Thread: MazzleUI
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02-04-07, 10:25 AM   #1044
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Arkaneus's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 10
Lethal dude, chill with asking when anything is going to be released. Come on. There are over 1000 posts in this forum for this UI, and at least 60% of it is "when is it due" "when it it gonna be released".

Be happy your excited about it being released at all.

Is there seriously nothing to do during the day, the twiddle your thumbs, and stay fixated on the exact time and date that MazzleUI is going to be released?


Mazzle, the latest news on the update is very very cool. sorry about the above portion, I would just really really like to see the UI released, and not with held, b/c of a few illiterate tools. Tell all the beta tester's, their doing a great job with you. Ive a baby due soon, so my avg time for WoW has now gone to practically nothing, but I will be back, and Im looking forward to mazzlegasm
"When a man lies, he murders some part of the world.
These are the pale deaths in which men miscall their lives.
All this I cannot bare to witness any longer.
Cannot the kingdom of Salvation take me home."