliance..k, formatMoney(v), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
					totalAlianceGold = totalAlianceGold + v;
				GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Total Alliance Gold", formatMoney(totalAlianceGold))
			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(" ", " ")	
			if db['Gold'][myPlayerRealm]['Horde'] == nil then
				GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(" ", " ")
				GameTooltip:AddLine("Horde Character's:")
				for k,v in pairs(db['Gold'][myPlayerRealm]['Horde']) do
					GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(iconHorde..k, formatMoney(v), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
					totalHordeGold = totalHordeGold + v;
				GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Total Horde Gold", formatMoney(totalHordeGold))
			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(" ", " ")	
			if db['Gold'][myPlayerRealm]['Neutral'] == nil then
				GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(" ", " ")
				GameTooltip:AddLine("Neutral Character's:")
				for k,v in pairs(db['Gold'][myPlayerRealm]['Neutral']) do
					GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(iconNuetral..k, formatMoney(v), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
					totalNeutralGold = totalNeutralGold + v;
				GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Total Neutral Gold", formatMoney(totalNeutralGold))
			local totalServerGold = totalAlianceGold + totalHordeGold + totalNeutralGold
			GameTooltip:AddLine" "
			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Total Gold for "..myPlayerRealm, formatMoney(totalServerGold))
can it be condensed?
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12-29-18, 02:51 PM   #13
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Originally Posted by cokedrivers View Post
can it be condensed?
Here is one way to shorten it. You're doing the same thing per faction, so you can create a loop that does the same thing. I've renamed some variables to make it more obvious what values they hold. I also think that by adding the blank line as a header for each faction's gold, it fixes the "extra" blank lines in your tooltip. Please note that I dry-coded this, so there may be typos and other errors.
local factions = { 'Alliance', 'Horde', 'Neutral' }
local factionGold = {
	Alliance = 0,
	Horde = 0,
	Neutral = 0,
local factionIcon = {
	Alliance = iconAlliance,
	Horde = iconHorde,
	Neutral = iconNeutral,
local totalRealmGold = 0

local goldDB = (db and db.Gold) and db.Gold[myPlayerRealm] or nil
if goldDB then
	for _, faction in pairs(factions) do
		if goldDB[faction] then
			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(" ", " ")
			GameTooltip:AddLine(faction .. " Characters:")
			for name, amount in pairs(goldDB[faction]) do
				GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(factionIcon[faction] .. name, formatMoney(amount), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
				factionGold[faction] = factionGold[faction] + amount
			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Total " .. faction .. " Gold", formatMoney(factionGold[faction]))
			totalRealmGold = totalRealmGold + factionGold[faction]
	GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Total Gold for " .. myPlayerRealm, formatMoney(totalRealmGold))
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12-29-18, 04:57 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by cokedrivers View Post
so this is the code I use that hides or shows the Factions gold:
can it be condensed?
First, there should be no apostrophe in "Characters". Oh, and your totalAllianceGold variable was misspelled, but at least it matched everywhere.

Second, you're getting the gaps because you're adding the gaps. (Oh, and you also don't need to add a double-line to create a spacer, it can just be a regular line. This way you don't end up with more strings created in memory than necessary.)
Lua Code:
  1. local totalGold = 0;   
  2. local totalAlianceGold = 0;
  3. local totalHordeGold = 0;
  4. local totalNeutralGold = 0;
  6. if db['Gold'][myPlayerRealm]['Alliance'] == nil then
  7.     GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(" ", " ")     --no alliance characters, but let's add a line anyway
  8. else
  9.     GameTooltip:AddLine("Alliance Character's:")
  10.     for k,v in pairs(db['Gold'][myPlayerRealm]['Alliance']) do
  11.         GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(iconAlliance..k, formatMoney(v), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
  12.         totalAlianceGold = totalAlianceGold + v;
  13.     end
  14.     GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Total Alliance Gold", formatMoney(totalAlianceGold))
  15. end
  17. GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(" ", " ")     --now let's add a spacer between factions
  19. if db['Gold'][myPlayerRealm]['Horde'] == nil then
  20.     GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(" ", " ")     --no horde characters, but let's add a line anyway
  21. else
  22.     GameTooltip:AddLine("Horde Character's:")
  23.     for k,v in pairs(db['Gold'][myPlayerRealm]['Horde']) do
  24.         GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(iconHorde..k, formatMoney(v), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
  25.         totalHordeGold = totalHordeGold + v;
  26.     end
  27.     GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Total Horde Gold", formatMoney(totalHordeGold))
  28. end
  30. GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(" ", " ")     --now let's add a spacer
  32. if db['Gold'][myPlayerRealm]['Neutral'] == nil then
  33.     GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(" ", " ")
  34. else
  35.     GameTooltip:AddLine("Neutral Character's:")
  36.     for k,v in pairs(db['Gold'][myPlayerRealm]['Neutral']) do
  37.         GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(iconNuetral..k, formatMoney(v), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
  38.         totalNeutralGold = totalNeutralGold + v;
  39.     end
  40.     GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Total Neutral Gold", formatMoney(totalNeutralGold))
  41. end
  43. local totalServerGold = totalAlianceGold + totalHordeGold + totalNeutralGold
  45. GameTooltip:AddLine" "
  46. GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Total Gold for "..myPlayerRealm, formatMoney(totalServerGold))

For example, I've commented above how it is that you are getting 4 blank lines instead of one if you have only neutral characters on a server.

If you follow the logic of what you are trying to do, you want an empty line (a spacer) after every faction's section. This is even true for the last displayed faction in the tooltip, since you want a spacer before the total gold on the realm. If a faction's info will not be present in the tooltip, then you don't need the spacer. If you wish to keep your code formatted as is (rather than jlam's condensed version), then do this instead.
Lua Code:
  1. local totalGold = 0
  2. local totalAllianceGold = 0
  3. local totalHordeGold = 0
  4. local totalNeutralGold = 0
  6. if db['Gold'][myPlayerRealm]['Alliance'] then     --so long as this will never have a value of false, you really only care if a value exists
  7.     GameTooltip:AddLine("Alliance Characters:")     --faction heading
  8.     for k,v in pairs(db['Gold'][myPlayerRealm]['Alliance']) do     --display all characters
  9.         GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(iconAlliance..k, formatMoney(v), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
  10.         totalAllianceGold = totalAllianceGold + v
  11.     end
  12.     GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Total Alliance Gold", formatMoney(totalAllianceGold))     --faction total
  13.         GameTooltip:AddLine("")     --add a spacer after this faction
  14. end
  16. if db['Gold'][myPlayerRealm]['Horde'] then
  17.     GameTooltip:AddLine("Horde Characters:")     --faction heading
  18.     for k,v in pairs(db['Gold'][myPlayerRealm]['Horde']) do     --display all characters
  19.         GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(iconHorde..k, formatMoney(v), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
  20.         totalHordeGold = totalHordeGold + v
  21.     end
  22.     GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Total Horde Gold", formatMoney(totalHordeGold))     --faction total
  23.         GameTooltip:AddLine("")     --add a spacer after this faction
  24. end
  26. if db['Gold'][myPlayerRealm]['Neutral'] then
  27.     GameTooltip:AddLine("Neutral Characters:")     --faction heading
  28.     for k,v in pairs(db['Gold'][myPlayerRealm]['Neutral']) do     --display all characters
  29.         GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(iconNuetral..k, formatMoney(v), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
  30.         totalNeutralGold = totalNeutralGold + v
  31.     end
  32.     GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Total Neutral Gold", formatMoney(totalNeutralGold))     --faction total
  33.         GameTooltip:AddLine("")     --add a spacer after this faction
  34. end
  36. local totalServerGold = totalAlianceGold + totalHordeGold + totalNeutralGold
  37. GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Total Gold for "..myPlayerRealm, formatMoney(totalServerGold))     --server total
"You'd be surprised how many people violate this simple principle every day of their lives and try to fit square pegs into round holes, ignoring the clear reality that Things Are As They Are." -Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

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12-30-18, 10:02 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Seerah View Post
First, there should be no apostrophe in "Characters". Oh, and your totalAllianceGold variable was misspelled, but at least it matched everywhere.

Second, you're getting the gaps because you're adding the gaps. (Oh, and you also don't need to add a double-line to create a spacer, it can just be a regular line. This way you don't end up with more strings created in memory than necessary.)


For example, I've commented above how it is that you are getting 4 blank lines instead of one if you have only neutral characters on a server.

If you follow the logic of what you are trying to do, you want an empty line (a spacer) after every faction's section. This is even true for the last displayed faction in the tooltip, since you want a spacer before the total gold on the realm. If a faction's info will not be present in the tooltip, then you don't need the spacer. If you wish to keep your code formatted as is (rather than jlam's condensed version), then do this instead.

Thank You for the help, I did need to change one thing for it to work correctly and that was to change GameTooltip:AddLine("")

to GameTooltip:AddLine(" ")

because without the space the gap was not added. but thank you very much.

Also thanks for the spell check

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12-30-18, 12:46 PM   #16
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I guess I forgot that it wouldn't work with an empty string.
"You'd be surprised how many people violate this simple principle every day of their lives and try to fit square pegs into round holes, ignoring the clear reality that Things Are As They Are." -Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

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