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07-20-07, 09:05 AM   #24
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 92
Originally Posted by Ammo
Paying for access to downloads is almost the same as paying directly for the software.

It at least feels that way a lot. Hence I'm with taddmrr, you're not getting the my addons for that.

To me, I somewhat agree with Ammo and Taddmrr that paying to download the software whether in the specific site or not is still paying for the software.

I don't think's PREMIUM pay way apply to the future MazzleUI Site pay way as still allows NON-PAYING users to download all of the addons.

Now, if Mazzlefizz were re-write the "functionality" of ALL of the addons in MazzleUI (i.e. making the actual codes his/her own design) and there by making it a shareware software (i.e. having registration/serial number or what ever software become a shareware product) then that would be an option.

But, what can Mazzlefizz do if a paying user distributes her own code? I'm sure all of the shareware products have these type of piracy.

Secondly, the code that Mazzlefizz will write is strict ASCII text file and depends on a 3rd party Application (EXE) software (WOW). What would prevent the RE-USE of said code? Not that I'd be grabbing his/her code and change it to my own personal uses, but, I'm sure other people have already done that in the current versions of MazzleUI 1.10.

Can it be a "Support site" much like how Microsoft does about those premium calls as support for their software? People pay for their technical assistance. But, won't that allianate non-paying users of the Addon?

Just my few cents...

I too still haven't voted as I don't know how "exactly" it will be done.