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10-15-08, 06:42 PM   #81
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 14
First, I loved Trinity bars. Took me a while the first time I used them but once I figured them out I can't live with out them.

But, now I"m having similar problems with Macaroon and hoping you can help.

First, I set my bar to be target=mouseover. I then bound each of the buttons to a number button. But, when i go to use the buttons I'm casting on what ever my target is instead of what i'm moused over. And, unlike the final version of Trinity, when I don't have a target if I'm moused over a party member the spell doesn't cast but instead was giving me the glowing hand/no target option.

Actually, after more testing I had to change more bars to do the macro that the the target function should have done. I had one bar set to target-player and it never cast on me but instead gave me the floating hand.

Second, I was able to finally set it up but Trinity used to have easy set up so that you could set a button to be a piece of gear on you. Myself I was constantly swapping trinkets and having the button always be that slot was helpful. I eventually macro'd it to /use 13 but wasn't sure if there was an easier implementation.

So far it's been another learning experience. I can only hope that I will learn the tricks that were available in Trinity.

Thanks for any help.

Last edited by Teaminnovator : 10-15-08 at 06:45 PM.
10-15-08, 06:53 PM   #82
Ion Engines, Engage!
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Originally Posted by marketfresh View Post
im back again, and yes, im quite unfamiliar with this mod, i was a user of bongos for a long time... however upon initial use i like the flexibility of this mod much more. I do however seem to have run into a problem. possessions.... so I was running kara last night and all was well and good super ez mode, then we got to chess, i take the king and BAM i've got nothing. So i look, i had forgot to set my primary bar, which in this case is Bar 2 (because i messed up and deleted bar 1), to a posses state. I did so immediately, reloadui, and it reset to the posses state, but with nothing on it (i had already set it to 12 buttons).

so i'm back in kara today trying to get this working so that when i get to gorefiend tommorow im not stuck with no buttons to kill constructs! as such my question/s is: DOES the posses state automatically fill with what it should or do I have to create buttons for all posses states? is there something im missing in a configuration elsewhere that enables these buttons to be available? any help would be REALLY greatly appreciated!

EDIT: oh and also, the keybindings that are on that bar normally are not on it in the posses state, whats with this?
With great flexibility comes great configuration....

No, not really But Macaroon is a different beast than the other bar mods.

The possess bar gets set up much like a pet bar, except you check "Possess" instead of "Pet". But I bet you knew that! However, each button in the possess state must be set to be a "pet" button as well. To do this, enter button edit mode (/mac edit or alt-click minimap button) and left-click on the buttons until they say "pet id:#". Make sure you have all ID's covered, 1-10.

Once you do that, you are good to go. A good way to test instead of running all the way to the chess event is to get yourself an engineer-made tonk controller. They have 50 charges, plenty for testing

As for the keybinds, if you added the buttons after you bound the other state, you will just have to apply the bindings again to those buttons. In Macaroon it is good to remember that each button is a unique component and carries its own bindings and other data. If you add all your buttons to a bar for each state before you bind, Macaroon will then attempt to bind the corresponding buttons to the same key in the other states. But if the buttons were not on the bar at the time of keybinding, like I said, you just have to bind them individually so they know what binding to use when they show.



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Last edited by Maul : 10-15-08 at 06:55 PM.
10-15-08, 07:01 PM   #83
A Murloc Raider
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Originally Posted by Maul View Post
With great flexibility comes great configuration....

No, not really But Macaroon is a different beast than the other bar mods.

The possess bar gets set up much like a pet bar, except you check "Possess" instead of "Pet". But I bet you knew that! However, each button in the possess state must be set to be a "pet" button as well. To do this, enter button edit mode (/mac edit or alt-click minimap button) and left-click on the buttons until they say "pet id:#". Make sure you have all ID's covered, 1-10.

Once you do that, you are good to go. A good way to test instead of running all the way to the chess event is to get yourself an engineer-made tonk controller. They have 50 charges, plenty for testing

As for the keybinds, if you added the buttons after you bound the other state, you will just have to apply the bindings again to those buttons. In Macaroon it is good to remember that each button is a unique component and carries its own bindings and other data. If you add all your buttons to a bar for each state before you bind, Macaroon will then attempt to bind the corresponding buttons to the same key in the other states. But if the buttons were not on the bar at the time of keybinding, like I said, you just have to bind them individually so they know what binding to use when they show.


you're a lifesaver! thank you very much, works great! whew!
10-15-08, 07:08 PM   #84
A Kobold Labourer
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First of all, Maul, I'd like to thank you for a great series of mods. I've used Trinity and recently upgraded to Trinity 2.0.

I have now downloaded and installed Macaroon as well as the importer and the extras.

I've read through the forums, but haven't found any instructions on how to actually "run" the importer. Is it supposed to be an automated process?

I currently have none of the normal Trinity-like bars for any of my characters. As I have just recently finished a 5 hour process of converting 6 70's over from Trinity to Trinity 2.0 by taking screenshots and meticulously setting up everything as it originally worked, I am now contemplating leaping from the nearest tall structure.

Any help would be greatly appreciated by me and anyone walking at street level. Thanks.
10-15-08, 07:57 PM   #85
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally Posted by Maul View Post
The possess bar gets set up much like a pet bar, except you check "Possess" instead of "Pet". But I bet you knew that! However, each button in the possess state must be set to be a "pet" button as well. To do this, enter button edit mode (/mac edit or alt-click minimap button) and left-click on the buttons until they say "pet id:#". Make sure you have all ID's covered, 1-10.
So does that mean all we need to do is check both the Pet and Possess Checkbox and the bar will function for both occurrences? It seems logical considering you can't possess AND have a pet out at the same time.

Or do we need to set up separate Pet and Possess Bars?
10-15-08, 07:58 PM   #86
A Defias Bandit
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My char and bag bars are... not editable or moveable...
10-15-08, 08:25 PM   #87
A Kobold Labourer
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evie - download and install the macaroon xtras - that will fix it
10-15-08, 08:32 PM   #88
A Fallenroot Satyr
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This is looking like *the* actionbar addon now- macro-based "paging" is what I've been looking for. However, I'm hoping you can explain the setup to me a bit. I'm hoping to achieve a setup like what I've previously run with FlexBar/InfiniBar. Making an allowance for possess, I want a single bar that has "pages" for shift, bear form, bear form plus ctrl, cat form, cat form plus ctrl, cat form plus stealth, and possess.

After reading through the FAQ and experimentation, I've arrived at the following, which does not work:
Bar1 has stance, possess, and shift states.
Bar2 has a ctrl state, and is linked to Bar1: Dire Bear Form.
Bar3 has a ctrl and stealth state, and is linked to Bar1: Cat Form.

Bar 2 and Bar3 never show on Bar1, and vanish whenever I enter a shapeshift form.

Last edited by corveroth : 10-16-08 at 02:18 AM.
10-15-08, 08:33 PM   #89
A Defias Bandit
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Originally Posted by doomlizard View Post
evie - download and install the macaroon xtras - that will fix it
I have it installed

EDIT: wow nvm, it works now.

Last edited by Evie : 10-15-08 at 08:39 PM.
10-15-08, 08:35 PM   #90
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How do we keep blizz windows (like spellbook, quest, social ) and bags from covering Macaroon bars?
10-15-08, 08:55 PM   #91
A Kobold Labourer
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Setting button target

I see there is an option in the Bar Edit menus to allow a Bar Target: <option>

Will that be implented into the Button Edit menus as well? Right now I see the left and right arrow at the bottom of the Button Edit menu, but it just doesn't take me anywhere yet. I'm a multi-boxer that would, for example, use 1 button as a Flash Heal-Party1, another button as Flash Heal-self, and a third as Flash Heal-Target.
10-15-08, 09:00 PM   #92
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I'm having a bit of trouble configuring the menu and bag bars in macaroon.

In Trinity I used to be able to use button edit to delete specific button from the menu bar. However, I can't seem to get it to work using macaroon.

I have macaroon extras installed along with macaroon.

What I want is to delete all buttons on the menu bar to let it show the key ring only.

At the moment:

Both menu bar and bag bar are showing on my screen. I can enter "bar edit" mode for both menu and bag bar, but 'button edit" mode does not work for menu and bag bar (unlike the xp bar).

Could someone tell me how I can set the menu bar to show only the keyring?

Or maybe, if it's not too much trouble. Could the author Maul implement a choice to toggle 'show keyring' with the bag bar (like what Bartender4 does)?

Edit: 1 more question. Is there any way I can disable the 'rep function' from the "exp/rep" bar? I don't track any of my reputation, so is there any way to disable that part of the function so I only need to click for exp and rested level?

Last edited by Areli : 10-15-08 at 09:06 PM.
10-15-08, 09:41 PM   #93
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Macros to Allow Alt-Click for Self-Casting

Just switched to Macaroon after the patch, as Bartender4 was looking a bit dodgy... This is a great addon, and a big improvement over Bartender3 for me, as I am truly a macro addict. I don't climb on a mount, cast, or dance without some added macro functionality.

For everyone above who was interested in preserving their ability to alt-click a Macaroon button to self-cast (or self-bandage, or self-whatever), follow these steps once you have your bars all set up:

1) Type "/mac edit" to make all your buttons editable.
2) Make sure that the button you want to alt-self-cast is set as a "macro" - if it says "action" or "pet id", right click the button until it displays "macro".
3) Left click on the button: the "Macro Editor" will come up.
4) Give your macro a title if you haven't already. If you are casting a spell (I use Arcane Intellect in this example) that can be used on yourself or others, enter this macro in the box:

/cast [modifier:alt, target=player] Arcane Intellect; Arcane Intellect

If you are using an object (like first aid bandages) that can be used on yourself or others, use this macro:

/use [modifier:alt, target=player] Heavy Netherweave Bandage; Heavy Netherweave Bandage

Just use the name of your spell or object in place of "Arcane Intellect" and "Heavy "Netherweave Bandage" above.

4) Type "/mac edit" again to toggle button editing off.

And voila! It's as simple as that. You will just have to go through all of your buttons that can target yourself or others and make this change.
10-15-08, 10:03 PM   #94
A Kobold Labourer
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Action IDs

First: Thank you for the fantastic mod!

Second: I know this is probably a very silly question, but I can't seem to figure it out. The Action IDs. How do I assign an action to the ID # ? Some of them populated on their own and then I went and screwed it up.

If there is a way (I know that things are still being ironed out) I would love to know how to assign actions to the Action IDs.

If not, I'm sorry for wasting everyone's time.

Thank you!
10-15-08, 10:37 PM   #95
A Defias Bandit
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Thanks for the mod man, been using Trinity bars for a long time now. Having a bit of a problem with my Lock bars. I went to spec Demo to play with Metamorph for a bit but couldn't figure out how to get the barto swap like my druids. On my Lock there isn't an option to set the bar to "Stance".
10-15-08, 10:48 PM   #96
A Defias Bandit
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Posts: 2
Great Mod Thank You!

A couple of questions
1. Can you go through the process of creating "stance" and "paged bars" again please? (this is for a Druid) I have read and followed the FAQ on the subject and I just cant make it work like the default. I got as far as getting the form icons up on the "stance" bar but when I click on one, all of the other stances disappear including the "paged" bar. I am forced to "un-hide" the default bars so I can shapeshift back into normal form.

2. Can you explain how the "bar target" function works? When I saw that I was hoping that if I set it to "targettarget" that I could simply drag spells from my spellbook and then all those spells in that bar would automatically be cast on my targets target. Or lets say for healing I would set the bar to "focus" and all those spells in that bar would heal my focus. Is that the way its supposed to work? I tested it and it didnt seem to.

Thanks again, I am a 3 boxer and this is my first attempt at using bar mods.
10-15-08, 10:59 PM   #97
A Murloc Raider
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I'm not worthy to use this awesome addon

small bug, for druids faerie fire spell, when dragged to a button it has;

/cast Faerie Fire (Feral)

when it should be

/cast Faerie Fire (Feral)()

10/10 for this incredible addon.
10-15-08, 11:36 PM   #98
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Question Hunter BAr

Originally Posted by Maul View Post
Once you get buttons on your pet bar, enter button edit mode /mac edit or alt-click the minimap button. Then left click the buttons until they say "pet". Each one should have a unique ID number from 1 to 10.
This worked great - however, with the new patch and the additional talents that give you new skills, I need more than 10 Hunter Buttons...and all I seem to be able to get is 1 through 10 over again. I can switch out the non-passive skills, but then it changes them in both do I fix this?

Blood Elf Hunter, Aegwynn
10-16-08, 01:10 AM   #99
A Defias Bandit
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Posts: 2
I'm playing a Hunter, I have a petbar setup and working, but i can't take abilities from my pet skills to my bars, example.. trained the pet and can't put heart of the phoenix on either the pet bar or any of the action bars
10-16-08, 01:18 AM   #100
A Kobold Labourer
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D-day plus 1.
No its not that bad but i tried Macaroon after seeing that it had taken over for trinity. So far been a charm but i have on question is it possible to be able to place the bars with the help of coords?
I know it was possible in Trinity to say x and y coords for every bar. IMO it would be a helpfull feat.

WoWInterface » AddOns, Compilations, Macros » Released AddOns » Macaroon unofficial thread and docs: Feel the World of Macros!

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