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07-20-08, 12:24 AM   #15
Fishing Trainer
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Originally Posted by Din View Post
I had an addon here that apparently got deleted for being old or something, but it has always worked with a simple "allow outdated addons" or a manual TOC update. Had I realised old addons got removed I would've done TOC updates, but I didn't . Anyway, I resubmitted with the updated TOC, if that gets approved am I allowed to enter this?
When we upgraded our servers and transferred the database over, some files were pruned that hadn't been touched in ages. Unfortunately, we did not have the time, nor resources, to go through those old addons beforehand. I'm not sure of when the cutoff was.

But you should be fine as long as it is your addon and it is in working order/fully compatible with 2.4.

edit: as a general reminder, anyone caught uploading any addons that are not their own creation (be that obvious plagiarism, uploading an old addon by someone else with a toc update, etc) will have that file deleted and their account banned from the site. This is nothing new for the beta key giveaway, this has always been our policy. Please respect the time and effort put in by the authors to create their work.
"You'd be surprised how many people violate this simple principle every day of their lives and try to fit square pegs into round holes, ignoring the clear reality that Things Are As They Are." -Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Last edited by Seerah : 07-20-08 at 12:27 AM.
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