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03-09-22, 08:16 AM   #1
A Fallenroot Satyr
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 25
Master Plan and setbackdrop

I'm trying to fix an abandoned addon which has the backdrop error: MasterPlan (
Error no. 1:
1753x MasterPlan\GarrisonMissions.lua:644: attempt to call method 'SetBackdrop' (a nil value)
[string "@MasterPlan\GarrisonMissions.lua"]:644: in main chunk
[string "=[C]"]: in function `LoadAddOn'
[string "@MasterPlan\PlanA\PlanA.lua"]:77: in function <MasterPlan\PlanA\PlanA.lua:74>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `Show'
[string "@FrameXML\UIParent.lua"]:2958: in function `SetUIPanel'
[string "@FrameXML\UIParent.lua"]:2764: in function `ShowUIPanel'
[string "@FrameXML\UIParent.lua"]:2671: in function <FrameXML\UIParent.lua:2667>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetAttribute'
[string "@FrameXML\UIParent.lua"]:3522: in function <FrameXML\UIParent.lua:3501>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `ShowUIPanel'
[string "@FrameXML\UIParent.lua"]:2214: in function <FrameXML\UIParent.lua:1287>

_ = "MasterPlan"
T = <table> {
 ShipMissionReplacements = <table> {
 MaxTraitStack = <table> {
 MissionRewardSets = <table> {
 LockTraits = <table> {
 TraitStack = <table> {
 IsDescendantOf = <function> defined @MasterPlan\Libs/Reframe.lua:8
 ItemLevelUpgrades = <table> {
 UpdateMissionTabs = <function> defined @MasterPlan\MissionsUI.lua:41
 After0 = <function> defined @MasterPlan\Libs/Reframe.lua:19
 _SetMissionSeenTable = <function> defined @MasterPlan\GarrisonAPI.lua:895
 CreateEdge = <function> defined @MasterPlan\Mark-50.lua:29
 config = <table> {
 Garrison = <table> {
 CreateLazyItemButton = <function> defined @MasterPlan\Libs/Reframe.lua:106
 XPMissions = <table> {
 EnvironmentGhosts = <table> {
 EnvironmentBonus = <table> {
 SetModifierSensitiveTip = <function> defined @MasterPlan\Libs/Reframe.lua:147
 TraitDisplayMap = <table> {
 ShipAffinityMap = <table> {
 Mark = 50
 TokenSlots = <table> {
 CrateLevels = <table> {
 StrongNavalThreats = <table> {
 EquipmentTraitQuests = <table> {
 SpecIcons = <table> {
 MoreTraitStack = <table> {
 Evie = <userdata>
 EquipmentCounters = <table> {
 Nine = <table> {
 ShipInterestPool = <table> {
 MissionCoalescing = <table> {
 InterestPool = <table> {
 Affinities = <table> {
 MissionLocationBanners = <table> {
 L = <userdata>
 EnvironmentCounters = <table> {
 AlwaysTraits = <table> {
 SpecCounters = <table> {
 EquipmentTraitItems = <table> {
 MinorRewards = <table> {
 UsableAffinities = <table> {
 ShipTraitStack = <table> {
 tentativeState = <table> {
 _GetMissionSeenTable = <function> defined @MasterPlan\GarrisonAPI.lua:904
 MissionExpire = <table> {
 InterestMask = <table> {
 UniqueTraits = <table> {
 TraitCost = <table> {
 EquivTrait = <table> {
 MissionsUI = <table> {
 GetMouseFocus = <function> defined @MasterPlan\Libs/Reframe.lua:4
 TrackedMissionSets = <table> {
EV = <userdata>
G = <table> {
 GetMechanicInfo = <function> defined @MasterPlan\GarrisonAPI.lua:560
 ExtendMissionInfoWithParty = <function> defined @MasterPlan\GarrisonAPI.lua:1806
 SetDoubleCountersTooltip = <function> defined @MasterPlan\GarrisonAPI.lua:2925
 SetGroupTooltip = <function> defined @MasterPlan\GarrisonAPI.lua:2848
 DissolveAllTentativeParties = <function> defined @MasterPlan\GarrisonAPI.lua:97
 SuppressFollowerEvents = <function> defined @MasterPlan\GarrisonAPI.lua:921
 GetFollowerRerollConstraints = <function> defined @MasterPlan\GarrisonAPI.lua:2456
 GetFilteredMissionGroups = <function> defined @MasterPlan\GarrisonAPI.lua:1080
 GetFollowerTraits = <function> defined @MasterPlan\GarrisonAPI.lua:513
 GetNumIdleCombatFollowers = <function> defined @MasterPlan\GarrisonAPI.lua:682
 GetMissionDefaultGroupRank = <function> defined @MasterPlan\GarrisonAPI.lua:1503
 GetFMLevel = <function> defined @MasterPlan\GarrisonAPI.lua:616
 GetCounterInfo = <function> defined @MasterPlan\GarrisonAPI.lua:464
 GetBestGroupInfo = <function> defined @MasterPlan\GarrisonAPI.lua:3179
 GetFollowerLevelDescription = <function> defined @MasterPlan\GarrisonAPI.lua:623
 SetCurrencyTraitTip = <function> defined @MasterPlan\GarrisonAPI.lua:2841
 GetMissionSummary = <function> defined @MasterPlan\GarrisonAPI.lua:2333
 SetItemTooltip = <function> defined @MasterPlan\GarrisonAPI.lua:2799
 GetTimeStringFromSeconds = <function> defined @MasterPlan\GarrisonAPI.lua:203
 AbortCompleteMissions = <function> defined @MasterPlan\G
I do not really understand lua well, but I'm trying my best. I changed the first line in this code block in GarrisonMissions.lua:
do -- Counter-follower lists
--	local itip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "MPInnerTip", nil, "GameTooltipTemplate") do
	local itip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "MPInnerTip", nil, BackdropTemplateMixin and "GameTooltipTemplate") do
		itip:SetPadding(0, 0)
		itip:SetScript("OnHide", function(self)
		itip:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self)
			local atip = self:GetParent()
			if not atip then
				return self:Hide()
			local il, al, at, iw = self:GetLeft(), atip:GetLeft(), atip:GetTop(), self:GetWidth()
			if not (il and al and at and iw) then
			local lm = il - al
			atip:SetWidth(math.max(245, lm + iw))
			if atip.Description then
			local tw = atip:GetWidth() - lm - 18
			if tw > self:GetWidth() then
		function itip:ActivateFor(owner, ...)
			if owner then
				self:SetOwner(owner, "ANCHOR_PRESERVE")
but I ended up with another error no. 2:
163x MasterPlan\GarrisonAPI.lua:2701: attempt to call method 'SetBackdropColor' (a nil value)
[string "@MasterPlan\GarrisonAPI.lua"]:2701: in function `SetClassSpecTooltip'
[string "@MasterPlan\GarrisonFollowers.lua"]:408: in function <MasterPlan\GarrisonFollowers.lua:382>

self = GameTooltip {
 0 = <userdata>
 SetCurrencyByID = <function> defined =[C]:-1
 textLeft1Font = "GameTooltipHeaderText"
 GetBackdropColor = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Core.lua:858
 SetHyperlink = <function> defined =[C]:-1
 updateTooltipTimer = 0.130000
 SetArtifactPowerByID = <function> defined =[C]:-1
 textRight2Font = "GameTooltipText"
 comparing = false
 TopOverlay = <unnamed> {
 GetBackdropBorderColor = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Core.lua:859
 style = <unnamed> {
 SetUnitDebuff = <function> defined =[C]:-1
 SetQuestItem = <function> defined =[C]:-1
 waitingForData = false
 numMoneyFrames = 1
 SetRecipeReagentItem = <function> defined =[C]:-1
 layoutType = "TooltipDefaultLayout"
 shoppingTooltips = <table> {
 hasMoney = 1
 SetCurrencyTokenByID = <function> defined =[C]:-1
 SetQuestLogItem = <function> defined =[C]:-1
 BottomOverlay = <unnamed> {
 __tamedCounts = false
 textRight1Font = "GameTooltipHeaderText"
 SetCurrencyToken = <function> defined =[C]:-1
 NineSlice = <unnamed> {
 textLeft2Font = "GameTooltipText"
 model = <unnamed> {
 TextRight2 = GameTooltipTextRight2 {
 TextLeft2 = GameTooltipTextLeft2 {
 SetUnitAura = <function> defined =[C]:-1
 TextLeft1 = GameTooltipTextLeft1 {
 TextRight1 = GameTooltipTextRight1 {
 ItemTooltip = <unnamed> {
 needsReset = true
 SetUnitBuff = <function> defined =[C]:-1
 GetBackdrop = <function> defined @TinyTooltip\Core.lua:857
 BigFactionIcon = <unnamed> {
 SetRecipeResultItem = <function> defined =[C]:-1
specId = 4
specName = "Unheiligtodesritter"
ab1 = nil
ab2 = nil
fi = <table> {
 displayHeight = 0.500000
 followerTypeID = 1
 abilities = <table> {
 iLevel = 675
 scale = 0.700000
 classAtlas = "GarrMission_ClassIcon-DeathKnight"
 combatAllySpellIDs = <table> {
 isTroop = false
 displayIDs = <table> {
 autoCombatantStats = <table> {
 classSpec = 4
 displayScale = 1
 level = 40
 unlockableEquipment = <table> {
 quality = 4
 portraitIconID = 1066212
 unlockableAbilities = <table> {
 isFavorite = false
 isSoulbind = false
 isAutoTroop = false
 xp = 0
 className = "Unheiligtodesritter"
 equipment = <table> {
 isMaxLevel = true
 name = "Olaf Pestträger"
 followerID = "0x0000000026BBFB91"
 height = 1.200000
 levelXP = 0
 isCollected = true
 garrFollowerID = 242
c = <table> {
 1 = 1
 2 = 2
 3 = 7
 4 = 8
 5 = 10
ci = <table> {
 1 = <table> {
 2 = <table> {
 3 = <table> {
 4 = <table> {
 6 = <table> {
 7 = <table> {
 8 = <table> {
 9 = <table> {
 10 = <table> {
finfo = <table> {
 611705759 = <table> {
 621564966 = <table> {
 554861866 = <table> {
 564073912 = <table> {
 557008026 = <table> {
 649853841 = <table> {
 647456010 = <table> {
 558497649 = <table> {
 554811483 = <table> {
 628500002 = <table> {
 574020219 = <table> {
 644121922 = <table> {
 640011705 = <table> {
 554366730 = <table> {
 591313258 = <table> {
 577581114 = <table> {
 558484756 = <table> {
 554362970 = <table> {
 637676654 = <table> {
 600377894 = <table> {
 634410410 = <table> {
 554720426 = <table> {
 557029619 = <table> {
 624641191 = <table> {
 567243613 = <table> {
 555677904 = <table> {
 618581631 = <table> {
 568491898 = <table> {
 554792869 = <table> {
 585511669 = <table> {
 554785479 = <table> {
 570915827 = <table> {
 583237840 = <table> {
 604725544 = <table> {
 608325726 = <table> {
 554362419 = <table> {
 595615744 = <table> {
 615463396 = <table> {
 588212129 = <table> {
 560876254 = <table> {
 558481057 = <table> {
 554343297 = <table> {
 555782709 = <table> {
 555679993 = <table> {
 631337830 = <table> {
 569287289 = <table> {
 557002900 = <table> {
 554803148 = <table> {
 576729221 = <table> {
 568485522 = <table> {
 560171043 = <table> {
 580438516 = <table> {
 554862621 = <table> {
dropCounter = nil
dct = <table> {
 807 = <table> {
 309 = <table> {
 903 = <table> {
So I tried this in GarrisonAPI.lua:
function api.SetClassSpecTooltip(self, specId, specName, ab1, ab2)
-- trying to fix setbackdrop error
  if not self.SetBackdrop then
    Mixin(self, BackdropTemplateMixin)
	local fi
	if type(specId) == "table" then
		fi, specId, specName = specId, specId.classSpec, specId.className
	local c = T.SpecCounters[specId]
	if not c then return end

	local ci, finfo, dropCounter = api.GetCounterInfo(), api.GetFollowerInfo(), not ab2 and ab1 or nil
	local dct = api.GetDoubleCounters()
	if specName then
		self:AddLine(specName, 1,1,1)
		self:AddLine(L"Potential counters:")
		local lockedCounter = api.GetFollowerLockedCounterInfo(fi and (fi.garrFollowerID or fi.followerID))
		local leftLine
		for i=1,#c do
			for j=lockedCounter and #c or (i+1), #c do
				local pc, lc = lockedCounter or c[j], c[i]
				local lct, lpt = dct[pc*100+lc], dct[-(pc*100+lc)]
				local _, _, pi = api.GetMechanicInfo(pc)
				local _, _, li = api.GetMechanicInfo(lc)
				local pt = "|T" .. pi .. ":16:16:0:0:64:64:5:59:5:59|t"
				if leftLine then
					local rt = pt .. "|T" .. li .. ":16:16:0:0:64:64:5:59:5:59|t"
					local rf, ra, rp = api.countFreeFollowers(lct, finfo), lct and #lct or 0, lpt and #lpt or 0
					rt = (rf == 0 and ra == 0 and "0" or "") .. (rf > 0 and "|cff20ff20" .. rf .. "|r" or "") .. (ra > rf and (rf > 0 and "+" or "") .. "|cffccc78f" .. (ra - rf) .. "|r" or "") .. "|cffa0a0a0/" .. rp .. " " .. rt
					self:AddDoubleLine(leftLine, rt, 1,1,1, 1,1,1)
					leftLine = nil
					local lt = pt .. "|T" .. li .. ":16:16:0:0:64:64:5:59:5:59|t"
					local lf, la, lp = api.countFreeFollowers(lct, finfo), lct and #lct or 0, lpt and #lpt or 0
					leftLine = lt .. " " .. (lf == 0 and la == 0 and "0" or "") .. (lf > 0 and "|cff20ff20" .. lf .. "|r" or "") .. (la > lf and (lf > 0 and "+" or "") .. "|cffccc78f" .. (la - lf) .. "|r" or "") .. "|cffa0a0a0/" .. lp
		if leftLine then
			self:AddLine(leftLine, 1,1,1)
		self:AddLine(ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[4].hex .. L"Epic Ability")
		self:AddLine(L"An additional random ability is unlocked when this follower reaches epic quality." .. "|n ", 1,1,1, 1)
		self:AddLine(L"Potential counters:")
		for i=1,#c do
			if c[i] == dropCounter then
				dropCounter = nil
				local _, name, ico = api.GetMechanicInfo(c[i])
				local counters = ci[c[i]]
				local freeCount, totalCount = api.countFreeFollowers(counters, finfo), counters and #counters or 0
				local counts = (freeCount > 0 and "|cff20ff20" .. freeCount or "0") .. "|r+|cffccc78f" .. (totalCount - freeCount)
				self:AddDoubleLine("|TInterface\\Buttons\\UI-Quickslot2:13:2:-1:0:64:64:31:32:31:32|t|T" .. ico .. ":0:0:0:0:64:64:5:59:5:59|t " .. name, counts, 1,1,1, 1,1,1)
	local novel, inact, _, rerollDesc = api.CountUniqueRerolls(c, fi and fi.followerID)
	if novel > 0 or inact > 0 then
		self:AddDoubleLine(L"Unique ability rerolls:", rerollDesc)
	if fi and fi.quality >= 4 and fi.isCollected then
		local a1, a2 = C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityAtIndex(fi.followerID, 1), C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityAtIndex(fi.followerID, 2)
		a1, a2 = C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityCounterMechanicInfo(a1), C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityCounterMechanicInfo(a2)
		local sd = dct[a1 < a2 and (a1 * 100 + a2) or (a2 * 100 + a1)]
		if sd and #sd > 1 then
			self:AddLine(" ")
			self:AddLine(L"Duplicate counters" .. ":")
			addFollowerList(self, sd, finfo, nil, true, nil, fi.followerID)
	return true
... and actually this fix helped - but error no. 1 in GarrisonMissions.lua line 644 is still there. Why? What did I do wrong with the first change?

Last edited by kaimox : 03-10-22 at 08:29 AM.
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03-10-22, 03:47 PM   #2
A Pyroguard Emberseer
myrroddin's Avatar
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The formatting of GarrisonMissions.lua is horrible. That out of the way, try changing line 644 to
and see what happens. Source:
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03-10-22, 07:15 PM   #3
A Molten Giant
Kanegasi's Avatar
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Posts: 668
itip:ClearBackdrop() will also cause an error, since the BackdropTemplate still does not exist on the frame.

The first change didn't work because you aren't actually changing anything.
BackdropTemplateMixin and "GameTooltipTemplate"
These two lines do the exact same thing, passing just the GameTooltipTemplate string. The only difference is that the second one checks for the existence of BackdropTemplateMixin table before passing the GameTooltipTemplate string.

The second line is Lua's basic form of a ternary operator. Logically, it acts like this:

Lua Code:
  1. function()
  2.     if BackdropTemplateMixin ~= nil and BackdropTemplateMixin ~= false then
  3.         return "GameTooltipTemplate"
  4.     else
  5.         return false
  6.     end
  7. end

So if BackdropTemplateMixin didn't exist, the created frame won't even get the GameTooltipTemplate string, just a false in that argument.

Use either of these two options:

Lua Code:
  1. local itip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "MPInnerTip", nil, "GameTooltipTemplate,BackdropTemplate") do
  2.     itip:SetBackdrop(nil)

Lua Code:
  1. local itip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "MPInnerTip", nil, "GameTooltipTemplate") do
  2.     if not itip.SetBackdrop then
  3.         Mixin(itip, BackdropTemplateMixin)
  4.     end
  5.     itip:SetBackdrop(nil)

You can also try just removing that SetBackdrop line entirely. I'm not too familiar with Backdrops, but these Backdrop errors you may be finding in searches since the release of Shadowlands were due to that template no longer included in every frame creation. If there's no Backdrop template, there should be no Backdrop to set to nil.

Last edited by Kanegasi : 03-10-22 at 09:49 PM.
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10-13-23, 11:05 PM   #4
A Fallenroot Satyr
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 25
I managed the fix and in the meantime the original author has picked up development again. But I totally forgot to thank you myrrodin and kanegasi for your helpful hints. :shameface
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