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02-23-16, 03:18 AM   #1
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 13
How could I make this code much neater?

So, I currently have the following code written.

Lua Code:
  1. A.CreateDruidMana = function(f, unit)
  2.  local DruidMana = CreateFrame("StatusBar", "DruidMana", f);
  3.  DruidMana:SetStatusBarTexture(POWER_BAR);
  4.  DruidMana:SetOrientation("VERTICAL");
  6.  DruidMana.background = DruidMana:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND");
  7.  DruidMana.background:SetTexture(BACKDROP);
  8.  DruidMana.background:SetVertexColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1);
  9.  DruidMana.background:SetSize(10, f:GetHeight());
  10.  DruidMana.background:SetPoint("LEFT", f, "RIGHT", 2, 0);
  12.  DruidMana:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", DruidMana.background, "TOPLEFT", 2, -2);
  13.  DruidMana:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", DruidMana.background, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -2, 2);
  15.  local bg = DruidMana:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND");
  16.  bg:SetAllPoints(true);
  17.  bg:SetTexture(BACKDROP);
  19.  A.AddOptions(DruidMana, "frequentUpdates");
  20.  bg.multiplier = 0.2;
  22.  f.DruidMana = DruidMana;
  23. = bg;
  24. end

The reason that I created another texture called Background is to create a outer background like the following image:

However, I would like to Create "DruidMana" as a "Frame" rather than "StatusBar" and create "StatusBar" called "Bar" which becomes child object of "DruidMana" then Set Backdrop for "DruidMana" which I would like to use as outer frame instead of using texture called "Background".

Which would become:

Lua Code:
  1. local DruidMana = CreateFrame("Frame", "DruidMana", f);
  2. local Bar = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, DruidMana);
  3. local bg = Bar:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND");

I actually tried it, but it was not possible to set "DruidMana" as "f.DruidMana" since "DruidMana" was set to "Frame", not "StatusBar".

In addition to that even if I set "Bar" as "f.DruidMana", "DruidMana" does not hide on shape shift...

Could I please get an advice regarding this?
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