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08-06-05, 04:10 PM   #5
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 16
Unhappy Me Too

I believe the AddOn that the Original Poster is referring to, is the one where your up/down scroll buttons are INSIDE the chat box instead of outside it. The way they are in Dark Age of Camelot.

I too have been looking for this AddOn. Currently I am using Confab and LS Chat, but I miss the Buttons to scroll up and down. However, I'd rather miss them, than have them show outside the box and mess up the flow of my UI.

I saw a picture of someones UI and they had a Chatbox that had the scroll bar inside it, but it didn't say what Mod it was or where to get it. I've been looking all over for this and would greatly appreciate it if someone could tell me where to find it.

(If you are still having trouble picturing what I'm talking about, think of the Chat Box as a webpage. Notice that on this webpage the Scrollbar is inside the pages borders. That's what I want for my Chat Box).

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