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02-08-07, 12:06 AM   #1
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 200
MazzleUI 1.1 FAQ

Table of Contents

  • The text is way too tiny! Is something wrong?
  • I clicked the Mazzify button. It showed an animation of a gnome casting a spell, but nothing happened. Is Mazzlefizz forever trapped in time?
  • I need to Mazzify again. How do I pull up that window with the gorgeous gnome in it?
  • I just Mazzified my low-level character. The buttons are weird. There's just a few single buttons scattered around. That can't be right, is it?
  • I ran the Mazzifier, but the health bars on the target window and the bottom panel don't line up right
  • There are some long extra bars superimposed over the bottom bars (or on the side). They look out of place. What's going on?
  • Ack! When I logged in, there's this really scary window on the left with all these confusing numbers and add-on names! What is it? Will this window launch an all-out thermo-nuuclear war if I don't type the right thing in?
  • My Fubar is crowded with an insane amount of plugins, with text overlapping everywhere. It's life a flock of crazed, text-based birds at the top of my screen, ready to swoop in and kill my clean UI.
  • My camera moving behavior is not acting like it used to. I fear that Mazzlefizz is controlling the camera and uploading the footage to various dirty web sites. Please tell me that's not true.

  • How do I access my bag slots or the main menu bar?
  • What is this context menu I keep hearing about and how do I use it?
  • Is it true that there are some top secret, hidden areas in the UI that allow you to quickly get to or do certain things?
  • This pushy UI is omniscient! It keeps telling me that buffs are expiring for me and my group. It's creeping me out. What's going on?
  • I've heard you mention efficiency modes several times now. What the hell are you talking about? Shouldn't the UI always be in an efficient mode?
  • I heard MazzleUI can hot-swap raid layouts. Does that mean Mazzlefizz is a swinger?
  • Why is the left combat log window so narrow? Why are there no scrollboxes?
  • I heard a cha-ching! Where are my loot messages?
  • MazzleUI is in my keybordz, steeling my strokes, or why aren't any of the keybindings I expect working?
  • How do I zoom in/out of the minimap?
  • WTF? Isn't MazzleUI supposed to include Titan or FuBar? I don't see it anywhere on my screen?!
  • I noticed this bar below the target that sometimes appears and start to fill up. Is it a measure of my target's awesomeness increasing as I stare at it?

  • What is mod X? How do I use it? How do I change its settings? How can I completely turn it off?
  • I want everything to be bigger. I tried to change the UI scale and now everything is in the wrong place. What's going on?
  • I don't like the video settings that the MazzleUI efficiency modes switch to. The low settings are way too low or the high settings are for too high for my system. And my porridge is a tad bid too cold.
  • I love that MazzleUI has lots of different install packages so I can configure perfectly. Nonetheless, I'm as fickle a Blizzard Forum poster and like to change what add-ons I'm using constantly. How can I satisfy that hunger more easily?
  • Can I update add-ons on my own or do I have to wait for new MazzleUI versions?
  • Can I drop other add-ons in or remove add-ons I don't want? Will that mess up MazzleUI or future Mazifications?
  • Today is Tuesday! Blizzard just released a patch! None of my add-ons work! What do I do?
  • I know the 3d models are nifty looking, but I'm worried that they are lagging my system. How expensive are they?
  • I am not an anal-retentive gnome who must know when every damn thing happens. How do I get rid of all those time stamps in the chat frames?
  • I need to adjust the time zone of the clock. How can I do that?
  • I know it's only a graphic, but I'm in love with the HUD. I'd like to run away with it, but, until then, how can I make sure I see it all the time?

  • I tried to grab her butt and ended up squeezing her boob. My sense of direction is horrible! How can I get to where I want to go more easily?
  • My party keeps telling me to 'heal' them. What MazzleUI add-ons can help me do that?
  • Mazzlefizz, you owe me big-time for using your UI. Why aren't you doing my shopping and laundry for me?
  • I have a retard in my group and I need to kick him out. But every time I right-click on his unit frame to get the player menu, I just cast a greater heal on him. Now he thinks I like him. Help!
  • I have new talent points, but the UI won't let me spend them! Why must the man always try to keep me down?
  • Oooh, it keeps track of my record damages, heals, and crits....but where do i go to view this information later?
  • Woah! There are a million add-ons in MazzleOptions. How can I possibly find what I'm looking for?
  • Hey, mass mailing isn't just for gold sellers. Why isn't there a mass mailer in the UI? Nihongo wa hanisimasen.

Usage - Class-specific
  • I am a hunter and my bestial wrath turns my kitty into a vicious pink marshmallow pussycat. More importantly, my hunter bars are not switching between the range and melee bar based on range.

  • ZOMG! These buttons suck. They are too small. They are not where I want them. They're too far away from the left. They're too far from the right. They're way too square! MazzleUI sux!
  • A Guide to Configuring Your Action Bars
  • Every time I add a button or change my bars, MazzleUI keeps moving them back to the default positions. I am a button designing visionary! How do I stop this meddling UI from interfering with my work?
  • Dude, where's my mount?
  • Hmm... I've got a bunch of small letters like A1, C1, S1, etc... on my Action Buttons. What are they?
  • I need to change my button keybindings. Where is the best place to do that?
  • I just leveled and got my new spells... but how do i get get the UI to add them where they're supposed to be in this layout?
  • I just Mazzified and my button layout does not have one of my skills on it. Does that mean something went wrong?
  • My buttons are automatically casting spells on myself when I don't have the appropriate target. How do I turn that off?

A Guide to Configuring Your Action Bars

  • Every now and then I hear a weird sound that sounds like a star trek communicator. Does that mean William Shatner will soon appear to sing me the greatest songs of his youth?
  • I want to bind something to the mousewheel, but the bindings interface ignores me. How do I get my mousewheel off the UI's ignore list?
  • My MT windows aren't showing. How do I get them to show before I get kicked out of the raid.
  • My click-casting isn't working. Look! Clickity-click-click. Woe is me. What do I do?
  • I run on a Mac and WoW has been crashing on me. I thought Macss crash less than Windows. Has MazzleUI transported me to an alternate universe where everything is opposite?
  • My UI is laggy as hell? Waaah! Help me!
  • EEP! I Changed my Video/Interface settings and my chat boxes and/or minimap have disappeared! I can't get them back!! What have you done with them?!? The British are coming! The British are coming!

Last edited by meio : 07-17-07 at 10:00 AM.

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