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10-14-20, 02:40 PM   #1
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Oct 2020
Posts: 4
Stuck on TIME_PLAYED_MSG delay

Hi peeps,

I have the following in an addon I'm creating:

--Register /played event to unique frame
frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...)
if (event == "TIME_PLAYED_MSG") then
TotalPlayed, PlayedThisLevel = ...
print("TotalPlayed, PlayedThisLevel "..TotalPlayed, PlayedThisLevel)

-- Register Level up hook to unique frame
lvlup = CreateFrame("Frame", UIParent)
lvlup:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...)
if(event == "PLAYER_LEVEL_UP") then
print("Level up hook started")
newlevel = ...
print("NewLevel is: "..newlevel)
inum = (#KLTcharstats+1)
print("inum and inslvl = "..inum)
if (inum == 1 and KLTcharstats[inum].clevel == 1) then
print("Running if, that is inum = 1 and clevel = 1 --- TotalPlayed = "..TotalPlayed)
KLTcharstats[inum].TTP = TotalPlayed
KLTcharstats[inum].TFL = TotalPlayed

After all this has run there are the correct results in my default chat for time played and level time played, from the event handler BUT i only ever get 1 in the if at the end. Do i have table init that runs before all this so no issues with the creation of the table or variables.

I've been banging my head against this for hours, what do I have wrong? Or is the time return just laggy as sin and I can't do what I need to?

Thanks for the input!!
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