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02-12-08, 10:11 AM   #19
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 19
Oh, this thread again.

Bartender3 is my bread and butter. I have tried Trinity. I have tried Bongo. I always return to BT3.

Since I play all the classes, I have the need to easily configure stances, especially for my druid. Trinity to this day has problems out of the box with cat form vs prowl form. BT3, it just works. Right away. And I like the ability of BT3 to configure which bar is shown in the various stances. I usually have three bars on my screen. In caster form, the bottom bar is bar 1, with bar 2 and 3 stacked above. When I go to cat form, 1 and 2 shift to bars 4 and 5. When I go prowl, bar 1 becomes bar 6. When I go bear form, bar 1 becomes 7, bar 2 becomes 8.

Can this be done with Bongos/Trinity? Sure. Do I prefer that it works out of the box with BT3? Youbetcha.

Someone raised a good point about the dot coloring of a button. That's nice. But it SUCKS for a warlock. I dot multiple mobs. Which mob is losing the dot as far as Bongos is concerned? That's why I use DoTimer.
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