Thread: TBC UI Changes
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10-08-06, 04:40 AM   #25
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 6
Originally Posted by gorgeth
And you have 80 spare keybinds for that for raids? Lets go back to reality a bit folks shall we?

lets arrange 40 bars pleasingly.. and then set *at minimum* 2 different remove curse binds (sometimes 3 depending on class) now lets talk heals and ranks.. at least 3 different heals some classes have 5-6 in BC.. most of those need to be downranked at least to 2 other levels to fit various situations..

Just how many fingers/keybinds DO you think people have? or are you looking at strictly 5 man content in this glorius salute to blizzard incompetence?

I for one do not have enough key modifiers/mouse buttons/keys on my keyboard to bind all of that nevermind remeber all of it in the heat of battle.. and I only have 2 decurse, 1 utility and 3 heal types
Nope I was planning on using my mouse like I do now, and use to players frames to pick up the click.

so for each party member / raid member:

Left click = select
Right click = Heal (right now auto select heal, but will change to just fire the biggest heal you have, a minor set back)
Shift Left click = Flash Heal (again largest rank)
Middle Mouse = Renew
Shift Middle Mouse = Remove magic
Ctrl Middle Mouse = Cure disease

only thing not bound to a button now that I will use in raid is party heals and since that wont need a target I can use one key button for that.

only thing new in this setup from how I have it now is the lack of selecting rank of heal so you might wanna add some shift+Right click crtl + right click if you wanna use different size heals. And I now have to have a bind for cure magic and disease.

and if you say you use 2 decurse, 1 utility and 3 heal types then you have to remember 6 combos where of now you have to remember 3. I agree decursive was nice and easy to use but it's not the end of the world to see it gone.
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