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10-04-11, 10:53 AM   #18
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 221
I don't really understand, what you're up to...

Healbot doesn't work with "buttons", it shows unitframes and then triggers spells based on which mousebutton/modifier-combo you are using to click on them. Clique does the same.

And it is perfectly possible to bind attack-spells with clicks (I use HolyShock on my Pala for example by clicking the hostile target) using Clique.

So, basically you will need a unitframe-addon and Clique to make "the center button".
Move two ActionButtons left and right to this, bind the according macros to them and your addon is done, isn't it?

As you already were told, you can not alter an ActionButtons "action" while in combat. So you can't make an addon where you mindlessly click the same spot over and over again.

While I see the charm of your solution (may test this on my mage), I don't see any benefits for casual players, since they will have to memorize the bindings of their spells (speaking as Holy Paladin: Mouse1 = Heal1, Mouse2 = Heal2, Mouse5 = HolyShock, Mouse6 = Beacon, Mouse1+Alt = Decurse...).

You can of course include some kind of "rotation helper", but the player will have to use the right ability at the right time. If he "misclicks", the rotation is "ruined" and nothing is won.

Additionally, as far as I know, there is no way to target any unit by the assigned raid-icon. So, if you want to make this functionality work, I guess you will have to fetch the GUID while assigning the skull and when you want to re-target this unit, you will have to iterate through all units in range to find the skull again. I would think this will cause massive lag.

And, speaking as a main-tank: I want all members of my raid to be aware of the situation and do the right thing at the right time, just because they know what is going on. This way, the whole raid can react faster on surprising events.
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