Thread: BC Spells help!
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12-03-07, 05:27 AM   #1
An Aku'mai Servant
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 33
BC Spells help!

I'm having some trouble with the BC Spells layouts for my paladin. I play with a 1.33 aspect ratio and as such my UI is at the same ratio. I am not seeing Divine Intervention, Summon Warhorse, or Avenger's Shield on my action bars though. I can manually place them, sure, but every two levels when I mazzify my button layout (I'm lazy, sue me lol) I have to replace them again. I know it's kind of nitpicky but is there any way to get these layouts to work with my aspect ratio? I read on the download page that a few weeks ago the author wanted to fix this and update it with skills working in all aspect ratios. It's just a coding error I think. Can anybody take a peek and tell me what I need to rewrite to fix it? I can't figure it out myself cuz code is kind of beyond me.

The issue I have is that if it's doing this with my pally layout it'll probably do it for my hunter, shaman, and druid as well....
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