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04-02-07, 12:19 PM   #340
A Kobold Labourer
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 1
PerfectRaid is very elegantly designed and I like it a lot, but one thing that I think is sorely lacking is debuff icons, and showing debuffs that can't be dispelled via normal means. Even if the debuff can't be removed, it's still very nice to know when someone else has a debuff, such as all the aoe damage debuffs, bomblike debuffs, and the like. I play a Warrior, so I can't even remove anything, but I've been wanting to get a raid mod that shows all debuffs in an elegant manner.

In addition, if you could have a way of showing numbers of stacks of debuffs, that would be superb - even Blizzard's Raid UI doesn't do that, and I don't think I've ever seen one that does. It may not be possible with normal means, but perhaps parsing the combat log and manually adding numbers next to icons is possible.

Edit: oops, just saw the post above. Sorry for the repetitiveness.
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