Thread: Map errors
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08-21-15, 08:59 PM   #3
Premium Member
Premium Member
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 8
with everything except carbonite and domino disabled still getting the following:
Message: Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\NxMap.lua:7661: script ran too long
Time: 08/21/15 23:02:56
Count: 1
Stack: Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\NxMap.lua:7661: in function `UpdateIcons'
Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\NxMap.lua:4860: in function `Update'
Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\NxMap.lua:3843: in function <Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\NxMap.lua:3758>

Locals: self = <table> {
MiniBlks = 6
IconScale = 3
MenuIShowWorld = <table> {
GIconMenuITogInst = <table> {
PlyrRZY = 89.961719512939
MMScalesC = <table> {
LOpts = <table> {
TextFStrs = <table> {
PlyrLastDir = 151.70401024092
Scrolling = false
Menu = <table> {
EffScale = 0.75516223907471
Zone = 809
WorldAlpha = 0
StartupShown = true
ScaleDraw = 4
BackgndAlphaFade = 0.4
MoveLastX = -1
PlyrDir = 151.70401024092
PlyrSpeedCalcTime = 518662.295
MapPosYDraw = 2131.7140156491
PlyrSpeed = 14.065281820914
MapScale = 0.39920159680639
CurMapBG = false
PadX = 0
BGIncNum = 0
ViewSavedData = <table> {
MapW = 329.51992797852
MMGathererUpdateDelay = 1
LClickTime = 0
MouseEnabled = true
ButAutoScaleOn = <table> {
MapH = 279.10000610352
MMScales = <table> {
MapPosX = 2222.7982183505
BackgndAlphaTarget = 0.4
MapsDrawnOrder = <table> {
BGGrowBars = true
ArrowScroll = 0.83
H = 141
Tick = 27301
IconNIFrms = <table> {
LastDungeonLevel = 0
BaseScale = 1
ToolBar = <table> {
MoveLastY = -1
MenuIShowHerb = <table> {
DotPartyScale = 1
PlyrX = 2222.8953169443
QuestAlpha = 0.3
CurWorldUpdateOverlayNum = 8
Scale = 4
Targets = <table> {
BackgndAlpha = 0.4
ArrowPulse = 1
MenuIShowMine = <table> {
MapId = 809
MMOwn = false
Size1 = 0.99316406619982
ShowUnexplored = false
Arch = <unnamed> {
PIconMenu = <table> {
LocTipFrm = NxMapTip {
MapIndex = 1
StepTime = -29
PlyrSpeedX = 2222.2076067346
PlyrFrm = <unnamed> {
DebugAdjustScale = 0.1
ScaleDrawW = 0.25
IconStaticFrms = <table> {
UpdateTrackingDelay = 0
IconNavScale = 1
MiniFrms = <table> {
InCombat = true
Win = <table> {
InstanceId = false
ScaleBeforeTarget = 3.3927140356015
RealScale = 0.043236400963732
Data = <table> {
TrackDir = 180
WorldHotspotTipStr = "Pandaria, Kun-Lai Summit (86-88)
MenuIShowTimber = <table> {
CurOverlays = <table> {
TrackDistYd = 47.013301695934
LocTipFStrs = <table> {
TrackPlyrs = <table> {
TrackName = "0/1 Speak to Anduin at the Gate of the August Celestials"
MenuIMonitorZone = <table> {
TextScFrm = <unnamed> {
TextFrm = <unnamed> {
GIconMenuIFindNote = <table> {
CurOverlaysTexFolder = "KunLaiSummit"
QuestWin = <unnamed> {
WorldHotspotsCity = <table> {
TrackETA = false
BGIconMenu = <table> {
PlyrY = 2126.9305315565
Tracking = <table> {
MapPosY = 2131.888301553
TargetNextUniqueId = 1486
Guide = <table> {
WorldHotspots = <table> {
Cont = 6
Level = 29
MapsDrawnFade = <table> {
DotRaidScale = 1
ContFrms = <table> {
GIconMenu = <table> {
TileFrms = <table> {
ScaleW = 0.25
UpdateTargetDelay = 0
CurOpts = <table> {
MenuIPlyrFollow = <table> {
TitleH = 0
IconFrms = <table> {
ArchAlpha = 0.3
PlyrSpeedY = 2125.6533909791
W = 150
MMOwnedFrms = <table> {
CurWorldUpdateMapId = 809
PlyrRZX = 55.191367864609
KillShow = false
MMChkDelay = 24
NeedWorldUpdate = true
MapPosXDraw = 2222.6245935311
MoveDir = 141.07245640729
Frm = <unnamed> {
TransMenu = <table> {
BackgndAlphaFull = 1
DotPalScale = 1
DotZoneScale = 1
drawNonGuide = false
c2rgb = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\NxUI.lua:7366
c2rgba = nil
d = <table> {
!GIn = <table> {
Kill = <table> {
!G = <table> {
!GQC = <table> {
!CUSTOM = <table> {
!Ga = <table> {
Death = <table> {
!GQ = <table> {
!POIIn = <table> {
!POI = <table> {
wpScale = 0.32
wpMin = 1
(for generator) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
(for state) = <table> {
!GIn = <table> {
Kill = <table> {
!G = <table> {
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