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12-17-11, 03:14 AM   #1
A Kobold Labourer
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Target Visibility

Looking for an addon that will make my target stand out when it is in a crowd of mobs the same so it is easier to move up and melee it as it moves around at times. Being out of range or wrong facing hurts my DPS. I have tried Tidy Plates and it helps but looking for something that makes the mob itself glow or make the ring at its feet more seeable with all the ground cluttering spells going off. In EQ, long ago, it was an easy task to get a large targetting ring around the MTs target so we all saw who to kill. I want something like that or better but for ME to see.

Used to playing a range class and now trying melee and this would help me immensely. Thank you for any assistance pointing me to an addon that would help me.
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12-17-11, 03:51 AM   #2
A Black Drake
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Addons cannot interact with the 3D world in any way, so things like "glows" or "targeting circles" on mobs in the 3D world aren't possible. Honestly, nameplates are probably the closest you can get to that, with all their various drawbacks (not appearing at all on large/close or distance mobs, jumping around in crowds, etc.). It may be possible to make the target nameplate stand out even more than it usually does, but that's probably the best you can do with addons.
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12-17-11, 09:47 AM   #3
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Some nameplate addons have the option to fade nameplates, other than your target, once you target "someone". That might help you.

You mention TidyPlates, and that is one of the options for TidyPlates. I believe you can even adjust the amount non-target nameplates fade (sorry, but it's been a while since I set mine up).
Ahhhh, the vagueries of the aging mind. Wait.... What was I saying?

Carbonite <----- GitHub main module (Maps ONLY) download link. The other modules are also available on GitHub.
Carbonite-CLASSIC<----- GitHub link to Carbonite Classic. Thanks to ircdirk for this!

Last edited by jeffy162 : 12-17-11 at 09:52 AM.
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01-24-12, 03:57 PM   #4
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Here's another idea:

Do raid markers work in solo play? I'll just go check, in fact!

*Vagrant wanders off to start up WoW.*

They do! Okay, I'm going to go and throw together and test a thing quickly.

*Vagrant does a thing quickly.*

Okay, here we go! I present you with 'On My Mark!' I just did a little testing with this in game and... it's actually pretty helpful.


Essentially, what it does is it uses the raid marking system to make targets more clear. It'll put one of those huge red X icons above your current target and note your target in the chat frame. (As an acknowledgement.)


- If you're in a party and you're the leader, it'll put up a red X and note your target in party chat.
- If you're in a party and you're not the leader, it'll watch for whether you're attacking the marked target or not and say so in party chat.
- Both of the above conditions account for raids.

I imagine that this would be very helpful for main tanks once they've been set as the party/raid leader.

I'll get this up on WoWI shortly.

Last edited by Seerah : 01-24-12 at 05:23 PM. Reason: Sorry, but had to remove mediafire link. -Seerah
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01-24-12, 05:29 PM   #5
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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The second part would actually be rather annoying to both tanks and dps.

If the tank is doing 5man/trash target switching is rather frequent so the raid mark will jump around alot and the spam will drive everyone crazy.

Tanks if they bother to mark, mark what needs to die first and then proceed to do whatever it takes to gain the attention of all uncontrolled mobs (this often requires target switching for interrupts/stuns/spreading hate around etc).

Well behaved dps either "nuke the skull" (if a mark is up) or assist the tank (if no mark is up).

In raids trash are handled pretty much the same way so the above applies and bossfights have specific assignments so auto-marking the tank's target is not really helpful.

Finally, everyone can mark in parties nowadays there's no requirement to be party leader.
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01-25-12, 03:22 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Dridzt View Post
The second part would actually be rather annoying to both tanks and dps.
Quite to the contrary. A group of friends and I did a number of 5-mans last night and we actually found it helpful.

Well, not the particular version I have here, but the complete version I now have uploaded to WoWInterface.

Everyone has their own strategies.

Originally Posted by Dridzt View Post
If the tank is doing 5man/trash target switching is rather frequent so the raid mark will jump around alot and the spam will drive everyone crazy.
Except that didn't happen. It was actually easy to keep track of what the tank was attacking and when. This is basically a 'what is the tank going after' mod, and to that end it actually was quite functional.

I know some people are set in particularly archaic ways and not willing to try new things, but the group I tried it with the other night found it extremely valuable. There was one mage who actually spoke up about it as it made it easier for him to strategise based on being able to quickly see the tank's current target. (For crowd control purposes.)

This actually lead to that mage becoming a little more confident in his crowd control. And the latest OnMyMark actually has anti-crowd control breaking stuffs, too.

Originally Posted by Dridzt View Post
Tanks if they bother to mark, mark what needs to die first and then proceed to do whatever it takes to gain the attention of all uncontrolled mobs (this often requires target switching for interrupts/stuns/spreading hate around etc).
Again, archaic thinking. This is something that plagues most players of traditional MMORPGs - you're stuck in the mindset of 'just because something has always been this way, it must therefore continue to be this way, even if it isn't very efficient.'

Marking is a helpful tool. As a handicapped person myself, being able to quickly spot the target of the tank made the gameplay easier, and I'm incredibly dubious as to your motives here as you're slamming the idea without even having seen it in practise.

You may not understand fully how it works. But for the group I was with, it did indeed work. Again, I think this just comes down to archaic thinking.

Originally Posted by Dridzt View Post
Well behaved dps either "nuke the skull" (if a mark is up) or assist the tank (if no mark is up).
And that's precisely what this mod aids people in doing. As was mentioned.

However, as a handicapped person it's not always easy to follow what the tank is doing. And from what I've gathered it's not always easy for everyone to follow what the tank is doing. Not everyone is a pro, and archaic mindsets tend to lead to elitism.

By keeping track of the tanks target on a consistent (rather than semi-consistent) basis, everyone has a better understanding of what's going on in the field.

I wouldn't be so critical of you, here, but I feel that you're using archaic and somewhat elitist thinking in order to belittle an idea that you haven't seen in practise, an idea that--again, in practise--has improved the overall efficiency of the groups I've been in.

Again, just because something has been X or Y way, it doesn't mean that it can't be done another way.

Really, anyone with any amount of knowledge should know that no amount of theorycrafting in the world makes a bit of difference without seeing how the variables play out in practise. And sticking to outmoded methods of play just because things have always been that way isn't really all that fun of a mindset for a gamer. It's a very Amish mindset.

If the tank needs to place other markers, too, there are ways to temporarily and quickly suspend the behaviour of the mod so that they can setup other raid markers if they need to.

Originally Posted by Dridzt View Post
In raids trash are handled pretty much the same way so the above applies and bossfights have specific assignments so auto-marking the tank's target is not really helpful.
I don't do raiding. It's too elitist and stuffy for me, I prefer 5-/10-man stuff, so I can't really comment on this.

Originally Posted by Dridzt View Post
Finally, everyone can mark in parties nowadays there's no requirement to be party leader.
This is misunderstanding the workings and the entire point of the mod. But I'm ot going to go over this with you because you're just way, way too set in your ways for us to ever see eye-to-eye on this.

Plus, you have a 'MY WAY OR NO WAY, OKAY?!' attitude that I really don't want to deal with. So I'll just leave it at that.

Last edited by VagrantEsha : 01-25-12 at 03:27 PM.
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01-25-12, 05:16 PM   #7
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Uhm. Wow...
Whenever someone says "pls" because it's shorter than "please", I say "no" because it's shorter than "yes".

Author of NPCScan and many other AddOns.
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01-25-12, 05:39 PM   #8
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I'll admit to bad use of generalization when saying "to tanks and dps" and my apologies for that.
I should have said "to this tank and dps I interact with" and I'd have hopefully avoided aggravating you.

I'm happy you and your friends got good use out of your addon and I sincerely hope many more players will.

It's definitely not "my way or the highway", that conclusion is all your own
You don't know how flexible or in-flexible my play-style is or what my gaming history is,
so you should probably practice a more "live and let live" approach instead of throwing around epithets

I'll keep in mind not to share opinion on your ideas in the future especially if I happen to have another point of view.

If you look back at your last post and are happy with the way you respond to critique that's fine with me.

Finally my last point about "everyone being able to mark" in parties was me trying to be helpful from a development standpoint in the sense of:
"I don't think this would work for me but if you go ahead, you should know that in recent patches everyone can mark"
It wasn't always so, and your description made me think you might be trying to work around restrictions that are no longer in place.

If you ever want to argue why one might want specific creeps "stickily" marked through example and logic I'd be willing to do that.
If you prefer to summarily dismiss the person opposite you as a mindless drone that just follows archaic/outmoded/elitist/Amish tradition passed down from I don't know what authority, that is "out to get you" I'll have to pass...

This will also be my first and last "out of topic" post here.

Take care.
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01-25-12, 07:57 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by VagrantEsha View Post
... you're stuck in the mindset of 'just because something has always been this way, it must therefore continue to be this way, even if it isn't very efficient.' ...
You could also look at that as "the method we've been using for years works very well for me and the people I play with, so why should I spend time trying to adapt to a new system?"

I'm sure you're very proud of the idea you came up with, but expecting everyone to agree with you is unrealistic. Attacking anyone who expresses a different opinion, or comments that they don't think your idea would help them, is unnecessary, and will only lead to people ignoring your ideas in the future, for fear that you'll just snap at them if they offer anything but slavish praise.

Originally Posted by VagrantEsha View Post
I wouldn't be so critical of you, here, but I feel that you're using archaic and somewhat elitist thinking in order to belittle an idea that you haven't seen in practise...
It's hardly "elitist" to say that you don't want to mess with an established process that works well for you.

At my workplace, for example, we recently switched to a new inventory management system for keeping track of some 300,000+ items. The benefits of the new system over the old one are minimal at best, but the hassle of retraining everyone in a completely new process has been enormous and ongoing.

Maybe your system is, objectively, more efficient. I don't know. But I don't think it's very fair to call someone "archaic" and "elitist" because they just want to have fun playing a game the way they learned to play it, and not spend a lot of time learning a new process and trying to force everyone they play with to learn it too.

Also, the rogue from another server who gets dropped in your Dungeon Finder group doesn't care if you think using raid markers differently is more efficient. He just wants to finish the dungeon as quickly as possible, with as little thinking effort as possible, and get his reward.

Originally Posted by VagrantEsha View Post
I don't do raiding. It's too elitist and stuffy for me, ...
Dismissing everyone who participates in raid content as "elitist and stuffy" seems like the polar opposite of the open-mindedness you're claiming to advocate, don't you think?
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