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02-09-07, 04:20 PM   #37
A Murloc Raider
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 7
I have a few ideas for addons you could include. Caveat: I don't know if these addons are lean 'n' mean or memory hogs. I'm judging only on what they do, so please do let me know if I've suggested something you've already considered but discarded for memory reasons.

May I suggest Fizzwidget's Feed-o-Matic as a replacement to the KingOfTheJungle hunter addon? It's true that they both do basically the same thing, but the main reason I like the Feed-o-Matic better is that it features the option of an audible warning when your pet gets hungry. I'll admit, I got very used to hearing the sound of my boar squealing to signal it was hungry...and I let my poor kitty on my other hunter go hungry a few times last night because I didn't notice the little food icon pop up. It also features an "auto feed" button that's very convenient...I had it mapped to my comma key, so anytime I heard the warning, I'd just hit the key and go on my merry way with a happy pet.

[EDIT] I just saw from the warnings MazzleUI gives that apparently it used to be part of the compilation, but isn't anymore. If I disable KotJ and enable Feed-o-Matic, am I going to have an addon conflict?[/EDIT]

As a brand-new addition to the collection, I heartily endorse FishingBuddy. It has such great features for folks who like to fish! You can set up a fishing outfit and switch to the fishing outfit at the click of a button. It can automatically apply a lure to your line if you have one. When you switch, it can also automatically adjust your sound settings so that the bobber splash is greatly amplified (and other sounds are muted down). It keeps track of how many of each type of fish you catch in each location. The author claims to have fixed autocast again, though I hadn't gotten it to work before switching over to your compilation. It displays your fishing skill level and fish you catch in each fishing session on the left side of the screen .

(I'll be adding FishingBuddy back to my addons anyway, my first non-Mazzle addon to go back in, but it'd be nice if it was part of the collection )

Thanks again for a great addon compilation!
--Grizelda, happy gnome rogue, Kargath
"Have stepladder, will backstab!"

Last edited by Grizelda : 02-09-07 at 04:42 PM.