Thread: WOD/Pre-patch
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11-29-14, 04:39 PM   #475
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 4
Originally Posted by Rythal View Post
What I really need right now is someone who is level 100, to enter UBRS and post the errors... that'll help with that problem while I try to figure out this new task system and how exactly it all works
Here is the error I get, the line numbers may be slightly off from comments I added to some minor changes I made to my file.
GetPos Err:995:
Carbonite\NxMap.lua:9198: in function 'GetWorldPos'
Carbonite\NxMap.lua:5240: in function '?'
Carbonite\NxMap.lua:4779: in function 'Update'
Carbonite\NxMap.lua:3753: in function <Carbonite\NxMap.lua:3678>

Side note, any chance at adding HandyNotes to things that don't get removed from the minimap and put into the "Carbonite Minimap Frame"? Handy Notes adds a numeric value at the end of the name for each icon. It sort of works as is, but the handynote icons will slide on the minimap, and flicker back and forth from the minimap to the carbonite frame.

I updated line ~2605 in NxMap.lua from
if c:IsShown() and not self.MMOwnedFrms[c] then
if c:IsShown() and not self.MMOwnedFrms[c] and string.find(c:GetName() or "nil", "HandyNotePins") then
as a temp fix. Though this change also prevents it from moving icons that don't set a name (like MageNuggets and HealBot). I never really done lua, so I am sure I am doing something wrong with it.

Last edited by Uranium : 11-29-14 at 04:43 PM.