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08-31-16, 10:16 PM   #1
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 18
Scrolling Combat Text Abbreviator

Are there any addons out there that can abbreviate large numbers in the default scrolling combat text? i.e. 200 instead of 200,000 or 1000 instead of 1,000,000. I can live with it if there is a "k" or "m" but ideally I'd like to be able to hide even that.

I can live with a full SCT replacement addon but only if it retains the ability to pop the text up around the target. When I tested addons like Miks, xCT, and SCT a year ago in WoD, they only appeared to have the ability to scroll down the screen in static "columns." That used to be our only option, but I've gotten used to numbers being centered around the target they actually apply to and don't want to give up that functionality.

However, I really hate the idea of 6 and 7 digits for every hit and would like to shorten the numbers so that I can more quickly mentally parse and compare.

Does this exist? Is it possible?
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