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11-02-14, 10:48 AM   #1
A Rage Talon Dragon Guard
cokedrivers's Avatar
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Stat Switching Unexpectedly

Below is my current Stat that keeps switching from Melee to Caster for my hunter.

This seems to only happens when I take a portal from Shrine.

Here is the playerRole Function:
function nData:UpdatePlayerRole()
	if UnitLevel("player") >= 10 then
		local _, class = UnitClass("player")
		local spec = GetSpecialization()
		local specRole = GetSpecializationRole(spec) -- no need for a giant table that must be maintained by hand		
		if specRole == "TANK" then
			playerRole = "Tank"
		elseif specRole == "HEALER" then
			playerRole = "Caster"
		elseif specRole == "DAMAGER" then
			if UnitPowerType("player") == SPELL_POWER_MANA then
				if (class == "PALADIN" and spec == 3) or (class == "SHAMAN" and spec == 2) then 
					playerRole = "Melee"
					playerRole = "Caster"
				playerRole = "Melee"
		elseif specRole == nil then
			playerRole = nil -- no spec
Here is the Stat:
local nData = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("nData")

--	 Statistics Plugin Functions
nData.pluginConstructors["stat1"] = function()

	db = nData.db.profile
	local plugin = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, Datapanel)

	local Text  = plugin:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
	Text:SetFont(db.font, db.fontSize,'THINOUTLINE')
	nData:PlacePlugin(db.stat1, Text)

	local playerClass, englishClass = UnitClass("player");

	local function ShowTooltip(self)
		if InCombatLockdown() then return end
		local anchor, panel, xoff, yoff = nData:DataTextTooltipAnchor(Text)
		GameTooltip:SetOwner(panel, anchor, xoff, yoff)
		GameTooltip:AddLine(hexa..PLAYER_NAME.."'s"..hexb.." Statistics")
		GameTooltip:AddLine' '		
		if UnitLevel("player") > 10 then
			if playerRole == "Tank" then
				local Total_Dodge = GetDodgeChance()
				local Total_Parry = GetParryChance()
				local Total_Block = GetBlockChance()
				GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(DODGE_CHANCE, format("%.2f%%", Total_Dodge),1,1,1)
				GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(PARRY_CHANCE, format("%.2f%%", Total_Parry),1,1,1)
				GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(BLOCK_CHANCE, format("%.2f%%", Total_Block),1,1,1)				
			elseif playerRole == "Caster" then
				local SC = GetSpellCritChance("2")
				local Total_Spell_Haste = UnitSpellHaste("player")
				local base, casting = GetManaRegen()
				local manaRegenString = "%d / %d"				
				GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_CRITICAL_STRIKE, format("%.2f%%", SC), 1, 1, 1)
				GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_HASTE, format("%.2f%%", Total_Spell_Haste), 1, 1, 1)		
				GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(MANA_REGEN, format(manaRegenString, base * 5, casting * 5), 1, 1, 1)

			elseif playerRole == "Melee" then
				if englishClass == "HUNTER" then
					local Total_Range_Haste = GetRangedHaste("player")
					local Range_Armor_Pen = GetArmorPenetration();
					local Range_Crit = GetRangedCritChance("25")
					local speed = UnitRangedDamage("player")
					local Total_Range_Speed = speed
					GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Armor Penetration", format("%.2f%%", Range_Armor_Pen), 1, 1, 1)
					GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_CRITICAL_STRIKE, format("%.2f%%", Range_Crit), 1, 1, 1)	
					GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_HASTE, format("%.2f%%", Total_Range_Haste), 1, 1, 1)
					GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_ATTACK_SPEED, format("%.2f".." (sec)", Total_Range_Speed), 1, 1, 1)					
					local Melee_Crit = GetCritChance("player")
					local Melee_Armor_Pen = GetArmorPenetration();
					local Total_Melee_Haste = GetMeleeHaste("player")
					local mainSpeed = UnitAttackSpeed("player");
					local MH = mainSpeed
					GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Armor Penetration", format("%.2f%%", Melee_Armor_Pen), 1, 1, 1)
					GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_CRITICAL_STRIKE, format("%.2f%%", Melee_Crit), 1, 1, 1)		
					GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_HASTE, format("%.2f%%", Total_Melee_Haste), 1, 1, 1)
					GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_ATTACK_SPEED, format("%.2f".." (sec)", MH), 1, 1, 1)
			GameTooltip:AddLine' '
			local masteryspell
			local Multi_Strike = GetMultistrike();
			local Life_Steal = GetLifesteal();
			--local Versatility = GetVersatility();
			local Versatility_Damage_Bonus = GetCombatRatingBonus(CR_VERSATILITY_DAMAGE_DONE) + GetVersatilityBonus(CR_VERSATILITY_DAMAGE_DONE);
			local Avoidance = GetAvoidance();
			local bonusArmor, isNegatedForSpec = UnitBonusArmor("player");
			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_BONUS_ARMOR, format("%s", bonusArmor), 1, 1, 1)
			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_MULTISTRIKE, format("%.2f%%", Multi_Strike), 1, 1, 1)
			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_LIFESTEAL, format("%.2f%%", Life_Steal), 1, 1, 1)
			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_VERSATILITY, format("%.2f%%", Versatility_Damage_Bonus), 1, 1, 1)
			--GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_VERSATILITY, format("%d", Versatility), 1, 1, 1)
			GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_AVOIDANCE, format("%.2f%%", Avoidance), 1, 1, 1)
			if GetCombatRating(CR_MASTERY) ~= 0 and GetSpecialization() then
				if englishClass == "DRUID" then
					if playerRole == "Melee" then
						masteryspell = select(2, GetSpecializationMasterySpells(GetSpecialization()))
					elseif playerRole == "Tank" then
						masteryspell = select(1, GetSpecializationMasterySpells(GetSpecialization()))
						masteryspell = GetSpecializationMasterySpells(GetSpecialization())
					masteryspell = GetSpecializationMasterySpells(GetSpecialization())

				local Mastery = GetMasteryEffect("player")
				local masteryName, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = GetSpellInfo(masteryspell)
				if masteryName then
					GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(masteryName, format("%.2f%%", Mastery), 1, 1, 1)
			GameTooltip:AddLine("No Stats Available unit Level 10")


	local function UpdateTank(self)
		local armorString = hexa..ARMOR..hexb..": "
		local displayNumberString = string.join("", "%s", "%d|r");
		local base, effectiveArmor, armor, posBuff, negBuff = UnitArmor("player");
		local Melee_Reduction = effectiveArmor
		Text:SetFormattedText(displayNumberString, armorString, effectiveArmor)
		--Setup Tooltip

	local function UpdateCaster(self)
		local spellpwr = GetSpellBonusDamage("2");
		local displayNumberString = string.join("", "%s", "%d|r");
		Text:SetFormattedText(displayNumberString, hexa.."SP: "..hexb, spellpwr)
		--Setup Tooltip

	local function UpdateMelee(self)	
		local displayNumberString = string.join("", "%s", "%d|r");
		if englishClass == "HUNTER" then
			local base, posBuff, negBuff = UnitRangedAttackPower("player")
			local Range_AP = base + posBuff + negBuff	
			pwr = Range_AP
			local base, posBuff, negBuff = UnitAttackPower("player")
			local Melee_AP = base + posBuff + negBuff		
			pwr = Melee_AP
		Text:SetFormattedText(displayNumberString, hexa.."AP: "..hexb, pwr)      
		--Setup Tooltip

	-- initial delay for update (let the ui load)
	local int = 5	
	local function Update(self, t)
		int = int - t
		if int > 0 then return end
		if UnitLevel("player") >= 10 then
			if playerRole == "Tank" then 
			elseif playerRole == "Caster" then
			elseif playerRole == "Melee" then
			Text:SetText(hexa.."No Stats"..hexb)
		int = 2

	plugin:SetScript("OnEnter", function() ShowTooltip(plugin) end)
	plugin:SetScript("OnLeave", function() GameTooltip:Hide() end)
	plugin:SetScript("OnUpdate", Update)
	Update(plugin, 10)

	return plugin -- important!
Any help with this would be great.

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11-02-14, 02:22 PM   #2
nUI Maintainer
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I take it you debugged it and it highlights that it is passing true for mana in hunters for a split second somewhere during that port before realising it is not really mana ?

Although maybe it is best to check for the class and spec to decide on damager type rather than rely on the power source. Just a thought.

All Level 70 Characters:
Demon Warlock
Resto Druid
Disc Priest
Resto Shaman
Survival Hunter
Augment Evoker
Frost Mage
Vengence Demon Hunter
Rogue ( was subtlety )

Brewmaster Monk (TR)
Prot Paladin (TR)
Blood Death Knight ( TR)

As you can see I am missing a warrior

And .. I don't have all the allied races covered. Time Runner time when it happens again

Last edited by Xrystal : 11-02-14 at 02:24 PM.
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11-02-14, 08:16 PM   #3
Phanx's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Xrystal View Post
I take it you debugged it and it highlights that it is passing true for mana in hunters for a split second somewhere during that port before realising it is not really mana ?
I would guess the answer to that is "no", and that this is what is causing the problem. The return values from informational functions are not always reliable during PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD.

Originally Posted by Xrystal View Post
Although maybe it is best to check for the class and spec to decide on damager type rather than rely on the power source. Just a thought.
I would agree, though I recall when I was helping him write this the first time around he really didn't want to do that for some reason. I also notice that the current code will incorrectly classify feral druids as casters much of the time, as feral druids still have mana until they shift into cat form. Also, it will throw an error for characters level 10 or higher who haven't yet selected a spec (eg. players who have unlearned their spec in preparation for learning a different spec).

I'd also suggest using values for "playerRole" that more closely match the values from role-related API functions, so "TANK" instead of "Tank", "HEALER" instead of "Healer", "DAMAGER" instead of "Melee", and just add an extra "CASTER" value for casters. This way you can cut out half your if/then checks.

I would just do something like this:

local playerRole

local isCaster = {
     DRUID = { true }, -- Balance
     MAGE = { true, true, true }, -- all specs
     PRIEST = { nil, nil, true }, -- Shadow
     SHAMAN = { true }, -- Elemental
     WARLOCK = { true, true, true } -- all specs

function nData:UpdatePlayerRole()
	local spec = GetSpecialization()
	if not spec then
		playerRole = nil

	local specRole = GetSpecializationRole(spec)
	if specRole == "DAMAGER" then
		local _, class = UnitClass("player")
		if isCaster[class][spec] then
			playerRole = "CASTER"

	playerRole = specRole
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11-03-14, 10:42 AM   #4
A Rage Talon Dragon Guard
cokedrivers's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Xrystal View Post
I take it you debugged it and it highlights that it is passing true for mana in hunters for a split second somewhere during that port before realising it is not really mana ?
I have no idea on how to "debug" a add-on. I probably should not be doing any of this stuff beings I have no high school diploma nor a college education and no training in programming or LUA coding. I'm a forklift operator for Coca-Cola that is a gamer.

Originally Posted by Phanx View Post
I would agree, though I recall when I was helping him write this the first time around he really didn't want to do that for some reason. I also notice that the current code will incorrectly classify feral druids as casters much of the time, as feral druids still have mana until they shift into cat form. Also, it will throw an error for characters level 10 or higher who haven't yet selected a spec (eg. players who have unlearned their spec in preparation for learning a different spec).

I'd also suggest using values for "playerRole" that more closely match the values from role-related API functions, so "TANK" instead of "Tank", "HEALER" instead of "Healer", "DAMAGER" instead of "Melee", and just add an extra "CASTER" value for casters. This way you can cut out half your if/then checks.

I would just do something like this:

local playerRole

local isCaster = {
     DRUID = { true }, -- Balance
     MAGE = { true, true, true }, -- all specs
     PRIEST = { nil, nil, true }, -- Shadow
     SHAMAN = { true }, -- Elemental
     WARLOCK = { true, true, true } -- all specs

function nData:UpdatePlayerRole()
	local spec = GetSpecialization()
	if not spec then
		playerRole = nil

	local specRole = GetSpecializationRole(spec)
	if specRole == "DAMAGER" then
		local _, class = UnitClass("player")
		if isCaster[class][spec] then
			playerRole = "CASTER"

	playerRole = specRole
I thank you for the above code.

I had to remove the:
local playerRole
with this it would not show any text.

Also I had to change the below to show all the classes or a error popped up when it went to look for "CASTER"
Lua Code:
  1. local isCaster = {
  2.     -- All Classes are needed as to not cause a error when the table is called.
  3.     -- SpecID - Spec - Role
  4.     DEATHKNIGHT = {
  5.         nil, -- 250 - Blood - (TANK)
  6.         nil, -- 251 - Frost - (MELEE_DPS)
  7.         nil  -- 252 - Unholy - (MELEE_DPS)
  8.     },
  9.     DRUID = {
  10.         true, -- 102 - Balance - (CASTER_DPS)
  11.         nil,  -- 103 - Feral - (MELEE_DPS)
  12.         nil,  -- 104 Guardian - (TANK)
  13.         nil   -- 105 Restoration - (HEALER)
  14.     },
  15.     HUNTER = {
  16.         nil, -- 253 - Beast Mastery - (RANGED_DPS)
  17.         nil, -- 254 - Marksmanship - (RANGED_DPS)
  18.         nil  -- 255 - Survival - (RANGED_DPS)
  19.     },
  20.     MAGE = {
  21.         true, -- 62 - Arcane - (CASTER_DPS)
  22.         true, -- 63 - Fire - (CASTER_DPS)
  23.         true  -- 64 - Frost - (CASTER_DPS)
  24.     },
  25.     MONK = {
  26.         nil, -- 268 - Brewmaster - (TANK)
  27.         nil, -- 269 - Windwalker - (MELEE_DPS)
  28.         nil  -- 270 - Mistweaver - (HEALER)
  29.     },
  30.     PALADIN = {
  31.         nil, -- 65 - Holy - (HEALER)
  32.         nil, -- 66 - Protection - (TANK)
  33.         nil  -- 70 - Retribution - (MELEE_DPS)
  34.     },
  35.     PRIEST = {
  36.         nil,  -- 256 - Discipline - (HEALER}
  37.         nil,  -- 257 - Holy - (HEALER)
  38.         true  -- 258 - Shadow - (CASTER_DPS)
  39.     },
  40.     ROGUE = {
  41.         nil, -- 259 - Assassination - (MELEE_DPS)
  42.         nil, -- 260 - Combat - (MELEE_DPS)
  43.         nil  -- 261 - Subtlety - (MELEE_DPS)
  44.     },
  45.     SHAMAN = {
  46.         true, -- 262 - Elemental - (CASTER_DPS)
  47.         nil,  -- 263 - Enhancement - (MELEE_DPS)
  48.         nil   -- 264 - Restoration - (HEALER)
  49.     },
  50.     WARLOCK = {
  51.         true, -- 265 - Affliction - (CASTER_DPS)
  52.         true, -- 266 - Demonology - (CASTER_DPS)
  53.         true  -- 267 - Destruction - (CASTER_DPS)
  54.     },
  55.     WARRIOR = {
  56.         nil, -- 71 - Arms - (MELEE_DPS)
  57.         nil, -- 72 - Furry - (MELEE_DPS)
  58.         nil  -- 73 - Protection - (TANK)
  59.     },
  60. }
I know its a little over the top but as you stated before Phanx its a file not a macro so be specific.

Here is the new Statisctics.lua file:
Lua Code:
  1. local nData = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("nData")
  3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. --   Statistics Plugin Functions
  5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. nData.pluginConstructors["stat1"] = function()
  8.     db = nData.db.profile
  10.     local plugin = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, Datapanel)
  11.     plugin:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")
  12.     plugin:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
  13.     plugin:SetFrameLevel(3)
  14.     plugin:EnableMouse(true)
  16.     local Text  = plugin:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
  17.     Text:SetFont(db.font, db.fontSize,'THINOUTLINE')
  18.     nData:PlacePlugin(db.stat1, Text)
  20.     local playerClass, englishClass = UnitClass("player");
  22.     local function ShowTooltip(self)
  23.         if InCombatLockdown() then return end
  25.         local anchor, panel, xoff, yoff = nData:DataTextTooltipAnchor(Text)
  26.         GameTooltip:SetOwner(panel, anchor, xoff, yoff)
  27.         GameTooltip:ClearLines()
  28.         GameTooltip:AddLine(hexa..PLAYER_NAME.."'s"..hexb.." Statistics")
  29.         GameTooltip:AddLine' '     
  30.         if playerRole == nil then
  31.             GameTooltip:AddLine("Choose a Specialization to see Stats")
  32.         else
  33.             if playerRole == "TANK" then
  34.                 local Total_Dodge = GetDodgeChance()
  35.                 local Total_Parry = GetParryChance()
  36.                 local Total_Block = GetBlockChance()
  38.                 GameTooltip:AddLine(STAT_CATEGORY_DEFENSE)
  39.                 GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(DODGE_CHANCE, format("%.2f%%", Total_Dodge),1,1,1)
  40.                 GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(PARRY_CHANCE, format("%.2f%%", Total_Parry),1,1,1)
  41.                 GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(BLOCK_CHANCE, format("%.2f%%", Total_Block),1,1,1)               
  43.             elseif playerRole == "HEALER" or playerRole == "CASTER" then
  44.                 local SC = GetSpellCritChance("2")
  45.                 local Total_Spell_Haste = UnitSpellHaste("player")
  46.                 local base, casting = GetManaRegen()
  47.                 local manaRegenString = "%d / %d"              
  49.                 GameTooltip:AddLine(STAT_CATEGORY_SPELL)
  50.                 GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_CRITICAL_STRIKE, format("%.2f%%", SC), 1, 1, 1)
  51.                 GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_HASTE, format("%.2f%%", Total_Spell_Haste), 1, 1, 1)    
  52.                 GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(MANA_REGEN, format(manaRegenString, base * 5, casting * 5), 1, 1, 1)
  54.             elseif playerRole == "DAMAGER" then        
  55.                 if englishClass == "HUNTER" then
  56.                     local Total_Range_Haste = GetRangedHaste("player")
  57.                     local Range_Armor_Pen = GetArmorPenetration();
  58.                     local Range_Crit = GetRangedCritChance("25")
  59.                     local speed = UnitRangedDamage("player")
  60.                     local Total_Range_Speed = speed
  62.                     GameTooltip:AddLine(STAT_CATEGORY_RANGED)                  
  63.                     GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Armor Penetration", format("%.2f%%", Range_Armor_Pen), 1, 1, 1)
  64.                     GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_CRITICAL_STRIKE, format("%.2f%%", Range_Crit), 1, 1, 1) 
  65.                     GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_HASTE, format("%.2f%%", Total_Range_Haste), 1, 1, 1)
  66.                     GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_ATTACK_SPEED, format("%.2f".." (sec)", Total_Range_Speed), 1, 1, 1)                 
  67.                 else
  68.                     local Melee_Crit = GetCritChance("player")
  69.                     local Melee_Armor_Pen = GetArmorPenetration();
  70.                     local Total_Melee_Haste = GetMeleeHaste("player")
  71.                     local mainSpeed = UnitAttackSpeed("player");
  72.                     local MH = mainSpeed
  74.                     GameTooltip:AddLine(STAT_CATEGORY_MELEE)
  75.                     GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("Armor Penetration", format("%.2f%%", Melee_Armor_Pen), 1, 1, 1)
  76.                     GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_CRITICAL_STRIKE, format("%.2f%%", Melee_Crit), 1, 1, 1)     
  77.                     GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_HASTE, format("%.2f%%", Total_Melee_Haste), 1, 1, 1)
  78.                     GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_ATTACK_SPEED, format("%.2f".." (sec)", MH), 1, 1, 1)
  79.                 end
  80.             end
  81.             GameTooltip:AddLine' '
  82.             GameTooltip:AddLine(STAT_CATEGORY_GENERAL)
  83.             local masteryspell
  84.             local Multi_Strike = GetMultistrike();
  85.             local Life_Steal = GetLifesteal();
  86.             --local Versatility = GetVersatility();
  87.             local Versatility_Damage_Bonus = GetCombatRatingBonus(CR_VERSATILITY_DAMAGE_DONE) + GetVersatilityBonus(CR_VERSATILITY_DAMAGE_DONE);
  88.             local Avoidance = GetAvoidance();
  89.             local bonusArmor, isNegatedForSpec = UnitBonusArmor("player");
  91.             GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_BONUS_ARMOR, format("%s", bonusArmor), 1, 1, 1)
  92.             GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_MULTISTRIKE, format("%.2f%%", Multi_Strike), 1, 1, 1)
  93.             GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_LIFESTEAL, format("%.2f%%", Life_Steal), 1, 1, 1)
  94.             GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_VERSATILITY, format("%.2f%%", Versatility_Damage_Bonus), 1, 1, 1)
  95.             --GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_VERSATILITY, format("%d", Versatility), 1, 1, 1)
  96.             GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(STAT_AVOIDANCE, format("%.2f%%", Avoidance), 1, 1, 1)
  97.             if GetCombatRating(CR_MASTERY) ~= 0 and GetSpecialization() then
  98.                 if englishClass == "DRUID" then
  99.                     if playerRole == "DAMAGER" and not playerRole == "CASTER" then
  100.                         masteryspell = select(2, GetSpecializationMasterySpells(GetSpecialization()))
  101.                     elseif playerRole == "TANK" then
  102.                         masteryspell = select(1, GetSpecializationMasterySpells(GetSpecialization()))
  103.                     else
  104.                         masteryspell = GetSpecializationMasterySpells(GetSpecialization())
  105.                     end
  106.                 else
  107.                     masteryspell = GetSpecializationMasterySpells(GetSpecialization())
  108.                 end
  111.                 local Mastery = GetMasteryEffect("player")
  112.                 local masteryName, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = GetSpellInfo(masteryspell)
  113.                 if masteryName then
  114.                     GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine(masteryName, format("%.2f%%", Mastery), 1, 1, 1)
  115.                 end
  116.             end        
  117.         end
  119.         GameTooltip:Show()
  120.     end
  122.     local function UpdateTank(self)
  123.         local armorString = hexa..ARMOR..hexb..": "
  124.         local displayNumberString = string.join("", "%s", "%d|r");
  125.         local base, effectiveArmor, armor, posBuff, negBuff = UnitArmor("player");
  126.         local Melee_Reduction = effectiveArmor
  128.         Text:SetFormattedText(displayNumberString, armorString, effectiveArmor)
  129.         --Setup Tooltip
  130.         self:SetAllPoints(Text)
  131.     end
  133.     local function UpdateCaster(self)
  134.         local spellpwr = GetSpellBonusDamage("2");
  135.         local displayNumberString = string.join("", "%s", "%d|r");
  137.         Text:SetFormattedText(displayNumberString, hexa.."SP: "..hexb, spellpwr)
  138.         --Setup Tooltip
  139.         self:SetAllPoints(Text)
  140.     end
  142.     local function UpdateDamager(self) 
  143.         local displayNumberString = string.join("", "%s", "%d|r");
  145.         if englishClass == "HUNTER" then
  146.             local base, posBuff, negBuff = UnitRangedAttackPower("player")
  147.             local Range_AP = base + posBuff + negBuff  
  148.             pwr = Range_AP
  149.         else
  150.             local base, posBuff, negBuff = UnitAttackPower("player")
  151.             local Melee_AP = base + posBuff + negBuff      
  152.             pwr = Melee_AP
  153.         end
  155.         Text:SetFormattedText(displayNumberString, hexa.."AP: "..hexb, pwr)      
  156.         --Setup Tooltip
  157.         self:SetAllPoints(Text)
  158.     end
  160.     -- initial delay for update (let the ui load)
  161.     local int = 5  
  162.     local function Update(self, t)
  163.         int = int - t
  164.         if int > 0 then return end
  165.         if playerRole == nil then
  166.             Text:SetText(hexa.."No Stats"..hexb)
  167.         else
  168.             if playerRole == "TANK" then
  169.                 UpdateTank(self)
  170.             elseif playerRole == "HEALER" or playerRole == "CASTER" then
  171.                 UpdateCaster(self)
  172.             elseif playerRole == "DAMAGER" then
  173.                 UpdateDamager(self)
  174.             end
  175.         end
  176.         int = 2
  177.     end
  179.     plugin:SetScript("OnEnter", function() ShowTooltip(plugin) end)
  180.     plugin:SetScript("OnLeave", function() GameTooltip:Hide() end)
  181.     plugin:SetScript("OnUpdate", Update)
  182.     Update(plugin, 10)
  184.     return plugin -- important!
  185. end

Thank You for all the help with the nData project.

Last edited by cokedrivers : 11-03-14 at 11:40 AM.
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11-03-14, 01:52 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by cokedrivers View Post
I have no idea on how to "debug" a add-on. I probably should not be doing any of this stuff beings I have no high school diploma nor a college education and no training in programming or LUA coding. I'm a forklift operator for Coca-Cola that is a gamer.
Just add print("FunctionName or EVENT_NAME", someVar, otherVar) lines throughout the code so you can see what functions are running and what values are being set. This way you can tell that a function isn't being run when it should be, or that some variable isn't getting the value you expected, and you can go fix those problems instead of just trying random stuff. Now you are debugging.

Originally Posted by cokedrivers View Post
Here is the new Statisctics.lua file:
That code is setting a global "playerRole" variable. Put "local playerRole" at the top of the file. It probably didn't work before because you were defining the variable too far down in the file. Remember, you need to define variables above any parts of the code where you read from or write to them.
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11-03-14, 02:11 PM   #6
A Rage Talon Dragon Guard
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Originally Posted by Phanx View Post
That code is setting a global "playerRole" variable. Put "local playerRole" at the top of the file. It probably didn't work before because you were defining the variable too far down in the file. Remember, you need to define variables above any parts of the code where you read from or write to them.
So my function nData:UpdatePlayerRole() is in my main nData.lua file. When I add local playerRole to the top of my nData.lua file it will not pass the playerRole onto the plugins, do I need to move the function nData:UpdatePlayerRole() to a different function within the nData.lua right no in the OnEnable there is this code:
	-- no need to make a separate frame to handle events, your module object already does this!
	self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED", "UpdatePlayerRole")
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11-03-14, 05:05 PM   #7
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If you want it to work across different files, the simplest solution would be to add the "playerRole" value to your addon's object instead of having it a standalone variable.

Remove the line where you declare the variable in your main file:
local playerRole
Then, everywhere you look at or set "playerRole" in any file, change it to "nData.playerRole".
Retired author of too many addons.
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11-03-14, 06:08 PM   #8
A Rage Talon Dragon Guard
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Originally Posted by Phanx View Post
If you want it to work across different files, the simplest solution would be to add the "playerRole" value to your addon's object instead of having it a standalone variable.

Remove the line where you declare the variable in your main file:
local playerRole
Then, everywhere you look at or set "playerRole" in any file, change it to "nData.playerRole".
In order to not throw a error I had to change the main nData:UpdatePlayerRole() to this:
function nData:UpdatePlayerRole()	
	local spec = GetSpecialization()
	if not spec then
		self.playerRole = nil

	local specRole = GetSpecializationRole(spec)
	if specRole == "DAMAGER" then
		if isCaster[class][spec] then
			self.playerRole = "CASTER"

	self.playerRole = specRole
had to add the "self." in front of playerRole to make it work.

Thanks for helping me on this.
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