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07-13-13, 02:48 AM   #1
A Firelord
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Rythal, maybe it's just me, but...

Rythal, maybe it's just me, but...

I'm finding that it is absolutely impossible to play this game in Pandaria.

The maps, waypoint arrows, the quest logs are all out of whack. It's more confusing than it is easy.

I cannot ever figure out where I'm supposed to be questing, or for what or whom. The quest log jumps around, my "player's arrow icon" is NEVER where I'm supposed to be (it appears on every new tiny map section as though I'm there! ... and, not on a unified map!), and the quest log has to have the UI refreshed every time I accept a new quest, etc. It isn't at all like the original, fluid, intuitive Carbonite mapping system.

The mapping system is not correct, at least in my experience. Wherever I move my cursor to some point on the large map, the map shows that I am there.... even though I'm not there! It is stretching lines all over the place which make no sense whatsoever. I'm lost continuously. It's linking mulitple Flight Masters for me to travel 1,000 miles when I'm only trying to go 50 yards! (Note: that could be Zygor's Travel Guide causing that issue... not sure?).

I have spent hours trying to do what should have minutes worth of time. It's extremely frustrating and no longer intuitive to game play.

Is there some way that you can give us an interim update to the Pandaria section of the game? I understand that you want it to be perfect, but as it is now, it's totally unusable, except by hours of trial and error. Even a section of your new code might be helpful, if you have any new code for Pandaria.

Also, can you provide up-to-date info on what you have completed, so we can at least expect "that" portion of the code to work. We can then focus on those zones to complete quests, etc. until you finish the rest of it the way you want to. You've done a great job so far, but unless I play only chars below level 80 or so, Carbonite isn't sufficient; it fails nearly completely from my experience. Maybe it's just me, but I never had these issues with the original Carbonite.

And, I see no blue "daily quest" exclamation points at all in Pandaria. And, unless I type "/re" in the chat box, Carbonite does not update the quest list. It happens continuously, in almost every new quest accepted. And, there are no hints at all, as the Zygor Leveling Guides offer. I'm not sure you want to add that sort of helpful information, or not, but it would be a boon to the addon!

I'm asking only because I haven't seen you post anything in quite awhile about your progress. Even an interim version would be better than how it is now, until you get it "perfect" (the way you want it to be before releasing it as Carbonite2).

What is your current status, please? And, will you give us an ETA on when you might release some/any fixes prior to the final Carbonite2 release?

NOTE: My only addons are "Zygor Leveling Guides" 1-to-85 and the "Auctioneer" addon (latest version).
And, of course, your latest version of the CarboniteBETA-530a1r2

I'm not "demanding" anything... I'm only asking for your current status and what we might expect soon.
07-13-13, 06:20 AM   #2
An Onyxian Warder
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I agree with most of your post.. BUT to say Carb is totally unusable in pandaland is a bit excessive.

Yes the map behaves oddly when you look a zone that you are not in. I'm sure Rythal has noticed this too.

With regards to the quest watch not updating.. It does update after a minute or so.. Rythal changed it to combat the "whole carbonite freezing if you have more than 20 quests in the watcher"

The quest's do update eventually, (If Carb recognizes the quest and it appears in the "database")

I put this down to the Blizz quest API.. Remember! it was only a stopgap until the internal quest database is written. I remember Rythal being interested in getting maybe another addon (grail for example) to handle the quests database. There were some dificulties with the format of the data and how Carb displays that data.

I did notice that all the quest giver icons on the map were slightly offset to the east.. (I'm sure that one's easy to fix..)

With your routing problem... Turn off Zygor's routing system.. or pathing system.. I can't remember which, Ill post back here what to disable in a bit.. (I use it myself)

With regards to your "blue ! not showing" you have to get close to them before they appear.
I still say a church steeple with a lightning rod on top shows a lack of confidence. Doug McLeod

07-13-13, 02:24 PM   #3
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JimJoBlue, I'll have to rephrase my earlier statement. It is not "impossible" to quest in Pandaria with Carbonite. But, it is very difficult and not at all like the original Carbonite.

I don't have 20 quests in my list. Yet, waiting a full minute or more, and having to type "/re" in the command bar is very frustrating. Once again, that never happened in the original Carbonite, nor does it happen within Blizzard itself.

I'm more frustrated with the mapping system than anything else. When moving my mouse over different parts of the map, my cursor icon shows up on each and every different zone (or in multiple places within the same zone!), with numerous links to Flight Masters everywhere. And when I CNTRL-click to set a waypoint, things go bonkers. More FM links which don't even make sense regarding distance to objective location.

I will do as you suggested. I will try Carbonite without having Zygor Guide installed. Maybe it's the cause of my issues. Thanks for suggesting that.

About the 'blue' daily exclamation points:
Why don't they show up when the "Quest-giver" icons show up?
07-17-13, 09:42 AM   #4
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Thanks, JimJoBlue. I'm repying within your quote, below. My comments are in color to differentiate them from your text.
Originally Posted by JimJoBlue View Post
I did notice that all the quest giver icons on the map were slightly offset to the east.. (I'm sure that one's easy to fix..)

* If ALL the icons are 'slightly offset to the east,' that sounds to me like it's not the icons which are offset individually, but rather that the maps are offset to the west by that amount! Maybe?

With your routing problem... Turn off Zygor's routing system.. or pathing system.. I can't remember which, Ill post back here what to disable in a bit.. (I use it myself)

* I turned Zygor's "Travel System" OFF. That stopped the linking of FM's all over the map(s). Thanks for reminding me to do that.

With regards to your "blue ! not showing" you have to get close to them before they appear.

* How am I supposed to get "close to them" if I don't know where they are to begin with? Do you mean that users are supposed to wander around the maps, zooming in-and-out, and hoping there's a daily quest-giver in some location? Sounds far too difficult to me. LOL
I appreciate your replies!
07-17-13, 08:55 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Kreelor View Post
How am I supposed to get "close to them" if I don't know where they are to begin with? Do you mean that users are supposed to wander around the maps, zooming in-and-out, and hoping there's a daily quest-giver in some location? Sounds far too difficult to me. LOL
There are breadcrumb quests from the shrines that lead you to the daily hubs for the major factions, although there are some hidden dailies out there. (e.g. a certain klaxxi daily)

I agree this doesn't help if you have already done said breadcrumb quests...
I still say a church steeple with a lightning rod on top shows a lack of confidence. Doug McLeod

07-16-13, 10:10 AM   #6
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Nothing I have will fix what your describing for quests, working on the quest database is something I have not touched, and it might not get looked at for a long while... If I had of started back in the beta for MoP we might have pandaria working the same as the rest, but right now it's just to much work, and getting the addon itself working takes priority.

As for the map issue's, that's what i'm currently working on. And for those who thought it was because of tomtom, well.. it's not last night I was able to get it to stop displaying my player icon in other zones.. but flight paths still show, so that's next to figure out.

I do admit it has been longer then expected to get the next alpha version out, and TBH it's because i'm burned out... not on Carbonite, I love working on that.. but on WoW in general, i'm finding just playing the game like a second job in the requirements to keep a character going.. and finally cracked, calling it quits on raiding, and leveling, and gearing... which has also hurt the time I have to work on it as I don't even want to be logged on. Being on last night and working on it for a couple hours was a step towards getting over that.
07-17-13, 12:05 AM   #7
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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if there is a way for some of us to maybe test one or 2 bits out i'd be glad to help
07-17-13, 09:23 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Rythal View Post
Nothing I have will fix what your describing for quests, working on the quest database is something I have not touched, and it might not get looked at for a long while... If I had of started back in the beta for MoP we might have pandaria working the same as the rest, but right now it's just to much work, and getting the addon itself working takes priority.

As for the map issue's, that's what i'm currently working on. And for those who thought it was because of tomtom, well.. it's not last night I was able to get it to stop displaying my player icon in other zones.. but flight paths still show, so that's next to figure out.

I do admit it has been longer then expected to get the next alpha version out, and TBH it's because i'm burned out... not on Carbonite, I love working on that.. but on WoW in general, i'm finding just playing the game like a second job in the requirements to keep a character going.. and finally cracked, calling it quits on raiding, and leveling, and gearing... which has also hurt the time I have to work on it as I don't even want to be logged on. Being on last night and working on it for a couple hours was a step towards getting over that.
Rythal, thank you for taking the time to reply. I understand completely what it's like to get "burned out" playing the game. It happens to me too, but in my case, it happens usually when I've encountered vaguely-worded quests that I can't figure out or accomplish alone. I take a break or work on professions, etc. Hell, even starting a new char is often fun and it reminds me why I purchased WoW in the first place! In your case (since you are trying to fix things in Pandaria) you need to have a char level high enough to play there -- and, it sounds like you have one. I'm not sure why you have to do 'raiding'? Personally, I hate that aspect of the game. The overwhelming chaos, noise, flashing, and all the activity drives me nuts. Raiding is only 1% of the game; 99% of the game is elsewhere, so I avoid it.

I'm really surprised that nobody else has joined you in working on the code, quest database, etc. with the exception of JimJoBlue, and a few others. It seems to me that his numerous submissions saved you much time and effort. I thought that after Carbonite was released as "Open Source" that many of the available great coding experts would be happy to help. Obviously, if you are basically the only one working on it, it is an overwhelming task, or at least a very time-consuming effort.

I don't know how to code or even where to get the information you need to have. And, as Crazzzi posted:
if there is a way for some of us to maybe test one or 2 bits out i'd be glad to help
Rythal, you can include me into that offer, as well. I'll do what I can, but you'll have to advise me on just what I need to do.

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