Thread: TBC UI Changes
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10-09-06, 08:40 AM   #38
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 4
My mind tends to wander so I'm sorry if this doesn't seem too coherent.

You know, a lot of these new mod ideas seem to already be covered by PerfectRaid.... the way it shows debuffs and whatnot will be perfect already. Someone said something about big glowy arrows on the raid frame itself for emergency monitor.. I think that would work with raid lists like PerfectRaid as well but honestly I don't see why assigned healing can't be implemented more... I know when I've healed on my shaman I typically ask for a healing assignment just because emergency monitors DO lend themselves to overhealing and wasted mana. I looked at the Grid thingy but I didn't get it :\
but then again I am blonde. As far as not having mods choose rank for you... this is a good thing. How can you have a formula anticipate damage for you? In sensitive battles where damage spikes are varying and typically extreme (using warlocks for Twin Emps, for example) if you're using a rank selecting heal mod to heal that warlock he's gonna die because you never know if that shadowbolt is gonna go unresisted. If you start your heal early and you're using some little rank2 heal because he's only down a little health by the time it goes off it wasn't enough to catch up to how much he's hurting at that point.
Healers in my guild don't use heal mods at all. Tuller and Cladhaire have the right idea on the future of mod programming when it comes to TBC.. and for crap's sake can we please stop treading the expansion like it's the end of the world?

Thank you, that is all.
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