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04-01-09, 03:59 AM   #31
A Rage Talon Dragon Guard
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 341
Well, this came as a shock to me and honestly puts me in a deeply sour mood. I understand where the authors of addons are coming from, how they want compensation for their hard work and I agree with that.

But chances are that a good portion of the 100+ addons I am using I will be charged for if I wish to continue using them. Again, yes authors put in alot of hard work and again I agree that they shouldn't have to work for free for the hard work they threw into the addons they wrote I feel this is a sad day for both the user and author of the addon. Not only does this mean that if the author wishes to charge for their addon, their idea, their creative genius, their blood, sweat and tears that they put into writing, testing and bug fixing, blizzard has now taken essentially 50% of the credit for. I understand where blizzard is coming from too, after all they did create Warcraft and its many other products and have graciously allowed us the honor of paying 14.99 USD per month to play the game. As I said this also means for the user of the addon, that if they wish to enhance the game, they are forced to spend more money to play the game. This also means for the user(s) and author(s) of addons, that there is less likely of a chance that they will try new addons out, this may not sound so important to people but being able to look at new addons, and look at the different types of addons that may have done the same thing but had slightly different features was very nice and on many occasions for me at least, I ended up finding new things that made game play more enjoyable.

That being said, there are a few concerns I do have so if anyone can answer them, I would appreciate it as others might be curious too. If I were to buy an addon and it gets updated, do I have to buy it again or does this work like a subscriptionesc type deal where it is a one time buy and you get free updates? My other concern is what about those people who bought a subscription to addons such as carbonite before this who not allowed to charge for addons deal came up, is there any protection for the money that was spent? (I probably should ask the carbonite people as I am one of those that bought a years subscription.)

Well I was in the middle of playing WoW right now when I was making this post, but alot of my fun has been sucked out of WoW with this breaking news, kind of mad I payed for a full six months of WoW now. Anyways its been fun, I foresee my subscription to WoW running out and not bothering to renew it.

Thanks to the years of hard work and sacrifice many of you have put into this site and the countless hours you've spent answering mindless questions from the likes of me and thank you authors for the blood, sweat and tears you have put into the addons that many of us use day in and day out to enhance the game and make it more enjoyable, I truly hope this system works out for you all and I wish you the best of luck with any future addons you may create.

As for me, looks like I am done with WoW myself, was getting kind of bored with it anyways after 3 years and 8 months of playing or something close to that, the only thing that was holding alot of interest for me was creating UIs for myself and in my mind I feel this is the straw that broke the camels back, I held on when burning crusade came out and replaced my gear to get the next ten levels, I barely had the fight to go on when Wrath came out as I replaced even more hard earned raiding gear, I will NOT pay for addons directly from blizzard as they already get a cut of what addon authors were making, its called my 14.99 a month for the last 3.8 years. I mean whats next, blizzard taking over the gold farming and lvling companies? This is not personally directed at anyone, I just feel alot of the magic that made this game more enjoyable has left the building. It saddens me to see the need for a system like this but Blizzard has done what it has to do I guess.

I wish you all the best of luck in any future endeavors and hope this works out well for you all.
Never hold discussions with the monkey when the organ grinder is in the room.

- Winston Churchill

Last edited by Miralen : 04-01-09 at 04:13 AM.
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