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10-30-07, 10:13 PM   #316
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 2
I was excited about giving MazzleUI a shot, it looks so neat, but unfortunately I can't get it to work for the life of me.

I ran the UI clean, fresh folders, nothing extra and went through the questions, got to the end, and hit the Mazzify button, and things went downhill from there. I heard a little "fatality" and this is what I was presented with:

It seems to have ignored all my responses! I see decursive in there which I didint want, it looks like it put in Bigwigs instead of Deadly Boss Mods like I asked. I see circle buttons when I asked for square, and thats just a few things I notice offhand. Oh well, I'll have to give up for now but I hope I can get this fixed because this UI seems so amazing and full featured I would LOVE to be able to give it a try. If you have any further question I would be more then happy to answer them, and thank you for taking the time to read this.

1680x1050 resolution
Lvl 70, undead Rogue
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