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04-14-09, 12:51 PM   #1
A Black Drake
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Good news for you Outfitter fans out there!

Looks like it is coming back.

Good news since the Equip manager didnt make it in the patch.
04-14-09, 01:03 PM   #2
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When the author threw his fit against Blizzard's new policies, I removed his work from my machine(s). I don't care what happens with future Outfitter releases, all I know is they will never be on my computer.

I understand it was/is his right to do whatever he wants with his work. I know it's also my option to use/not use his work for whatever reason applicable, I just think it was lame as hell to throw such a visible hissy fit. It was much like a little kid getting pissed at his classmates and running home with the ball, ending the game.
04-14-09, 01:26 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Republic View Post
When the author threw his fit against Blizzard's new policies, I removed his work from my machine(s). I don't care what happens with future Outfitter releases, all I know is they will never be on my computer.

I understand it was/is his right to do whatever he wants with his work. I know it's also my option to use/not use his work for whatever reason applicable, I just think it was lame as hell to throw such a visible hissy fit. It was much like a little kid getting pissed at his classmates and running home with the ball, ending the game.
He got a lot of people paying attention to the policy who previously took the work of addon developers for granted.
But in any case, you won't miss his addons, and he won't miss you using them. Everybody wins.
04-14-09, 02:12 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Agnostor View Post
He got a lot of people paying attention to the policy who previously took the work of addon developers for granted.
But in any case, you won't miss his addons, and he won't miss you using them. Everybody wins.
Yes, because it was so hard to miss the full front page article and billion page thread on this site? Please. It was still childish as hell. There were better ways of handling it in an adult world.
04-14-09, 02:37 PM   #5
A Molten Giant
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I think it's a bit childish that you quit using the addon just because you disagree with what he did.
All I see is strobe lights blinding me in my hindsight.
04-14-09, 02:37 PM   #6
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
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Who defines what's childish and what's adultish? You? So the author gives you the work of his own time and talents for free, you use it for however long instead of the numerous alternatives because his is the best, and then he retracts the mod in protest of Blizzard. When the option to use his addon again is given to you, you refuse to take advantage of it because you want to hold a grudge against him now. That's not childish at all? He wasn't even throwing a fit, he was working to improve the situation, given his limited ability to impact Blizzard.

You say it's like him running home with the ball, simply making recess less fun for the other kids. To ammend your analogy, he wasn't getting pissed at his classmates. It's more like the administration said the kids can only play with green balls, and his was the green ball with the most bounce to it. He took it home with him in an effort to motivate his classmates to take action and convince admin to repeal its new rule.

He was doing what was best for addon users before, which could have helped convince Blizzard to change. You don't think allowing donation solicitations is a good thing until you see addons that are no longer actively developed like QuestHelper or nUI (at least, as much as he could afford to develop before) because of the policy change. Now that the cause appears to be lost, he's again doing what's in the best interest of the users: Giving us back Outfitter. I think he shows exceptional maturity, which is more than I can say for you.

Last edited by Jzar : 04-14-09 at 02:40 PM.
04-14-09, 02:40 PM   #7
A Molten Giant
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Jzar, i think i'm in love with you.
All I see is strobe lights blinding me in my hindsight.
04-14-09, 03:11 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Jzar View Post
Who defines what's childish and what's adultish? You? So the author gives you the work of his own time and talents for free, you use it for however long instead of the numerous alternatives because his is the best, and then he retracts the mod in protest of Blizzard. When the option to use his addon again is given to you, you refuse to take advantage of it because you want to hold a grudge against him now. That's not childish at all? He wasn't even throwing a fit, he was working to improve the situation, given his limited ability to impact Blizzard.

You say it's like him running home with the ball, simply making recess less fun for the other kids. To ammend your analogy, he wasn't getting pissed at his classmates. It's more like the administration said the kids can only play with green balls, and his was the green ball with the most bounce to it. He took it home with him in an effort to motivate his classmates to take action and convince admin to repeal its new rule.

He was doing what was best for addon users before, which could have helped convince Blizzard to change. You don't think allowing donation solicitations is a good thing until you see addons that are no longer actively developed like QuestHelper or nUI (at least, as much as he could afford to develop before) because of the policy change. Now that the cause appears to be lost, he's again doing what's in the best interest of the users: Giving us back Outfitter. I think he shows exceptional maturity, which is more than I can say for you.
I am already one to not use compilations, and things like that because authors have a history of just dropping projects without notice and for whatever reason. That's fine. It's their privilege to do so. However, as a user of addons, I don't want to become dependent on a project that is dropped. As such, when I see an author is so easily willing to pick up his ball and run home, to me that's just another sign of an unstable addon. Thus, I'll stop using it.

I use addons that stay around and are generally well-maintained by more professional authors. I don't use a lot of addons, and there are some I don't use because they look too "temporary" for me to bother getting into. As a result, I am rarely disappointed that projects are dropped, etc. The stuff I use is almost always available and has been around for MANY versions of the game, etc. Know what I mean?

If a project gets "closed" for the reasons this one did, I don't have time to track the drama in hopes of it coming back one day. I find a way to live without. In this case, that was easy to do. I only used the addon with two of my toons anyway.

04-14-09, 03:27 PM   #9
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Just FYI: nUI is not a compilation. Scott includes no addons from other authors in his code whatsoever. He handcoded actionbars, threat meters, huds, cooldowns, buffs / debuffs, maps, etc. It's like he developed his own version of every addon you've ever used. Unfortunately, I disagree with several minor points of his design, and so will stick with my own custom UI. But I cannot sing his praises loud enough for the work he has done with that little piece of genius that is nUI. gg for being informed about what you say.

You may be rarely disappointed with addons that get dropped, but you miss out on so many good ones just because the project status itself doesn't live up to your standards. It comes down to the old statement that "it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." I've loved, and I've lost, and I tell you it *is* better. I hope you eventually discover that truth. Until then, I hope you're happy with whatever limited satisfaction you get out of life.
04-14-09, 03:33 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Jzar View Post
Just FYI: nUI is not a compilation. Scott includes no addons from other authors in his code whatsoever. He handcoded actionbars, threat meters, huds, cooldowns, buffs / debuffs, maps, etc. It's like he developed his own version of every addon you've ever used. Unfortunately, I disagree with several minor points of his design, and so will stick with my own custom UI. But I cannot sing his praises loud enough for the work he has done with that little piece of genius that is nUI. gg for being informed about what you say.

You may be rarely disappointed with addons that get dropped, but you miss out on so many good ones just because the project status itself doesn't live up to your standards. It comes down to the old statement that "it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." I've loved, and I've lost, and I tell you it *is* better. I hope you eventually discover that truth. Until then, I hope you're happy with whatever limited satisfaction you get out of life.
I've been around a long time. My game is just fine with the "limited" assortment of addons I use. I really don't need anything else. I simply don't have time to constantly tinker with an addon folder. I'll leave that for you unemployed or student types

To each his own. What works for me clearly may not work for others. That's fine. There's nothing wrong with that and people have different tastes. It does not mean their satisfaction is limited because someone else is different. That doesn't sound very mature, but okay. I'm happy with my limited satisfaction. At least I'm playing the game and not worrying about which addons to disable all the time
04-14-09, 04:02 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Jzar View Post
Who defines what's childish and what's adultish? You? So the author gives you the work of his own time and talents for free, you use it for however long instead of the numerous alternatives because his is the best, and then he retracts the mod in protest of Blizzard. When the option to use his addon again is given to you, you refuse to take advantage of it because you want to hold a grudge against him now. That's not childish at all? He wasn't even throwing a fit, he was working to improve the situation, given his limited ability to impact Blizzard.

You say it's like him running home with the ball, simply making recess less fun for the other kids. To ammend your analogy, he wasn't getting pissed at his classmates. It's more like the administration said the kids can only play with green balls, and his was the green ball with the most bounce to it. He took it home with him in an effort to motivate his classmates to take action and convince admin to repeal its new rule.

He was doing what was best for addon users before, which could have helped convince Blizzard to change. You don't think allowing donation solicitations is a good thing until you see addons that are no longer actively developed like QuestHelper or nUI (at least, as much as he could afford to develop before) because of the policy change. Now that the cause appears to be lost, he's again doing what's in the best interest of the users: Giving us back Outfitter. I think he shows exceptional maturity, which is more than I can say for you.
Eh, the Outfitter author is being childish really. I consider removing your addons in protest to be silly to start with, but adding it back because (he considers it to be) a stalemate and nothing will change is just silly. It ruins any credibility he might have had from deleting the addon in the first place. It's really the same thing as the people who say they are quitting the game in protest and either don't quit or come back. All people do is look at them and laugh because they know the odds are they'll come back.

If he was really doing what was the best for the users, he would have said he's disappointed in the changes and simply stop development of Outfitter and let people download it still until it breaks, because it's the internet anyway if someone really wanted to get a copy of Outfitter they could still.

From what I've been hearing in IRC, Blizzard has responded to people in emails as well denying any claim to ownership but since it's a dead horse as this point there hasn't really been anything said on the matter.

Last edited by Shadowed : 04-14-09 at 04:07 PM.
04-14-09, 04:09 PM   #12
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I considered removing mine, instead I put up a protest, call blizzard a bunch o n****s and moved on. /shrug
04-14-09, 04:21 PM   #13
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I'm kinda confused... If you were going to stop using it based on how it was removed... and you're not going to use it again... what was the point in ruining a perfectly good thread letting us know that you're not happy with what the author did or didn't do or thought of doing? You're obviously not an Outfitter fan... so this post had nothing to do with the likes of you to begin with... shoo fly, don't bother us.
04-14-09, 04:29 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Bornabe View Post
I'm kinda confused... If you were going to stop using it based on how it was removed... and you're not going to use it again... what was the point in ruining a perfectly good thread letting us know that you're not happy with what the author did or didn't do or thought of doing? You're obviously not an Outfitter fan... so this post had nothing to do with the likes of you to begin with... shoo fly, don't bother us.
Good point. I'll take my ball and go home too
04-14-09, 04:30 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Evolution85 View Post
Looks like it is coming back.

Good news since the Equip manager didnt make it in the patch.
I'll stay on topic and not hijack the thread....

This is good news. Thanks for sharing! I did like the one Bliz was working on, and never encountered the supposed bugs with it while testing it on the PTR. Guess I'll use Outfitter until Bliz can work out the kinks with their own equip manager.
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04-14-09, 04:38 PM   #16
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I'm not sure why this continues to be an issue. He reacted poorly and removed his add on not realizing that Blizzard doesn't care whether or not he protests and unwittingly hurt his users who (some) now regard him as childish.

He will more than likely have lost a number of his loyal users because of a less than though out plan of attack that obviously Blizzard could care less about. He has decided, sheepishly I'm sure, to return to developing his add ons for his "users."

Just drop the arguing and be done with it, what's done is done go outside and take a walk until the servers come back up.
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04-14-09, 04:54 PM   #17
A Black Drake
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Ok, I did not post this to start a forum war. Regardless of what anyone thinks of the authors actions, many are happy to see this mod return. Especially since Blizz's Equipment Manager did not make it into this patch.

I respect that everyone here has an opinion on this. I also respect that the authors of ALL mods have the right to do with them as they please (within the EULA), regardless of what I think of their actions.

I think it was big of him to release it again so OTHERS may find more enjoyment from the game.
04-14-09, 07:50 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by WillsDM View Post
He will more than likely have lost a number of his loyal users because of a less than though out plan of attack that obviously Blizzard could care less about. He has decided, sheepishly I'm sure, to return to developing his add ons for his "users."
He kept developing the addons the whole time for his friends and family. We never lost access to them.

He returned them to public access because enough people asked for them, because Blizzard decided not to discuss the policy, and because those who were directly affected by the policy (unlike him) expressed that they were satisfied.

This whole "loyal users" idea is pretty humorous, but hard to wrap my head around. Do people think they are doing him a service by using his addons or something? I'm honestly curious, because I've seen a lot of comments like "I'm not going to use your addon anymore, so there!" Is anything of value lost in that case?
04-14-09, 09:13 PM   #19
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It's a good thing I have a community of users I respect and appreciate, because when I read stuff like this thread it really just makes me want to delete my mod. (though I won't)


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04-14-09, 09:19 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Evolution85 View Post
Ok, I did not post this to start a forum war. Regardless of what anyone thinks of the authors actions, many are happy to see this mod return. Especially since Blizz's Equipment Manager did not make it into this patch.

I respect that everyone here has an opinion on this. I also respect that the authors of ALL mods have the right to do with them as they please (within the EULA), regardless of what I think of their actions.

I think it was big of him to release it again so OTHERS may find more enjoyment from the game.
Agreed. The last thing we need right now is yet another argument.

Thank you for the original post of factual information - that being that he is re-releasing them to the public.

This thread is now closed. Anyone that wants to go back to the discussion (not argument) of the policy etc, you know where the appropriate thread is.

/points over that-a-way ===>

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