Thread: WOD/Pre-patch
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11-29-14, 03:59 PM   #474
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 12
Originally Posted by Rythal View Post
I had set the garrison to think it's an outdoors map (MMOutdoors) that could be causing it... I'll do some testing


Are you in a horde or alliance garrison, and what are your current options for the minimap set in regards to docking? I haven't been able to reproduce this
I'm lvl 100 Horde, have a level 3 garrison, and my settings for the minimap and docking are currently this:

miniMap = {
					type = "group",
					name = L["MiniMap Options"],
					order = 2,
					args = {
						MMOwn = {
							order = 1,
							type = "toggle",
							width = "full",
							name = L["Combine Blizzard Minimap with Carbonite Minimap"],
							desc = L["When enabled, Carbonite will combine the minimap into itself to create a more functional minimap for you (RELOAD REQUIRED)"],
							get = function()
								return Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.Own
							set = function()
								Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.Own = not Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.Own
						spacer1 = {
							order = 3,
							type = "description",
							name = "\n",
						MMSquare = {
							order = 4,
							type = "toggle",
							width = "full",
							name = L["Minimap Shape is Square"],
							desc = L["When enabled, Carbonite will change the minimap shape from circle to square"],
							get = function()
								return Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.Square
							set = function()
								Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.Square = not Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.Square
						MMAboveIcons = {
							order = 5,
							type = "toggle",
							width = "full",
							name = L["Minimap is drawn above icons"],
							desc = L["When enabled, Carbonite will draw the minimap above your map icons, you can use the CTRL key on your keyboard to toggle which layer is top"],
							get = function()
								return Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.AboveIcons
							set = function()
								Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.AboveIcons = not Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.AboveIcons
						MMIconScale = {
							order = 6,
							type = "range",
							name = L["Minimap Icon Scale"],
							desc = L["Sets the scale of the icons drawn in the minimap portion of the map"],
							min = .1,
							max = 10,
							step = .1,
							bigStep = .1,
							get = function()
								return Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.IScale
							set = function(info,value)
								Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.IScale = value
						MMDockIScale = {
							order = 7,
							type = "range",
							name = L["Docked Minimap Icon Scale"],
							desc = L["Sets the scale of the icons drawn in the minimap portion of the map while docked"],
							min = .1,
							max = 10,
							step = .1,
							bigStep = .1,
							get = function()
								return Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DockIScale
							set = function(info,value)
								Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DockIScale = value

						MMGlow = {
							order = 8,
							type = "range",
							name = L["Minimap Node Glow Delay"],
							desc = L["Sets the delay (in seconds) between the glow change on gathering nodes (0 is off)"],
							min = 0,
							max = 4,
							step = .1,
							bigStep = .1,
							get = function()
								return Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.NodeGD
							set = function(info,value)
								Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.NodeGD = value
						spacer2 = {
							order = 9,
							type = "description",
							name = "\n",
						MMDockAlways = {
							order = 10,
							type = "toggle",
							width = "full",
							name = L["Always dock minimap"],
							desc = L["When enabled, The minimap will always dock into the corner of the carbonite map."],
							get = function()
								return Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DockAlways
							set = function()
								Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DockAlways = not Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DockAlways
						MMDockIndoors = {
							order = 11,
							type = "toggle",
							width = "full",
							name = L["Dock The Minimap when indoors"],
							desc = L["When enabled, The minimap will dock if wow says your indoors"],
							get = function()
								return Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DockIndoors
							set = function()
								Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DockIndoors = not Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DockIndoors
						MMDockBugged = {
							order = 12,
							type = "toggle",
							width = "full",
							name = L["Dock The Minimap in Bugged Zones"],
							desc = L["When enabled, The minimap will dock if your in a known transparency bug zone (Pitch black minimap)"],
							get = function()
								return Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DockBugged
							set = function()
								Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DockBugged = not Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DockBugged
						MMDockOnMax = {
							order = 13,
							type = "toggle",
							width = "full",
							name = L["Dock The Minimap when Fullsized"],
							desc = L["When enabled, The minimap will dock if your viewing the fullsized map."],
							get = function()
								return Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DockOnMax
							set = function()
								Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DockOnMax = not Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DockOnMax
						MMHideOnMax = {
							order = 14,
							type = "toggle",
							width = "full",
							name = L["Hide The Minimap when Fullsized"],
							desc = L["When enabled, The minimap will hide if your viewing the fullsized map."],
							get = function()
								return Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.HideOnMax
							set = function()
								Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.HideOnMax = not Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.HideOnMax

						MMDockSquare = {
							order = 15,
							type = "toggle",
							width = "full",
							name = L["Minimap Docked Shape is Square"],
							desc = L["When enabled, The minimap will be square shaped while docked."],
							get = function()
								return Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DockSquare
							set = function()
								Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DockSquare = not Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DockSquare
						MMDockBottom = {
							order = 16,
							type = "toggle",
							width = "full",
							name = L["Minimap Docks Bottom"],
							desc = L["When enabled, The minimap will dock to the bottom of the map."],
							get = function()
								return Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DockBottom
							set = function()
								Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DockBottom = not Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DockBottom
						MMDockRight = {
							order = 17,
							type = "toggle",
							width = "full",
							name = L["Minimap Docks Right"],
							desc = L["When enabled, The minimap will dock to the right side of the map."],
							get = function()
								return Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DockRight
							set = function()
								Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DockRight = not Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DockRight
						MMDXO = {
							order = 18,
							type = "range",
							name = L["Minimap Dock X-Offset"],
							desc = L["Sets the X - offset the minimap draws while docked"],
							min = 0,
							max = 200,
							step = 1,
							bigStep = 1,
							get = function()
								return Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DXO
							set = function(info,value)
								Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DXO = value
						MMDYO = {
							order = 19,
							type = "range",
							name = L["Minimap Dock Y-Offset"],
							desc = L["Sets the Y - offset the minimap draws while docked"],
							min = 0,
							max = 200,
							step = 1,
							bigStep = 1,
							get = function()
								return Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DYO
							set = function(info,value)
								Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.DYO = value
						MMIndoorTogFullSize = {
							order = 20,
							type = "toggle",
							width = "full",
							name = L["Minimap goes full sized Indoors"],
							desc = L["When enabled, The minimap will expand to full map window size when indoors."],
							get = function()
								return Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.IndoorTogFullSize
							set = function()
								Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.IndoorTogFullSize = not Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.IndoorTogFullSize
						MMDockBuggedTogFullSize = {
							order = 21,
							type = "toggle",
							width = "full",
							name = L["Minimap goes full sized in bugged areas"],
							desc = L["When enabled, The minimap will expand to full map window size in known transparency bugged areas."],
							get = function()
								return Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.BuggedTogFullSize
							set = function()
								Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.BuggedTogFullSize = not Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.BuggedTogFullSize
						MMDockInstanceTogFullSize = {
							order = 22,
							type = "toggle",
							width = "full",
							name = L["Minimap goes full sized in instances"],
							desc = L["When enabled, The minimap expand to full map window size when you enter a raid/instance."],
							get = function()
								return Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.InstanceTogFullSize
							set = function()
								Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.InstanceTogFullSize = not Nx.db.profile.MiniMap.InstanceTogFullSize
Just to verify, sometimes it's when the cursor is over the special garrison map, sometimes it's when the cursor is on the outside of the garrison map that it flickers in and out.