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02-12-16, 12:57 PM   #1
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 13
Question Movable frame with buttons inside (lua)

I'm trying to make a small addon (my first time) and I'm very new to coding - did some html when the internet was young, but that's kinda it.

The addon: The addon is meant to help people lead in Ashran. Sending simple commands to the raid via the click of a button (for testing purposes it's set to "SAY" for now. The addon is not meant to provide any information about the flow of battle, AshranBuddy does that just fine.

What is working? After a crashcourse in lua and scavaging code from this site and others, I've managed to make the buttons. They function as they should and are arranged in relation to eachother the way I want them to. The mouseover tooltip also works.

What the current issue? The wall I've hit now is getting the buttons to be inside a frame and make the frame (with buttons ofc) movable. I've tried moving the frame part of the code around, but that results in nothing showing or only the frame. I've tried getting the buttons to have the frame as parent and hope they would align, but nothing has worked.
I've also tried to only have the frame to see if I could move it, but again my skills feel short. The books I've found use XML in their example addons for the frame and movable frame parts, but I don't think it should be nessesary for such a simple addon.

What next? Once the frame is movable and the buttons aligned inside the frame, I want to make sure it remembers where the user has placed the addon after relog/reload.

Next is making the frame hide when not in Ashran

Afterwards try to allow the user to resize the addon and ofcourse have the addon remember the size the user has set.

Lua Code:
  1. local CreateButton; do-- Prototype for function
  2. --  Tooltip Handlers
  3.     local function OnEnter(self)
  4.         if self.Tooltip then
  5.             GameTooltip:SetOwner(self,"ANCHOR_TOP");
  6.             GameTooltip:AddLine(self.Tooltip,0,1,0.5,1,1,1);
  7.             GameTooltip:Show();
  8.         end
  9.     end
  10.     local function OnLeave(self) if GameTooltip:IsOwned(self) then GameTooltip:Hide(); end end
  12. --  Button Generator (this will be assigned to the upvalue noted as a function prototype)
  13.     function CreateButton(parent,name,texture,text,tooltip)
  14.         tooltip=tooltip or text;--  If no tooltip, use button text
  16. --      Create our button
  17.         local btn=CreateFrame("Button",name,parent,"SecureActionButtonTemplate");
  18.         btn:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp");--   Register all buttons
  19.         btn:SetSize(30,30);
  21. --      Setup button text
  22.         btn:SetNormalFontObject("GameFontNormalSmall");
  23.         btn:SetHighlightFontObject("GameFontHighlightSmall");
  24.         btn:SetDisabledFontObject("GameFontDisableSmall");
  25.         btn:SetText(text);
  27. --      Setup button's backgorund, you can use :SetNormalTexture() and other functions to set state-based textures
  28.         local tex=btn:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND");
  29.         tex:SetAllPoints(btn);
  30.         tex:SetTexture(texture);
  31.         btn.Texture=tex;
  33. --      Register handlers
  34.         btn:SetScript("OnEnter",OnEnter);
  35.         btn:SetScript("OnLeave",OnLeave);
  36.         btn.Tooltip=tooltip;
  38. --      Return our button
  39.         return btn;
  40.     end
  41. end
  43. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton1","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_pvp_a_h",nil,"Warspear Keep");
  44. button:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",ACFrame,"CENTER",13,-13);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  45. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  46.          SendChatMessage("Warspear Keep ","SAY")
  47.          DoEmote("follow")
  48.     end )
  49. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton2","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_garrison_tier02_horde",nil,"Emberfall Tower");
  50. button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton1,"BOTTOM",0,-1);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  51. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  52.          SendChatMessage("Emberfall Tower ","SAY")
  53.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  54.     end )
  55. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton3","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_garrison_tier01_horde",nil,"Volrath's Advance");
  56. button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton2,"BOTTOM",0,-1);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  57. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  58.          SendChatMessage("Volrath's Advance ","SAY")
  59.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  60.     end )
  61. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton4","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_doublejeopardy",nil,"The Crossroads");
  62. button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton3,"BOTTOM",0,-1);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  63. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  64.          SendChatMessage("The Crossroads ","SAY")
  65.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  66.     end )
  67. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton5","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_garrison_tier01_alliance",nil,"Tremblade's Vanguard");
  68. button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton4,"BOTTOM",0,-1);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  69. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  70.          SendChatMessage("Tremblade's Vanguard ","SAY")
  71.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  72.     end )
  73. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton6","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_garrison_tier02_alliance",nil,"Archmage Overwatch");
  74. button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton5,"BOTTOM",0,-1);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  75. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  76.          SendChatMessage("Archmage Overwatch ","SAY")
  77.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  78.     end )
  79. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton7","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_pvp_h_a",nil,"Stormshield Stronghold");
  80. button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton6,"BOTTOM",0,-1);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  81. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  82.          SendChatMessage("Stormshield Stronghold ","SAY")
  83.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  84.     end )
  85. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton8","Interface\\Icons\\Ability_rogue_sprint",nil,"Amphitheater of Annihilation(AoA)");
  86. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton1,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  87. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  88.          SendChatMessage("AoA - EVENT:STADIUM RACING - Block the entrance!","SAY")
  89.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  90.     end )
  91. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton9","Interface\\Icons\\spell_fire_fire",nil,"Brute's Rise(BR)");
  92. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton2,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  93. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  94.          SendChatMessage("BR - EVENT:OGRE FIRES - Block the stairs! ","SAY")
  95.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  96.     end )
  97. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton10","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_boss_furyfurnace",nil,"Ring of Conquest(RoC)");
  98. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton3,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  99. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  100.          SendChatMessage("Ring of Conquest GO RoC ","SAY")
  101.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  102.     end )
  103. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton11","Interface\\Icons\\Trade_archaeology_apexisstatue",nil,"Ashran Excavation(Mines)");
  104. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton4,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  105. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  106.          SendChatMessage("Ashran Excavation - EVENT:APEXIS MARKS - Secure the center!  ","SAY")
  107.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  108.     end )
  109. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton12","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_reputation_ogre",nil,"Seat of Kor'lok");
  110. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton5,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  111. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  112.          SendChatMessage("Seat of Kor'lok - Kor'lok - Kill the ogre!  ","SAY")
  113.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  114.     end )
  115. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton13","Interface\\Icons\\Spell_lifegivingspeed",nil,"Molten Quarry(MQ)");
  116. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton6,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  117. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  118.          SendChatMessage("Molten Quarry - EVENT:Empowered Ore - Block the entrance!  ","SAY")
  119.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  120.     end )
  121. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton14","Interface\\Icons\\Achievement_halloween_ghost_01",nil,"Ashmaul Burial Grounds(ABG)");
  122. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton7,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  123. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  124.          SendChatMessage("Ashmaul Burial Grounds - EVENT:RISEN SPIRITS - Clear the center and block the entrance!  ","SAY")
  125.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  126.     end )
  128. local frame = CreateFrame("Frame","ACFrame",UIParent)
  129. frame:SetWidth(40+40+20)
  130. frame:SetHeight((7*40)+20)
  131. frame:ClearAllPoints()
  132. frame:SetBackdrop(StaticPopup1:GetBackdrop())
  133. frame:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent)
  134. frame:SetScale(scale)
  135. frame:Show()
  136. frame:SetMovable(movable)
  137. frame:StartMoving()
  138. frame:StopMovingOrSizing()

toc Code:
  1. ## Interface: 60200
  2. ## Title: AshranCommander
  3. ## Version: <VERSION>
  4. ## Author: Tyroneexe
  5. ## Dependencies:
  6. ## Notes: First test
  7. ## DefaultState: enabled
  8. ## SavedVariables: AshranCommander_Text
  10. AshranCommander.lua
Attached Images
File Type: jpg WoWScrnShot_021216_194549.jpg (1.53 MB, 356 views)
Attached Files
File Type: lua AshranCommander.lua (7.5 KB, 133 views)
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02-12-16, 01:20 PM   #2
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
Yukyuk's Avatar
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Posts: 179
Ok, am not an expert but will try to help (a bit).

First of all, if you want to have the buttons inside the frame (as achild) you have to create them using the frames name as the parent.
Since the frame is called "ACFrame", you have to use that name
So instead of using

Lua Code:
  1. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton2","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_garrison_tier02_horde",nil,"Emberfall Tower");


Lua Code:
  1. local button=CreateButton("ACFrame","AshranCommanderButton2","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_garrison_tier02_horde",nil,"Emberfall Tower");

But as I said, I am no expert.
There are people with vastly more knowlegde of lua, its quite possible they have better way.
Better to fail then never have tried at all.
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02-12-16, 01:21 PM   #3
I did that?
Fizzlemizz's Avatar
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As far as I can see, AshranCommander hasn't been defined anywhere (it's not automatically create with the addon) so all the buttons are being parented to nil.

You should create your frame first and name it AshranCommander and then all the buttons will be parented to the frame.

Edit: If you leave the frame creation at the end where it currently is, the buttons will still be parented to nil as the frame won't exist.
Maintainer of Discord Unit Frames and Discord Art.
Author of FauxMazzle, FauxMazzleHUD and Move Pad Plus.

Last edited by Fizzlemizz : 02-12-16 at 01:28 PM.
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02-12-16, 01:21 PM   #4
Fishing Trainer
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You're setting the button's parent as AshranCommander, but the name you gave your frame is ACFrame.

/edit: Yukyuk beat me.

/edit2: except Yukyuk accidentally told you to put ACFrame in quotes when calling your CreateButton function.
"You'd be surprised how many people violate this simple principle every day of their lives and try to fit square pegs into round holes, ignoring the clear reality that Things Are As They Are." -Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

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02-12-16, 01:44 PM   #5
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
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Posts: 179
/edit2: except Yukyuk accidentally told you to put ACFrame in quotes when calling your CreateButton function.
Seerah is right of course

Start with these answers first and we will help you wtih the other problems later.
Better to fail then never have tried at all.
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02-12-16, 01:56 PM   #6
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Posts: 13
I moved the frame to the top and renamed it (i hope it's the right spot) - This now shows the frame, unmovable, but not the buttons.

Am I missing something after frame:StopMovingOrSizing() ? func?

Lua Code:
  1. local frame = CreateFrame("Frame","AshranCommander",UIParent)
  2. frame:SetWidth(40+40+20)
  3. frame:SetHeight((7*40)+20)
  4. frame:ClearAllPoints()
  5. frame:SetBackdrop(StaticPopup1:GetBackdrop())
  6. frame:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent)
  7. frame:SetScale(scale)
  8. frame:Show()
  9. frame:SetMovable(movable)
  10. frame:StartMoving()
  11. frame:StopMovingOrSizing()
  15. local CreateButton; do-- Prototype for function
  16. --  Tooltip Handlers
  17.     local function OnEnter(self)
  18.         if self.Tooltip then
  19.             GameTooltip:SetOwner(self,"ANCHOR_TOP");
  20.             GameTooltip:AddLine(self.Tooltip,0,1,0.5,1,1,1);
  21.             GameTooltip:Show();
  22.         end
  23.     end
  24.     local function OnLeave(self) if GameTooltip:IsOwned(self) then GameTooltip:Hide(); end end
  26. --  Button Generator (this will be assigned to the upvalue noted as a function prototype)
  27.     function CreateButton(parent,name,texture,text,tooltip)
  28.         tooltip=tooltip or text;--  If no tooltip, use button text
  30. --      Create our button
  31.         local btn=CreateFrame("Button",name,parent,"SecureActionButtonTemplate");
  32.         btn:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp");--   Register all buttons
  33.         btn:SetSize(30,30);
  35. --      Setup button text
  36.         btn:SetNormalFontObject("GameFontNormalSmall");
  37.         btn:SetHighlightFontObject("GameFontHighlightSmall");
  38.         btn:SetDisabledFontObject("GameFontDisableSmall");
  39.         btn:SetText(text);
  41. --      Setup button's backgorund, you can use :SetNormalTexture() and other functions to set state-based textures
  42.         local tex=btn:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND");
  43.         tex:SetAllPoints(btn);
  44.         tex:SetTexture(texture);
  45.         btn.Texture=tex;
  47. --      Register handlers
  48.         btn:SetScript("OnEnter",OnEnter);
  49.         btn:SetScript("OnLeave",OnLeave);
  50.         btn.Tooltip=tooltip;
  52. --      Return our button
  53.         return btn;
  54.     end
  55. end
  57. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton1","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_pvp_a_h",nil,"Warspear Keep");
  58. button:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",AshranCommander,"CENTER",13,-13);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  59. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  60.          SendChatMessage("Warspear Keep ","SAY")
  61.          DoEmote("follow")
  62.     end )
  63. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton2","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_garrison_tier02_horde",nil,"Emberfall Tower");
  64. button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton1,"BOTTOM",0,-1);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  65. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  66.          SendChatMessage("Emberfall Tower ","SAY")
  67.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  68.     end )
  69. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton3","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_garrison_tier01_horde",nil,"Volrath's Advance");
  70. button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton2,"BOTTOM",0,-1);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  71. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  72.          SendChatMessage("Volrath's Advance ","SAY")
  73.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  74.     end )
  75. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton4","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_doublejeopardy",nil,"The Crossroads");
  76. button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton3,"BOTTOM",0,-1);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  77. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  78.          SendChatMessage("The Crossroads ","SAY")
  79.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  80.     end )
  81. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton5","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_garrison_tier01_alliance",nil,"Tremblade's Vanguard");
  82. button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton4,"BOTTOM",0,-1);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  83. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  84.          SendChatMessage("Tremblade's Vanguard ","SAY")
  85.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  86.     end )
  87. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton6","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_garrison_tier02_alliance",nil,"Archmage Overwatch");
  88. button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton5,"BOTTOM",0,-1);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  89. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  90.          SendChatMessage("Archmage Overwatch ","SAY")
  91.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  92.     end )
  93. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton7","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_pvp_h_a",nil,"Stormshield Stronghold");
  94. button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton6,"BOTTOM",0,-1);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  95. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  96.          SendChatMessage("Stormshield Stronghold ","SAY")
  97.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  98.     end )
  99. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton8","Interface\\Icons\\Ability_rogue_sprint",nil,"Amphitheater of Annihilation(AoA)");
  100. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton1,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  101. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  102.          SendChatMessage("AoA - EVENT:STADIUM RACING - Block the entrance!","SAY")
  103.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  104.     end )
  105. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton9","Interface\\Icons\\spell_fire_fire",nil,"Brute's Rise(BR)");
  106. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton2,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  107. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  108.          SendChatMessage("BR - EVENT:OGRE FIRES - Block the stairs! ","SAY")
  109.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  110.     end )
  111. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton10","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_boss_furyfurnace",nil,"Ring of Conquest(RoC)");
  112. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton3,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  113. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  114.          SendChatMessage("Ring of Conquest GO RoC ","SAY")
  115.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  116.     end )
  117. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton11","Interface\\Icons\\Trade_archaeology_apexisstatue",nil,"Ashran Excavation(Mines)");
  118. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton4,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  119. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  120.          SendChatMessage("Ashran Excavation - EVENT:APEXIS MARKS - Secure the center!  ","SAY")
  121.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  122.     end )
  123. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton12","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_reputation_ogre",nil,"Seat of Kor'lok");
  124. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton5,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  125. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  126.          SendChatMessage("Seat of Kor'lok - Kor'lok - Kill the ogre!  ","SAY")
  127.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  128.     end )
  129. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton13","Interface\\Icons\\Spell_lifegivingspeed",nil,"Molten Quarry(MQ)");
  130. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton6,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  131. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  132.          SendChatMessage("Molten Quarry - EVENT:Empowered Ore - Block the entrance!  ","SAY")
  133.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  134.     end )
  135. local button=CreateButton(AshranCommander,"AshranCommanderButton14","Interface\\Icons\\Achievement_halloween_ghost_01",nil,"Ashmaul Burial Grounds(ABG)");
  136. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton7,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  137. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  138.          SendChatMessage("Ashmaul Burial Grounds - EVENT:RISEN SPIRITS - Clear the center and block the entrance!  ","SAY")
  139.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  140.     end )
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02-12-16, 02:02 PM   #7
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Here's some points I need to address before moving on:

The "parent" of a frame refers to another frame that it shares its visibility, scale, and other attributes with. For example, you have one frame representing a dialog box, and another representing a button. Normally, the button would have its parent set to the dialog box so when you show and hide the box, the button would respond accordingly and show or hide itself as well.

ACFrame is defined at the bottom, which isn't useful at all. Lua and other programming languages execute code in top-down order. When you reference ACFrame, Lua doesn't know what it is yet and attempts to find a global with that name. At this time, it's simply nil. When Frame:SetPoint() gets this, it positions relative to the screen itself instead of the frame you're creating later.

To start, let's rearrange the code so we can get things to work:

This can stay where it is. The function only reacts to what's passed to it. Drag handlers registered to move parent. Button:SetNormalTexture() was used to show each icon.
Lua Code:
  1. local CreateButton; do-- Prototype for function
  2.     --  Drag Handlers
  3.     local function OnDragStart(self) self:GetParent():StartMoving(); end
  4.     local function OnDragStop(self) self:GetParent():StopMovingOrSizing(); end
  6.     --  Tooltip Handlers
  7.     local function OnEnter(self)
  8.         if self.Tooltip then
  9.             GameTooltip:SetOwner(self,"ANCHOR_TOP");
  10.             GameTooltip:AddLine(self.Tooltip,0,1,0.5,1,1,1);
  11.             GameTooltip:Show();
  12.         end
  13.     end
  14.     local function OnLeave(self) if GameTooltip:IsOwned(self) then GameTooltip:Hide(); end end
  16.     --  Button Generator (this will be assigned to the upvalue noted as a function prototype)
  17.     function CreateButton(parent,name,texture,text,tooltip)
  18.         tooltip=tooltip or text;--  If no tooltip, use button text
  20.         --      Create our button
  21.         local btn=CreateFrame("Button",name,parent,"SecureActionButtonTemplate");
  22.         btn:SetSize(30,30);
  24.         --      Setup button text
  25.         btn:SetNormalFontObject("GameFontNormalSmall");
  26.         btn:SetHighlightFontObject("GameFontHighlightSmall");
  27.         btn:SetDisabledFontObject("GameFontDisableSmall");
  28.         btn:SetText(text);
  30.         --      Setup button's backgorund
  31.         btn:SetNormalTexture(texture);
  33.         --      Register handlers
  34.         btn:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp");--   Register all buttons
  35.         btn:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton");--    Register for left drag
  36.         btn:SetScript("OnDragStart",OnDragStart);
  37.         btn:SetScript("OnDragStop",OnDragStop);
  38.         btn:SetScript("OnEnter",OnEnter);
  39.         btn:SetScript("OnLeave",OnLeave);
  40.         btn.Tooltip=tooltip;
  42.         --      Return our button
  43.         return btn;
  44.     end
  45. end

The frame definition is moved here so the code below can use it. Proper registration for dragging has been implemented.
New frames are always shown and have no anchors, so Frame:Show() and Frame:ClearAllPoints() respectively are unnecessary. Frame:SetSize() replaces both Frame:SetWidth() and Frame:SetHeight(). Frame:SetScale() was removed as you were sending nil to it and Frame:SetMovable() was properly set.
Lua Code:
  1. local frame = CreateFrame("Frame","ACFrame",UIParent)
  2. frame:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent)
  3. frame:SetSize(30+30+20,(7*30)+20)
  4. frame:SetBackdrop(StaticPopup1:GetBackdrop())
  6. frame:SetMovable(true)
  7. frame:EnableMouse(true)--   Receive mouse events (Buttons automatically have this set)
  8. frame:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton")--   Register left button for dragging
  9. frame:SetScript("OnDragStart",frame.StartMoving)--  Set script for drag start
  10. frame:SetScript("OnDragStop",frame.StopMovingOrSizing)--    Set script for drag stop

The following is slightly modified to use the frame pointer stored in frame immediately above. Layout was corrected to fit nicely within frame.
Lua Code:
  1. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton1","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_pvp_a_h",nil,"Warspear Keep");
  2. button:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",-10,-10);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  3. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  4.     SendChatMessage("Warspear Keep ","SAY")
  5.     DoEmote("follow")
  6. end )
  7. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton2","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_garrison_tier02_horde",nil,"Emberfall Tower");
  8. button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton1,"BOTTOM");-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  9. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  10.     SendChatMessage("Emberfall Tower ","SAY")
  11.     DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  12. end )
  13. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton3","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_garrison_tier01_horde",nil,"Volrath's Advance");
  14. button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton2,"BOTTOM");-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  15. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  16.     SendChatMessage("Volrath's Advance ","SAY")
  17.     DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  18. end )
  19. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton4","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_doublejeopardy",nil,"The Crossroads");
  20. button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton3,"BOTTOM");-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  21. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  22.     SendChatMessage("The Crossroads ","SAY")
  23.     DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  24. end )
  25. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton5","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_garrison_tier01_alliance",nil,"Tremblade's Vanguard");
  26. button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton4,"BOTTOM");-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  27. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  28.     SendChatMessage("Tremblade's Vanguard ","SAY")
  29.     DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  30. end )
  31. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton6","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_garrison_tier02_alliance",nil,"Archmage Overwatch");
  32. button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton5,"BOTTOM");-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  33. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  34.     SendChatMessage("Archmage Overwatch ","SAY")
  35.     DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  36. end )
  37. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton7","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_pvp_h_a",nil,"Stormshield Stronghold");
  38. button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton6,"BOTTOM");-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  39. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  40.     SendChatMessage("Stormshield Stronghold ","SAY")
  41.     DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  42. end )
  43. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton8","Interface\\Icons\\Ability_rogue_sprint",nil,"Amphitheater of Annihilation(AoA)");
  44. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton1,"LEFT");-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  45. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  46.     SendChatMessage("AoA - EVENT:STADIUM RACING - Block the entrance!","SAY")
  47.     DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  48. end )
  49. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton9","Interface\\Icons\\spell_fire_fire",nil,"Brute's Rise(BR)");
  50. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton2,"LEFT");-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  51. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  52.     SendChatMessage("BR - EVENT:OGRE FIRES - Block the stairs! ","SAY")
  53.     DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  54. end )
  55. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton10","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_boss_furyfurnace",nil,"Ring of Conquest(RoC)");
  56. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton3,"LEFT");-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  57. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  58.     SendChatMessage("Ring of Conquest GO RoC ","SAY")
  59.     DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  60. end )
  61. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton11","Interface\\Icons\\Trade_archaeology_apexisstatue",nil,"Ashran Excavation(Mines)");
  62. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton4,"LEFT");-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  63. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  64.     SendChatMessage("Ashran Excavation - EVENT:APEXIS MARKS - Secure the center!  ","SAY")
  65.     DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  66. end )
  67. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton12","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_reputation_ogre",nil,"Seat of Kor'lok");
  68. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton5,"LEFT");-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  69. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  70.     SendChatMessage("Seat of Kor'lok - Kor'lok - Kill the ogre!  ","SAY")
  71.     DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  72. end )
  73. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton13","Interface\\Icons\\Spell_lifegivingspeed",nil,"Molten Quarry(MQ)");
  74. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton6,"LEFT");-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  75. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  76.     SendChatMessage("Molten Quarry - EVENT:Empowered Ore - Block the entrance!  ","SAY")
  77.     DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  78. end )
  79. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton14","Interface\\Icons\\Achievement_halloween_ghost_01",nil,"Ashmaul Burial Grounds(ABG)");
  80. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton7,"LEFT");-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  81. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  82.     SendChatMessage("Ashmaul Burial Grounds - EVENT:RISEN SPIRITS - Clear the center and block the entrance!  ","SAY")
  83.     DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  84. end )

There is more that can be done to optimize the code like creating a layout table and using that in a loop to create your buttons, but for now, this'll do.
WoWInterface AddOns
"All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools."
-Anders (Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening)

Last edited by SDPhantom : 02-12-16 at 02:49 PM.
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02-12-16, 02:13 PM   #8
I did that?
Fizzlemizz's Avatar
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A debugger would also help. If you install BugGrabber and either Bugger or BugSack you will find your coding life greatly enhanced.
Maintainer of Discord Unit Frames and Discord Art.
Author of FauxMazzle, FauxMazzleHUD and Move Pad Plus.
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02-12-16, 02:42 PM   #9
I did that?
Fizzlemizz's Avatar
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There were a couple of other problems so this is the full code.

    local CreateButton; do-- Prototype for function
        --  Tooltip Handlers
        local function OnEnter(self)
            if self.Tooltip then
        local function OnLeave(self) if GameTooltip:IsOwned(self) then GameTooltip:Hide(); end end
        --  Button Generator (this will be assigned to the upvalue noted as a function prototype)
        function CreateButton(parent,name,texture,text,tooltip)
            tooltip=tooltip or text;--  If no tooltip, use button text
            --      Create our button
            local btn=CreateFrame("Button",name,parent,"SecureActionButtonTemplate");
            btn:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp");--   Register all buttons
            --      Setup button text
            --      Setup button's backgorund, you can use :SetNormalTexture() and other functions to set state-based textures
            local tex=btn:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND");
            --      Register handlers
            --      Return our button
            return btn;

    local frame = CreateFrame("Button","ACFrame",UIParent)
    frame:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton")--   Register left button for dragging
    frame:SetScript("OnDragStart", function(self) self:StartMoving() end)--  Set script for drag start
    frame:SetScript("OnDragStop", function(self) self:StopMovingOrSizing() end)--    Set script for drag stop

    local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton1","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_pvp_a_h",nil,"Warspear Keep");
    button:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",frame,"TOPRIGHT",-13,-13);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
    button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
        SendChatMessage("Warspear Keep ","SAY")
    end )
    local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton2","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_garrison_tier02_horde",nil,"Emberfall Tower");
    button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton1,"BOTTOM",0,-1);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
    button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
        SendChatMessage("Emberfall Tower ","SAY")
        DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
    end )
    local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton3","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_garrison_tier01_horde",nil,"Volrath's Advance");
    button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton2,"BOTTOM",0,-1);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
    button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
        SendChatMessage("Volrath's Advance ","SAY")
        DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
    end )
    local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton4","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_doublejeopardy",nil,"The Crossroads");
    button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton3,"BOTTOM",0,-1);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
    button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
        SendChatMessage("The Crossroads ","SAY")
        DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
    end )
    local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton5","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_garrison_tier01_alliance",nil,"Tremblade's Vanguard");
    button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton4,"BOTTOM",0,-1);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
    button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
        SendChatMessage("Tremblade's Vanguard ","SAY")
        DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
    end )
    local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton6","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_garrison_tier02_alliance",nil,"Archmage Overwatch");
    button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton5,"BOTTOM",0,-1);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
    button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
        SendChatMessage("Archmage Overwatch ","SAY")
        DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
    end )
    local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton7","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_pvp_h_a",nil,"Stormshield Stronghold");
    button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton6,"BOTTOM",0,-1);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
    button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
        SendChatMessage("Stormshield Stronghold ","SAY")
        DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
    end )
    local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton8","Interface\\Icons\\Ability_rogue_sprint",nil,"Amphitheater of Annihilation(AoA)");
    button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton1,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
    button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
        SendChatMessage("AoA - EVENT:STADIUM RACING - Block the entrance!","SAY")
        DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
    end )
    local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton9","Interface\\Icons\\spell_fire_fire",nil,"Brute's Rise(BR)");
    button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton2,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
    button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
        SendChatMessage("BR - EVENT:OGRE FIRES - Block the stairs! ","SAY")
        DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
    end )
    local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton10","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_boss_furyfurnace",nil,"Ring of Conquest(RoC)");
    button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton3,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
    button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
        SendChatMessage("Ring of Conquest GO RoC ","SAY")
        DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
    end )
    local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton11","Interface\\Icons\\Trade_archaeology_apexisstatue",nil,"Ashran Excavation(Mines)");
    button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton4,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
    button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
        SendChatMessage("Ashran Excavation - EVENT:APEXIS MARKS - Secure the center!  ","SAY")
        DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
    end )
    local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton12","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_reputation_ogre",nil,"Seat of Kor'lok");
    button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton5,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
    button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
        SendChatMessage("Seat of Kor'lok - Kor'lok - Kill the ogre!  ","SAY")
        DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
    end )
    local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton13","Interface\\Icons\\Spell_lifegivingspeed",nil,"Molten Quarry(MQ)");
    button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton6,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
    button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
        SendChatMessage("Molten Quarry - EVENT:Empowered Ore - Block the entrance!  ","SAY")
        DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
    end )
    local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton14","Interface\\Icons\\Achievement_halloween_ghost_01",nil,"Ashmaul Burial Grounds(ABG)");
    button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton7,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
    button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
        SendChatMessage("Ashmaul Burial Grounds - EVENT:RISEN SPIRITS - Clear the center and block the entrance!  ","SAY")
        DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
    end )
Maintainer of Discord Unit Frames and Discord Art.
Author of FauxMazzle, FauxMazzleHUD and Move Pad Plus.
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02-12-16, 02:53 PM   #10
A Pyroguard Emberseer
SDPhantom's Avatar
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 2,356
I've been doing micro-edits on mine. Finished enabling dragging on the main frame, set buttons to drag parent, corrected layout issues, etc. I think I'm done now minus the horrendous button layout code.
WoWInterface AddOns
"All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools."
-Anders (Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening)
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02-12-16, 02:59 PM   #11
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 13
Thank you guys/girls so much. It's working now and with the cleanup SDPhantom gave it, !buggrabber (ty FizzleMizz) stopped complaining.

EDIT: I should specify what is working. The buttons are now movable and with them the frame. I also changed the first button to align to the frames TOPRIGHT instead
Lua Code:
  1. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton1","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_pvp_a_h",nil,"Warspear Keep");
  2. button:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",frame,"TOPRIGHT",-10,-8);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  3. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  4.          SendChatMessage("Warspear Keep ","SAY")
  5.          DoEmote("follow")
  6.     end )

Looking at it, I'm thinking if there's a better way to size the frame based on the button size or vice-versa.

Mess with
Lua Code:
  1. frame:SetSize(40+40+20,(7*40)+20)
Lua Code:
  1. btn:SetSize(38,38);

Tried changing "40+40" to SecureActionButtonTemplate, hoping it would act similar to

Lua Code:
  1. frame:SetHeight((#CLASS_SORT_ORDER*40)+20) --NOT FROM THIS LUA

but no, that was not the way

Current complete Lua
Lua Code:
  1. local CreateButton; do-- Prototype for function
  2.     --  Drag Handlers
  3.     local function OnDragStart(self) self:GetParent():StartMoving(); end
  4.     local function OnDragStop(self) self:GetParent():StopMovingOrSizing(); end
  6.     --  Tooltip Handlers
  7.     local function OnEnter(self)
  8.         if self.Tooltip then
  9.             GameTooltip:SetOwner(self,"ANCHOR_TOP");
  10.             GameTooltip:AddLine(self.Tooltip,0,1,0.5,1,1,1);
  11.             GameTooltip:Show();
  12.         end
  13.     end
  14.     local function OnLeave(self) if GameTooltip:IsOwned(self) then GameTooltip:Hide(); end end
  16.     --  Button Generator (this will be assigned to the upvalue noted as a function prototype)
  17.     function CreateButton(parent,name,texture,text,tooltip)
  18.         tooltip=tooltip or text;--  If no tooltip, use button text
  20.         --      Create our button
  21.         local btn=CreateFrame("Button",name,parent,"SecureActionButtonTemplate");
  22.         btn:SetSize(38,38);
  24.         --      Setup button text
  25.         btn:SetNormalFontObject("GameFontNormalSmall");
  26.         btn:SetHighlightFontObject("GameFontHighlightSmall");
  27.         btn:SetDisabledFontObject("GameFontDisableSmall");
  28.         btn:SetText(text);
  30.         --      Setup button's backgorund, you can use :SetNormalTexture() and other functions to set state-based textures
  31.         local tex=btn:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND");
  32.         tex:SetAllPoints(btn);
  33.         tex:SetTexture(texture);
  34.         btn.Texture=tex;
  36.         --      Register handlers
  37.         btn:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp");--   Register all buttons
  38.         btn:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton");--    Register for left drag
  39.         btn:SetScript("OnDragStart",OnDragStart);
  40.         btn:SetScript("OnDragStop",OnDragStop);
  41.         btn:SetScript("OnEnter",OnEnter);
  42.         btn:SetScript("OnLeave",OnLeave);
  43.         btn.Tooltip=tooltip;
  45.         --      Return our button
  46.         return btn;
  47.     end
  48. end
  50. local frame = CreateFrame("Frame","ACFrame",UIParent)
  51. frame:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent)
  52. frame:SetSize(40+40+20,(7*40)+20)
  53. frame:SetBackdrop(StaticPopup1:GetBackdrop())
  55. frame:SetMovable(true)
  56. frame:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton")--   Register left button for dragging
  57. frame:SetScript("OnDragStart",frame.StartMoving)--  Set script for drag start
  58. frame:SetScript("OnDragStop",frame.StopMovingOrSizing)--    Set script for drag stop
  60. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton1","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_pvp_a_h",nil,"Warspear Keep");
  61. button:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",frame,"TOPRIGHT",-10,-8);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  62. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  63.          SendChatMessage("Warspear Keep ","SAY")
  64.          DoEmote("follow")
  65.     end )
  66. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton2","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_garrison_tier02_horde",nil,"Emberfall Tower");
  67. button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton1,"BOTTOM",0,-1);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  68. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  69.          SendChatMessage("Emberfall Tower ","SAY")
  70.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  71.     end )
  72. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton3","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_garrison_tier01_horde",nil,"Volrath's Advance");
  73. button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton2,"BOTTOM",0,-1);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  74. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  75.          SendChatMessage("Volrath's Advance ","SAY")
  76.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  77.     end )
  78. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton4","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_doublejeopardy",nil,"The Crossroads");
  79. button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton3,"BOTTOM",0,-1);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  80. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  81.          SendChatMessage("The Crossroads ","SAY")
  82.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  83.     end )
  84. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton5","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_garrison_tier01_alliance",nil,"Tremblade's Vanguard");
  85. button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton4,"BOTTOM",0,-1);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  86. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  87.          SendChatMessage("Tremblade's Vanguard ","SAY")
  88.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  89.     end )
  90. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton6","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_garrison_tier02_alliance",nil,"Archmage Overwatch");
  91. button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton5,"BOTTOM",0,-1);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  92. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  93.          SendChatMessage("Archmage Overwatch ","SAY")
  94.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  95.     end )
  96. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton7","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_pvp_h_a",nil,"Stormshield Stronghold");
  97. button:SetPoint("TOP",AshranCommanderButton6,"BOTTOM",0,-1);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  98. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  99.          SendChatMessage("Stormshield Stronghold ","SAY")
  100.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  101.     end )
  102. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton8","Interface\\Icons\\Ability_rogue_sprint",nil,"Amphitheater of Annihilation(AoA)");
  103. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton1,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  104. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  105.          SendChatMessage("AoA - EVENT:STADIUM RACING - Block the entrance!","SAY")
  106.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  107.     end )
  108. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton9","Interface\\Icons\\spell_fire_fire",nil,"Brute's Rise(BR)");
  109. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton2,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  110. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  111.          SendChatMessage("BR - EVENT:OGRE FIRES - Block the stairs! ","SAY")
  112.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  113.     end )
  114. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton10","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_boss_furyfurnace",nil,"Ring of Conquest(RoC)");
  115. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton3,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  116. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  117.          SendChatMessage("Ring of Conquest GO RoC ","SAY")
  118.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  119.     end )
  120. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton11","Interface\\Icons\\Trade_archaeology_apexisstatue",nil,"Ashran Excavation(Mines)");
  121. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton4,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  122. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  123.          SendChatMessage("Ashran Excavation - EVENT:APEXIS MARKS - Secure the center!  ","SAY")
  124.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  125.     end )
  126. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton12","Interface\\Icons\\achievement_reputation_ogre",nil,"Seat of Kor'lok");
  127. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton5,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  128. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  129.          SendChatMessage("Seat of Kor'lok - Kor'lok - Kill the ogre!  ","SAY")
  130.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  131.     end )
  132. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton13","Interface\\Icons\\Spell_lifegivingspeed",nil,"Molten Quarry(MQ)");
  133. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton6,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  134. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  135.          SendChatMessage("Molten Quarry - EVENT:Empowered Ore - Block the entrance!  ","SAY")
  136.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  137.     end )
  138. local button=CreateButton(frame,"AshranCommanderButton14","Interface\\Icons\\Achievement_halloween_ghost_01",nil,"Ashmaul Burial Grounds(ABG)");
  139. button:SetPoint("RIGHT",AshranCommanderButton7,"LEFT",0,0);-- Anchors always default to an object's parent
  140. button:SetScript("OnClick", function()
  141.          SendChatMessage("Ashmaul Burial Grounds - EVENT:RISEN SPIRITS - Clear the center and block the entrance!  ","SAY")
  142.          DoEmote("follow" , UnitName("target"))
  143.     end )

Last edited by tyroneexe : 02-12-16 at 03:10 PM. Reason: specify what's working
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